
I went for a walk and come to this new team shit, explain please

Attached: 2018-03-31 23.05.22.png (534x794, 484K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill whitey.

I love eating dicks

>I love eating dicks
Sounds cool...

h-haha.....*notices bulge*...



apwil fools

It's April 1st you literal fucking retard.

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Fuk i forgot that shit

It's not actually april 1st we're just fooling you.

So it's a prank about a prank

The team is based on ip right?
American ips are chocolate, Europeans are creme

fight for you team

Yeah sure, you figured it out

Attached: 4334d6d3897140f5bbd02819702ef261f67a56c09c22984f66106b6a9e5e33f0.png (211x239, 5K)

No. I germoney and no cream. It's based on gayness.
The gayer you are, the more likely you are to be team cream

Attached: chaturbate_transgenders.jpg (500x281, 18K)


gee senpai, what team am I on?

has anyone stuck their finger while a cat yawns?
it's funny to see them react

I still don't get it. What the fuck is going on? I know it's april 1st, but what is this colour shit? ELI5


It determines your sexuality

Yeah, guess Germany is mini, t. Germany

Hi im gay and so is everyone on my team

Weren't they chads?


This is a non-issue for phone posters.

what am i?

what kind of sexuality is peanut butter?

There are multiple threads on different boards asking this exact same question and no one fucking knows anything but pretends like they understand what's going on. REEEEEEEEE
Some moron please explain what the fuck is going on. Otherwise the conclusion is that Jow Forums is full of literal autists.

>conclusion is that Jow Forums is full of literal autists
Just leave and never come back buddy, you don't belong here.

Just post your countries so we know what country is what color.

scat fetishist

oh, noice
i could live with that

> I don't understand what's going on therefore nobody else does
How does one think like this?

>Otherwise the conclusion is that Jow Forums is full of literal autists.
Says you.

>act like I understand what's going on

typical creme poster

Some one use a vpn and change location

well if you had a brain you would realize how people are identified

I love choking on dog cocks

team scat

from what i can tell
>april fools
>teams based on IP
>teams named after candy (creme egg, peeps etc)
>score up the top
>score is rng according to /qa/, increases randomly every 15 minutes, but not by enough for any team to gain a major lead
>website goes full segregation harder than south africa as people proclaim their team the best

posting to see my team.

fyi im a leaf.

What's my team?

There's your team. Mini's getting closer ~_~

How do I choose a team? lolwle

speak for yourself, true germans are peep.

I'm team mini too!
mini me goes into mini u

Shut up tea mini compatriot before they learn about the mini dicks

Nice dubs!

testin team

>I went for a walk and come to this new team shit, explain please
A convenient but lazy excuse for shitposting. I hope it doesn't continue for long, since this is the only worthwile board on this forsaken website.

Here's a (you)

hit me baby

Isn't the point of Jow Forums that it is full of autists?

frick off poo in loo


>>Jow Forums has country flags

Fucking phoneposters


what team am i


based peepposter

>Isn't the point of Jow Forums that it is full of autists?
The point of Jow Forums is that it is a place for normies to vent their everyday frustrations, pretending to be autists, gays, nazis, girls (males), and shit.

Attached: kk.jpg (900x1163, 167K)

> Chocolate
You've been assigned to the nigger team (taking a shot in the dark since this is my first post teams post. Fingers crossed)

Easter is the Chocolate Holiday

I love futa dick

>guys i just came from reddit last summer
An Hero OP, you faggot.


The teams are made automatically according to what Google thinks your skin color is.

STFU faggot

Make me, BITCH.

Surprisingly, this is the most accurate description I have ever found. Kudos man

Fuck you hiro

we comin' fo da white women

Is it based on # posts or # of (you)'s?




team rolll

Remember user, creme is the white mans team.



im as confused as you are

Team check

Shitholean reporting in.

Attached: DZcCUAvXUAAdjqQ.jpg (1501x762, 104K)

Maybe it's an Easter candy thing?

Meh. It doesn't make any sense.


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Chocolate — Niggers
Creme — Whities
Peanut — Asians
Peep — Girls
Mini — Superior KDE users!


Art CC BY-SA Tyson Tan (
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KDE® is a registered trademark of KDE e.V. The nominative use of KDE e.V.'s trademark in this post neither implies nor should be interpreted as endorsement or approval of this post by KDE e.V. or its associates.

Attached: KDE_women_mascot_Katie_development_cropped_by_Tyson_Tan.png (2420x2420, 820K)
