Recommend me some other good Linux distros. I liked Linux Mint but I want to try other distros before choosing one

Recommend me some other good Linux distros. I liked Linux Mint but I want to try other distros before choosing one.

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Gentoo, CloverOS.

Easy as ubuntu, but less bloated

Rolling for team cream

If I get cream, you should install gentoo

Arch is good, Parabola is better.

ah just made another thread about this.
monitoring this one.

I've been using BunsenLabs for years now. Basically pre-riced Debian with a comfy openbox setup

Xubuntu LTS, Solus, Zorin (core) OS? Or Ubuntu MATE. Since your on the Mint wagon, figured user-friendly distros might be your thing.

Maybe later, try out Debian, Fedora, Manjaro, VOID, etc.

Man I wish Bunsenlabs will release helium anytime soon. Such a beautiful distro. I run Debian + XFCE with backports btw. Stable as fuck and great repos.

I've tried installing Debian about 10 times, and get impatient trying to follow the guides. It repeats the same things over and over.



Attached: debboi.png (792x495, 129K)

>easy ass ubuntu
not for noobs, since it doesn't handle the dependencies as automatically as ubuntu does

Just use Ubuntu with Mate. That's what ISIS OS (mint) is.

Ubuntu MATE

After Mint i switched to Ubuntu MATE and its been good to me thus far.


Attached: 81de11567237a65c.png (1280x720, 526K)


stay on mint desu

I would have probably given Mint a more serious chance if it was a RR distro, and for the fact I can't fucking stand Cinnamon. I think it looks like shit.

MXLinux for the win.

I can't stand how much wasted space is in cinnamons menu

Solus and Antergos.

Void, it's comfy

Linux Mint XFCE.