Next-gen Radeon will be fabbed by Intel

WTF is going on here?

Intel is also going to help AMD write and promote machine learning/deep learning libraries for Radeon to compete better against Nvidia's CUDA ecosystem. AMD is thought to have granted key GPU-related patent license to Intel so that Intel can enter discrete GPU market without getting sued to the oblivion by Nvidia over patent infringement.

Attached: radeon-rx-vega-logo-100711091-large.jpg (700x467, 13K)

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>this confuses the fanboy

They're businesses, not football teams. There's obviously a mutual benefit to what they're doing.

I have the feeling Intel is starting to understand it needs competition and that means letting AMD grow.

>I have the feeling Intel is starting to understand it needs competition and that means letting AMD grow.
Literally the reason why AMD has an x86 license.

Nice source.
>April 1st

Did you miss the Intel Vega iGPUs?

They aren't iGPU's you fucking moron.
It's no different from Sony and MS buying GPUs from AMD.

why the fuck would they want intel to fab their shit for them after they've spent the past few months shittalking their dogshit 10nm process

If Vega is on the Intel chip then it's integrated, deal with it you retarded piece of shit nigger gook soy cuck commie alt-right faggot.

1. It's fake
2. AMD hasn't mentioned Intel 10nm at any time officially
3. It's a fine process( the + and ++ versions are) it's just late
4. Even if it was real, there's a reason to use the process and that's capacity.

It's not on the Intel chip you retard, it's a separate chip(s) on the same package.

If it's inside this CPU, it's integrated, deal with it.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Take your pills Rashim.

Believe it : )

>intel and amd are joining forces to fuck over 100% of the people who buy CPUs
it's ogre

Stallman was right, it's time to switch to MIPS.

April fools

Hitler was right

That's got nothing to do with anything. IBM used to require their components be manufactured by at least two vendors for supply line robustness. So when Intel wanted the PC contract they were forced to license to another vendor.

April Fools you dumb pajeet.

Stis is not a joke.

To alle the morons that are saying that this is integrated GPU - it's just on the same package connected to the CPU using dedicated bus as far as I know.

That means (here I can be wrong)that there can be two GPUs + CPU on single package which means that intel can use their own gpu to show desktop and vega to render game graphics.

bonus: drivers are going to be made by intel.

I honestly dont think that hey would go with two GPUs design since it's increasing the chip size.

Btw i fucking hate touch screen keyboards

So is AMD going to have a good GPU again?

>That's got nothing to do with anything.
>IBM used to require their components be manufactured by at least two vendors for supply line robustness. So when Intel wanted the PC contract they were forced to license to another vendor.

we had a thread about this yesterday, you retards don't know shit

> Intel 10nm ++
> 2H'18
> 60 gorillion transistors

check today's date, faggot.

Attached: retard gorilla nigger.png (850x400, 266K)

literaly why intel also has a x64 licence


>literaly why intel also has a x64 licence
Intel needed competition for an IBM deal.
The amd x86_64 extension was also another method of keeping AMD in the game, because without it AMD would have died leaving Intel in a monopoly (in which Intel would have lost contracts). Intel's 64 bit was/is actually better at 64 bit than the x86_64 extension, but it emulated 32bit which made it unappealing to companies who did not want to upgrade software.

irs pajeet rumors

>The amd x86_64 extension was also another method of keeping AMD in the game
How retarded are you? Intel's options at the time were adopt AMD64 or lose the server market, since they couldn't sell Itaniums to save themselves.