Name one(1) sms/im android app that is better than pic related

name one(1) sms/im android app that is better than pic related.
common i'm waiting pajeets

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iMessage is literally the best messaging app in existence, and this is irrefutable.

facebook messenger

Andraids cannot compete with the sophistication of Apple. So refined and quintessential I want to transcend into something wonderful.

>facebook messenger

fucking lol


They’re all terrible.

(((Whatsapp))) is actually pretty decent

>common I’m waiting

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Hangouts was pretty good until they killed it.

fuck off you stupid grammar nazi

>(((Whatsapp))) is actually pretty decent

and owned by facebook

lmfao you joking right? all of those except kik are topnotch garbage
especially wechat and skype
>anything owned by fecesbook
yah no.



literally who?


The lack of cross-platform availability makes iMessage a piece of shit.

Next question.

>The lack of cross-platform availability makes iMessage a piece of shit.

works across my laptop, tablet and phone

sounds like the problem is at ur end

If you only text yourself, cool. But try iMessaging someone on Android.

I don't have any greenbubble friends

Oh, ok, iMessage is cool, then. I have friends on both sides of the war, so I have Signal
>wifi-sms threads merge
I can send one message over wifi, another over text messages and both show up in one thread

>I dont have any friends


Better in every way. Cross platform. Uses your own number. Is secure and logless unlike icuck who give the fbi backdoor access like a half-penny whore on payday down on at the docks.

>said by the guy who can't speak english


I don't have any friends using the single most popular messaging platform but you recommend something nobody has ever heard of before?

fucking lol

all shit

Textra is the best messaging app you fucking Peep fgt

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Care to fucking explain why?

While I do admit iMessage's integration is sick, Signal respects my memes.

no stickers

Wire, Riot, Signal

Name one person in this thread that isn't a baited moron. Reminder to sage, report and hide.

Telegram, there are no qt anime stickerpacks on imessage



You're using a message program to do what a groupchat program is for, who's the real retard here

nobody said anything about group chat so I guess you're the retard?

>except kik
I think you meant to say "especially".

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WhatsApp. I live in Southeast Asia and no one seriously uses iMessage. Everyone who has an iPhone uses WhatsApp or LINE messenger. Most people have Android phones. Hell, most of the richfags go for the S9+/Note 8 instead of the iPhone X. Feels good to not be cucked.