C++ Newby

Any advice for someone who's still fairly new to C++ and programming in general?

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Never trust a fart.

Programming socks is a lie

Check those damn equal signs. I spent way too much time debugging only to find out I put singular '=' instead of two of them in an if. Why the fuck isn't this considered a syntax error?

Don't listen to advice from Jow Forums, most of them don't know what they're talking about

Don't worry if you are a virgin. Pointers will fuck you no matter what.

Also I wouldn't start with C++ if that's your first language. Try python or C# or something a little more forgiving.

Make sure you wear propper attire

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Because syntax error is something improperly written. One equal sign inside if is more than ok, so it's not a syntax error ppl

Is there any reason to place singular equal sign there though? If not syntax error, then some other error at least, I don't think one equal sign in an if is ever good.

Assignment returns a value.
if ((x = 1) > 0)
is the same as
if (1 > 0)

when dealing with bitflags use bitset instead of managing your own bitflag variables manually.ive seen too much fags coming from c doing it the old way.

tip: use if(10 == x) not if(x == 10) and you avoid this.

C++ is hideously complex. You're probably better off using C if you're interested in low level programming, and literally anything else if you're not.

Do not try python as you first language.

JavaScript then?

Op im also looking at c++ as a dirst language.
When an if statement starts fucking your code up, check your {}s when nesting loops and dont put ;s at the end of 'if (condition)'

using namespace is considered bad practice


Try C#. Visual Studio is great as an IDE as well.

Fuck. That's clever. Or should I say: I'm stupid.

why not? I'm learning programming with python (using Think Python 2nd edition by Allen Downey)