Cracking the April fools' joke pt. 2

Previous thread: We've already figured that teams are assigned based on IP, with the formula being
team = (second_to_last_octet + last_octet) % 5
0 = Peep,
1 = Chocolate,
2 = Creme,
3 = Peanut Butter,
4 = Mini

Example: => (7 + 85) % 5 = 2 = Creme

All credit to for solving it.

Current task: figuring out how scores are incremented.

Attached: suh2v6B[1].jpg (1179x883, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

my father works at Jow Forums and it's all rigged

First for traps are gay

peep scriptfags are killing the game


Attached: boysdateboysandgirlsdategirls.jpg (1920x1080, 575K)

An idea I saw on /sci/ is that the score is literally random, with no connection to posts or threads or anything.

wh*Teoid BTFO

I thought (you)s are scores

Shut up you racist.

You mean this?

I've seen people speculate that on a few boards. It would be kind of funny if that turned out to be the case, and all the teams are at each other's throats over absolutely nothing.

Truly skub vs anti-skub.

yeah it's a pretty good joke if that's the case

Fuck off skub nigger.

Well then ask /sci/ to do some Baysein Confidence Intervals. I haven't touched that shit in 10 years, surely one of them still remembers how.


How frequent does the scoreboard update?

5 minutes as far as I can tell? That's a usual server update kind of time anyway.

every 10 mins

Would be such a wasted opportunity, though.

If it was random I think the margins would not be so high.

My IP is 127.0.0.π

Attached: re.png (550x400, 198K)


Eh, the totals are well within reasonable intervals in a trailing count with such a large variance (10-150). But the mass of data points that we have of all the individual "rolls" might tell a different story.

It's not looking like it, though. It's probably just random.

wasted how?


here you retards

Attached: 1522572512715.png (1158x789, 141K)

so rigged

Thanks for reminding me how autistically good detectives we are as a whole

where is the thread this was made in pls


>Current task: figuring out how scores are incremented.
It has to be something it increments once the user submits post otherwise it would need to save redundant data and waste calculating resources. It needs to be something simple so it won't need to unnecessarily complex actions such as looking up which IP the quoted user had as someone suggested it has to do with (You)'s.

So I'd say it has to be either threads created or unique IP's per team. Those are both relatively simple and the numbers would be quite realistic.

This proves nothing.

If he cannot see how the points are given, he can't just conclude that they are just made up. Nice to see a spreadsheet, but it's a dumb post.


have one (1) (you)

Attached: FRZscren.png (1920x1080, 2.93M)

can't someone calc the number of total posts on the site and find out if they add up with the score increases?

This is silly, I like it. Thanks Hiroshi.

I'm team mini

I think it's counted by threads.

It's probably not (You)s as that would be somewhat computationally expensive to calculate, and it's probably also not unique IPs as it's way too unevenly distributed for that.

It could be based on images, posts or GETs, but even then I feel it should be a lot more evenly distributed.

Everything is predetermined. Hiro is playing us all for fools.

It's the best hypothesis we have so far.
If it was based on anything real then you would expect a more noticeable trend in the data.

There's 0% chance it's unique IPs per team. You just would never see that kind of variance on a "count of rolls that hit 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on a 5-sided dice" that you've been seeing each interval. The total count, sure, but not the wild interval variance we see.

And I have trouble believing it's anything to do with post count because it just doesn't seem to correlate with overall site activity.

I don't know what else it could be other than randomless unless some mod is just holding a clicker and pressing it every time someone from a team makes him laugh or replies to one of his posts.

My dad owns Jow Forums, Peep will win this

without any test data, we can only speculate.
But garnering test data would need cooperation of a whole board; or a takeover of an unpopular board for testing

also, given Team is given by IP%n, perhaps score might be found by imagenumber%m?

What about
>dubs is 1 point
>trips is 3 points
>quads is 5 points
>quints is 10 point

Just saw a peep on /a/ get quints and the scores went up significantly.



Well if you want to start modding shit it could be anything. (Post count of team % 140) + 10. Sure, why not; that would certainly work. Though, really, I'd just call that a kind of random number generator.


FYI the ONLY OC I've seen aside from princess-tans
was from peeps

Attached: sonichu.jpg (676x944, 97K)

given a complex system with as many actors working upon it as Jow Forums, the number is as good as random.

Correct me if I'm wrong- maths isn't my strong point. If the amount of points goes up for each team randomly like this suggests. It doesn't necessarily mean that there is a random number generator. If the points were based off gets it would still seem random as you are just as likely to get dubs no matter what team you are on.

how will using a small board help, the score is Jow Forums wide

Somebody could get some update data score and time data.

I am using API Jow Forums to get info about post on API team is name as xa18

Scores are based on posts quality, duh.
Only good posts allowed


I see.

oh wow

If people wanted to test they could do it by all assigning themselves a new IP until they get a particular team (for example Peanut Butter since they are dead last) then all going onto /po/ or something and creating threads and uploading images to see if they rise up the charts.

exactly, that's why the claim is retarded.

that team trick doesnt work 4 me

why po, /3/ is much slower

what trick

>team = (second_to_last_octet + last_octet) % 5

test post please die


that's not a trick
what do you mean don't work

anyone figured this out?

i mean that if i add the second to last octet of my ip with the last one how it was explained or exactly how the example shows it, it doesn't match up with the team I was assigned.


Maybe number of unique IPs having posted today.

red herring/mods shitposting

#1 Peep
> 4567

Care to share the two last octets of your IP?

What about nons?

and those figures being? everyone in the last thread did it and it checks out?

>April's fools joke
>people actually think the scores are determined
This shit is fuckin hilarious.

I should be peep

and use so we can be sure it is your public ip

look at this post for why peep is ahead

nope wait turns out im just retarded dont mind me

>and all the teams are at each other's throats over absolutely nothing.
Kind of the fucking point

It's number of unique posters brainlets

Over the entire website? The numbers are way too low for that.

You grossly overestimate how many people post here.

anybody want to join hijacking /3/ with peanut butter ip's

that math is off on my ip, what gives.

I don't think that that is true. There is a theory that gets spamfiltered if you explain it. Unless the mods are leading us on a false scent, the theory must be true.

>(7 + 85) % 5 = 2
>92 % 5 = 2
>% 5

I feel dumb as shit, what calculation is being done here?

paste the equation into google

Remainder after dividing by 5


what if the score is (You)s, rather than my initial thought that it was posts?

Ok, genius at work, take 30 seconds out of your important day and write a script that chooses a random number between 0 and 4 and then ticks one of 5 boxes up and then display how many times each box was ticked after 500 rounds or so.

Tell me if you get any result that looks ANYTHING like 36, 34, 37, 24, 144

the remainder of 92 divided by 5

I didn't know either

> (OP)
Gotta keep in mind people that lurk only

how do people on Jow Forums of all places not know this