Is there anything worse than the Thinkpad X230? It's like you tried to fall for the Thinkpad meme and failed even at that. It's got all the negatives of the previous generation (+ more) and none of the positives.
Is there anything worse than the Thinkpad X230...
wtf why that? I have one and its bretty gud/10
i have a t420 and the screen is horrific.
Yes i have the 1600x900 one.
Shit keyboard, Intel backdoors, Lenovo BIOS bullshit, shit track point. I could go on.
Dono, love mine, pretty crisp imo
The t420 has the worst screen put on a business laptop in over a decade. You might love it but that just means you love the absolute objectively worst piece of shit available to you
Any upgrade recommendations?
Yes. Buy a new fucking laptop. Any mainline thinkpad from broadwell later on is great. T450s is particularly good.
Or if you still want dumpster diving meme shit then get a t430, replace the keyboard, and then replace the screen with the original x1 carbon screen. Its a drop in replacement.
>I dont use the keyboard. and its really not that bad for when youre on the go
>implying other Israeltel chips dont have backdoors
>update bios
>change the rubber on your trackpoint
I never said any of that.
T450(s) and T460(s) screens are alright.
Seconding the T450s recommendation. Pic related.
>using a 2011 laptop in 2018
What's wrong with that?
I know right? Fucking newfags.
Why use that when you can use a T60. I just bought an upgrade for mine to make it a bit faster, even though it is just for studying, but I'll be able to install a 64bit OS at least.
T2400-2GB 667 > T7600-4GB 667
Can't wait.
Hey, what's wrong with the X230? I mean apart from the shitty trackpoint that always ends up drifting, the awful trackpad, the keyboard or the worst screen panels ever created by man. After all that what's there not to like?
feeling comfy with my refurbished T440s
>look up 2018 $1k laptop cpu's
>2% better than my x220 cpu
I literally upgraded from x220 to x230 a few months ago. I love how the classic keyboard looks but I can type faster with chiclet. It's modern meme layout is inferior, but keypress feels better. X220
that's fucking bullshit and you know it
Any the xx20 doesn't have any of those? Do you have mental aids or something?
Yes it's called the X1 carbon second gen
>Shit keyboard, Intel backdoors, Lenovo BIOS bullshit, shit track point. I could go on.
>I didn't say any of that
You got autism, boy.
It's the overclocked gma 945 that the xx20 tards think is acceptable in anything that can't be librebooted
Imagine being so delusional that you see the worst thinkpad line before the redesign as the best one
Fellow X230 owner here.
I like mine. It's cute. The only thing that I think is shitty is that the BIOS hasn't been hacked yet to allow other hardware.
Yes the 20 series
It's 16:9 trash
It can't be librebooted
Hd3000 is basically an overclocked GMA 945
It has garbage ivy bridge compatibility
It has the same pcie whitelist as the 30 series and you need the same bios flasher if you wanna do anything good with it
It's not even that cheap anymore compared to the 30 series
>but muh keyboard
Can be used by the 30 series if you like it so much
>but muh easy flash bios
Who cares, any worthwhile bios mod needs a flasher
>but muh libreboot
Just waitâ„¢ faggot while I laught at you with my coreboot + ime cleaner X230
>but 30 battery whitelist
Cracked. You can flash a patch or if you're too retarded the chinks already make batteries that bypass the check just fine.
>inb4 you should go back to /vee/ for mentioning a gpu
*60 and **00 has libreboot
*61 and **01 have superior aspect ratios at least
**30 series is the last ThinkPads to preserve the ibm design and blend in qualities from modern thinkpads
What does 20 series have? Nothing. It does nothing you can't do better with the older models, it does nothing 30 series can't do
Why would I buy worse hardware ?
What? What do you mean by this?
T400 and X200 don't, retard. I didn't say the X220 and T420 don't.
You quoted me completely differently in the other post.
Fucker the X200 and the X230 have identical trackpoints, I should know I have both.
The keyboard has been really great to me and I've had none of the issues listed in the photo. Different strokes I guess.
No they don't. Everyone knows they don't.
All modern Lenovo laptops have some BIOS code that prevents the machine from booting if it detects hardware that isn't whitelisted. That means you can't just swap out the wireless card for a new one without first installing a BIOS mod of some kind.
why is everyone falling for the keyboard meme, it's better than the previous one faggots
I know but you are aware that the X230 has had its whitelist removed a long time ago?
Don't fall for this meme. It's a great laptop and you won't regret the purchase.
Just paint it green and throw it in the woods