Tell people I study CS

>tell people I study CS
>they ask me where they can download illegal software

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Well, why don't you tell them? I mean it's not like they're wrong in thinking that you know.

dumb peepposter

>tell people I study CS
>they ask me for tech support
Jokes on them, I enjoy helping people.

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> illegal software isn't real though

>tell people im a programmer
>they tell me to fix their fucking lg tv

>tell people I'm a software developer
>they recommend me IT jobs

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Fuck peeps

>tells me they want illegal software
>link them to software that downloads cp
>"what the fuck is wrong with you?!?!"
ungrateful fuckers

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How many software developers does it take to change a light bulb?

They can't. It's a hardware problem.

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>the current state of peeps

>be games developer
>"oh man you make games? you should make this game idea i have"

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>ideas guy will be called an 'innovator' and 'visionary' while the code monkeys and artists do all of the leg work

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>be me, studying cs, family becomes aware of it
>grandpa instantly wants help with getting his computer setup
>do it
>now he has problems with his printer too
>he prints out his emails so he can read them
>after 50 mins of fucking with drivers I fix the problem
>3 years later
>fixed printer issues like 5 times
>his new wife (gma died a while ago) wants help now too
>go ahead and help her to try and find a few word documents
>challenge accepted
>couldn't find them
>spend 30 mins basically trying to get more details about the files
>nothing specific, tried every key piece of info for the searc, even dates
>she starts to get mad at me for not understanding her
>(but rly shes just pissed that she probably didnt save her work and mr computer magic guy cant pull out a rabbit)
>too much hassle and not enough to work with to even think about recovery
>give up after an hour
>a year goes by
>gpa's wife is at thanksgiving dinner
>i say something that reminded her of computing
>she starts telling me about how i messed up her computer
>tells me that word makes two copies of every document, one of them uneditable, per every new document saved
>tells me i did this weird shit to her pc
>immediate surrounding chatter goes silent
>tell her i had nothing to do with that
>she starts raising her voice and lecutring me about how things used to be on her pc
>literally everyone around is beginning to get uncomfortable
>start to have telephone tech support flashback
>literally go into "yes mhm i understand" mode
>literally have to placate my gma in law to get her to stfu before i had an anneurysm
>gma in law sees shes made her point, stops talking
>polite gameface for the rest of the now awkward as fuck party
>christmas comes around
>gma in law wants pc help again
>gma didnt apologize but seemed to show remorse in her word choice

still haven't helped, worth it? y/n


Step grandma, not "in-law".

Fuck that cunt she'll just find something else to bitch about

>being a retard and not taking things for free

This is why Communism is best Darwinist system, survival of the fittest AND the smartest

>tell people I study CS
>they think I can program
>they think I can help their computer

I can't

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>finish CS degree
>Dad asks "So what job does that get you? Fixing computers?"
>still thinks CS means you get a job as the computer repair guy at best buy, no matter how many times I explain it to him
It's like asking if getting degree in Engineering lets you be a fry cook at McDonalds

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>tell dad I did a school machine learning project
>"yeah I know about it through this Dan Brown novel I read, nice job, its really advanced stuff"

how is the shitty job
When I think of game dev I think if wanting to kill myself

I got a CS major, but I'll the first to point out a lot of CS majors couldn't even cut it at Geek Squad. They don't teach you anything about computers themselves, you learn some basic concepts- and then its all (really shitty) programming from there. The only actual use of a CS degree is to get you internships to build a resume`

Maybe at your shitty school, not mine

Helps you not be a "stitch shit together" pajeet, but I agree with you.

I'm not saying it takes no training at all, but it doesn't take a 4 year degree to learn how to install harddrives and replace screens or install Windows. I've never actually used their services before, do they do anything more complex than that? And I don't mean this as a slight but does geeksquad even require any education?

do u have warez?


>trying to flirt with a hot girl
>tell her I'm CS
>can feel her pussy drying up as soon as I said it
>She was disgusted and just said EWWWW
Sometimes I think about how many girls I could get if I did finance or accounting. Their school is flooded with qts

>tell people I study EE
>user, the lights in my room are blinking, how do I fix this?
>user, my blender is not working anymore, can you give a look?

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You just don't do any support with tech illiterate family members. The only time I did was with my aunt, but she was genuinely trying to learn how to do stuff.

They whine that their computer isn't working and then they blame any future problems on you.
And they always click every god damned link on facebook and every last bit of clickbait on msn.