>he hasn't upgraded to Windows 10 yet
Mind explaining yourself?
He hasn't upgraded to Windows 10 yet
stop using lain in your shitty threads
my internet is shit and this garbage won't stop downloading/uploading useless crap
How would it be an upgrade if Arch is far superior?
Because fuck da po-leese, nutella.
I'm running Windows 7 and Linux Mint
It would be a downgrade in every way
Enjoy reinstalling your OS every week :^)
Uh, no. But I would enjoy that because Arch is fun to install.
This but Win7 and Gentoo
Convince me to upgrade my BotNet7 to BotNet10
The UI looks disgusting on winshit 10
Slow on development. Anti productive. Coming from someone who used all possible oses
>Install W10 2 days ago
>1803 coming out in a while and upgrading is always a shitty process
I'm not installing that botnet until I'm forced to
Can't find a torrent link I can trust and I dont speak russian
How is it an upgrade if everyone who has it is actively trying to make it more like previous versions.
Because Windows 7 still works.
>using lain to promote winmetry *
Anyone has pirated W10?
Is it doable?
peeps fags
why would you pirate windows 10
lol just download the iso from microsoft and activate it
finding mixed notions on the activators, know of a working one?
what team am i
yeah mstoolkit
I paid 5 bucks for a win 10 license, you can get it on ebay.
something something windows 7 just works something
I have a friend who is legitimately scared to upgrade to Windows 10 from WINDOWS 8 because he thinks Microsoft is going to spy on him....
Paranoid people are the worst.
Sorry I don't want HDD die from 24/7 scanning by FBI.
>lol I enjoy wasting my life unproductively XD
It's not paranoia if it's written right in the EULA.
You may not like it visually but Windows 10 has a superior scheduler under the hood, not to mention it is more secure than Windows 7.
Thx bros
You missed my point man. Unless you have patching turned off which is pretty dumb Windows 7 and 8 can spy on you just as well.
Of course just like Windows 10 you can block this, uninstall it, etc. In the end you are are just gimping yourself to an older OS by not upgrading.
Stop abusing lain with your shill posts. Lain would never use windows.
Laggy Windows menu
No real reason to
W7 is much more simpler to debotnet than W10 and keeping it that way, gimping? Oh no, I miss DX12 on which no relevant game relies on!