reminder that the "contest" is rigged and anybody getting invested in it is falling for hiroshimoot's social experiment
Reminder that the "contest" is rigged and anybody getting invested in it is falling for hiroshimoot's social experiment
my "team" is 200 "points" "ahead" of "your"s
I knew it
>falling for peanut butter propaganda
How is OP goy propaganda?
lol its just a social experiment bro xddd
I invested all my savings to Team Peanut Butter because it's obvious some major players are short-selling PB before its dramatic rise.
Buy PB while it's low, in less than three hours it will skyrocket to 8500.
fsck now we know it is a contest....
WE NEED A new contest.
I invested all my savings to Team Peanut Butter because it's obvious some major players are short-selling PB before its dramatic rise.
Buy PB while it's low, in less than three hours it will skyrocket to 8.500.
we've recorded variations above 150, peanut butter justt went up by 190
Because you can do a spreadsheet on the updates, you think that proves that the points have no variable. Lmao what a faulty logic.
Not saying it's not true, just saying that whole screenshot that people keep posting is dumb because it doesn't prove what it's meant to prove.
pindakaas peanut butter
what team am i
refresh you nigger
but it wasn't supposed to be like this
The worst team
Not anymore.
Anyone got the updated spreadsheet?