You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using CloudFlare DNS right now

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using CloudFlare DNS right now

Attached: card.png (1510x720, 1.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1485052699212.jpg (320x238, 24K)

But user, everything is botnet

idk op, tell my why I should

>more private
good one

CloudFlare censors websites that hurt their feelings.

Attached: 1500463764635.jpg (1280x960, 312K)

wow send all of my traffic through a huge American corporation, great idea!

because is slower than the local dns unless you live in cloudflare basement

This. Use BitMitigate instead, they have no history of suddenly denying service to political dissidents

>using any cloud service

Attached: 1402428199869.png (1024x712, 168K)

>CloudFlare censors websites that hurt their feelings.
Genuinely interested

They shut down access to stormfront a few months ago

Because exists.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: Capture.png (940x457, 57K)

I don't know, but I won't take their word for it.

I'm gonna run DNS benchmark to test it against Google, Open DNS and my ISP's DNS

I'd rather run OpenDNS instead of this.

>kill all minorities
>"hurt feelings"


I just use opendns, nice that you can block sites with their service. Next best thing other then running your own dns service.

Results (fastest to slowest)
>ISP's No.2
>ISP's No.1
OpenDNS confirmed shit, but the others are pretty much a tie. I'm going to use my ISP's.

>Cloudflare should be the arbitrator of what is morally acceptable
Also it's your mistake if you take people like Andrew Anglin seriously. He might have hateful views, but neither this, nor being an insufferable edgelord should be grounds for exclusion from a service.

because it fucked my domain name and doesnt work.
i think im going to stick to godaddy

my results

Attached: 1517229422569.jpg (596x736, 123K)

because how the fuck does regional CDN bullshit work correctly if I use a DNS in a region I don't live in?


Nothing of value lost.
I'll continue to use my own DNS server which references the root servers directly.

>should be grounds for exclusion from a service
But they should. Hell I would deny tap water and electricity from racists.


>unironically running grcware on your computer.

Link me a FOSS DNS benchmark, user

>Nothing of value lost.
a precident was set and there will come a day when using your own DNS won't help you

Because I already use quad 9

Google is faster

Actually cloudflare booted them from their service for slandering them, nothing to do with hate speech or something like that
Whether that's better or not is up to your judgement

>use ISP DNS,
ISP has contractual obligations
>use cloudflare
It has a middle finger in the air obligations

Because I pay for a VPN and use my vpn’s dns as well otherwise I probably would.

>a precident was set
yeah, decades ago.

DNS servers
Use these servers to block ads, tracking and phishing
Or use IPv6 addresses
Family protection
Default + blocking adult websites + safe search
Or use IPv6 addresses

I personally use L3 DNS as reference for my DNS caching server at home. So it goes out once to get a name, then it's cached locally.

I'd prefer to look up via the TLD servers themselves but haven't had the opportunity to figure out how to create a real DNS server.

without i get 40mbps down
with i get 7 mbps down

You say that now, but the slippery slope once started will keep on sliding and one day they will come for something you like.

Y should i

that's a completely different thing and i hope you are aware of that.

I can't

>kill all minorities for as long as it exists
>suddenly it thinks oh i have to get rid of them now because they want to kill all minorities more than usually

give them the power to deny things to racists and you will give them the power to deny things to everyone who disagrees you dumb fashist

People who legitimately think like this are the reason why your country will die as a cesspit of """diversity""" instead of thriving as a cohesive cradle of new civilizations

>no DNSCrypt
great job

because my LEDE router's dnsmasq filters the stupid NXDOMAIN hijacking by my ISP's and it "jus werks" now so I really don't give a shit.

go back to fucking hacker news and reddit fucking fuck copy pasta

Do you understand how DNS works? lol

>make fun of a fat bitch
>no service for you bad goyim.
fuck cloudflare.

anyone know if dns is used to fingerprint?

Fingerprint? No. Track? More than possibly. Literally every website you visit (or don't actually visit, like 3d party elements on a website) are going through the DNS server. Whoever owns the DNS server, owns your entire meta traffic. This is why Google is into it.


Attached: MINI FUCKING CREME.jpg (542x600, 45K)

do you understand how CDNs work?

>Random anons ironic jokes are the responsibility of publishers.

I run my own resolver with dnscrypt proxy

Because it is botnet and I run my own anyway.
Now kill yourself faggot.



I have dnsmasq pointed at opennic for dns because I value freedom.

It's actually way slower for me. I'll pass.

How do you user test your DNS when choosing one? Or you just go blind choosing?

see when you run the tool, just delete every entry and manually add google, opendns and cloudflare and whatever else you want and your ISP's own, then run the benchmark

It will help me to check if the DNS I did choose it is resolving correctly?

I think it was Anglin himself that was slandering them

my nanny-state (country) forces my ISP to DNS filter some websites



First they came for...



b-but I already do

Attached: dllhost_2018-04-01_20-55-05.png (357x75, 3K)

I am using a European not logging DNS like the one from CCC!

The CCC offers a DNS?

It annoys me more than it should that they are sticking up their fingers like that and not one finger on different hands.

>They shut down access to stormfront a few months ago

Attached: sucks.jpg (653x477, 77K)

opennic is the answer
and if you're able to run your own tier-2 nameserver to help them out, you're making it better for everyone

Cloudflare did it to prove a point: i.e. that he shouldn't be able to shut down websites because of hurt feelings. He supports anti censorship legislation, hes one of the good guys

>because of hurt feelings

fuck you, its a Nazi website. An ideology that calls for the genocide of multiple marginalized groups of people. They're dangerous and shouldn't be allowed to spread their poison ideology.

>imagine being this buttblasted

Attached: 1522565443313_0.gif (720x540, 448K)

>>kill all minorities
But user, advocating killing the global minority (Whites) is perfectly fine with (((them))).

It says Daily Stormer made false claims about Cloudflare
I fail to see the problem here, that is perfectly justifiable

Because I run my own DNS resolver.
There is no reason to trust 3rd party services.

Attached: smug_5head.png (311x276, 132K)

because I

it and all say that but i've yet to see proof for it, but even if they did it that does not justify that it just shows that they'll get rid of you if they don't like what you say instead of just correcting the record

Because I use pihole as a DNS forwarder to OpenNIC and my requests go out via a VPN tunnel because I'm not a retard member from /v/ like 90% of this board.

what are you using to do this / how exactly?

I am running a local caching resolver (with unbound) but that still just gets resolves from the upstream provider ( now)

>browsing faster

uhh not really, dns cache is a thing

Use a root hints file and point it to that.
root-hints: "whateverthefuck.hints"

Make sure not to include a forward-zone.

because the default at&t one that my gigapower fiber internet uses is the fastest

Attached: 2018-04-01_17-29-29.png (930x1464, 357K)

Yet you use a local DNS that is much slower?

no idea what that one with the black border is, my router settings says I use the on on the top of that list

Apparently you aren't using your ISP's DNS on the computer though. The filled circles are the active DNS server for your connection.

Because it's a slow shit.

Attached: DNSBench_2018-04-02_01-40-27.png (596x760, 55K)


Attached: sweating man.jpg (300x300, 15K)

Yeah because white people at trash.

...that come with sauce?

I'm telling you man, your DNS server is either your own computer or another devices on the same network. Look into Settings > Network > Status > Network and sharing center > select the currently active connection > details...

What is under IPv4 DNS servers?

Attached: 2018-04-01_17-46-45.png (599x682, 78K)