Cracking the April fools' joke pt. 3

Old one hit bump limit.

So far we know:

Team is based on last two Octets of public IPv4 address.
team = (second_to_last_octet + last_octet) % 5

0 = Peep
1 = Chocolate
2 = Creme
3 = Peanut Butter
4 = Mini

This was found out by Currently trying to figure out how to rig scores.

Attached: 1521436589858.jpg (2560x1600, 708K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Second for RNG scores.

third for there's nothing to solve it's fucking random


Posting to find out my team.

Fourth for it could be GETs.

Bump for outdated scores while I iron out a bug!
>Peep +172
>Creme +93
>Mini +65
>Chocolate +176
>Peanut Butter +102


I'm pretty sure the number of points assigned is based on the number of repeating digits you get in your post number. Dubs=2pts Trips=3pts etc.

Why is Peanut Butter lagging behind so horribly?

I would not consider that the score is determined by times a certain team is mentioned. The pattern of grow doesn't suit the board reactions, e. see Chocolate winning over Mini.
A lot of anons have pointed out that it may be RNG due to the mean of scores, this type of method also fits the April joke bias
>Number of dubs or gets (multiplied when trips or higher, this could explain the score differences)
>Images posted
>Threads created
>Words in a post divided by a constant

Why doesn't 4chanx let you center threads without some other shit extension. It's not fucking fair just build it into 4chanx you lazy fags.

seriously what is this shit

There will statistically be less Peanut Butter users.

>brainlets cant into modulus
we need mandatory Jow Forums summer school

Okay, think I fixed it. Here's the latest scoop, fresh out the botnet!
>Peep +85
>Creme +117
>Mini +182
>Chocolate +34
>Peanut Butter +51
Holy shit, congrats Mini!

Any quads/quint for mini?

stop mentioning m*ni everyone


Hey, I'm just reporting scores. A big diff merits a congrats, no? Unless it's RNG, in which case congrats to the "random" circuitry on the servers running Jow Forums!

For some reason the number of searches for creme in here find.Jow divided by 5 gives a very close number for the number of points in Team Creme, not the case for the other teams though.

When the update happened , it was 28017/5 = 5603 while the counter currently says 5668.


There's no way, the number isn't going up fast enoungh for all boards at once.

Newfag to Jow Forums, /x/ told me Jow Forums found the answer

So can I get an quick rundown? Seems to me like a cheap psy-op 'cause something is happening somewhere.

Read OP to see how the teams are assigned, then help us figure out how points are awarded.


Team is assigned based on your IP, scores are probably random but nothing has been confirmed there.

wouldn't it be bizarre if each team had a different way of generating points?

Just google what is my ipv4 address
take the last two digits add them together and then take the result modulo 5, the corresponding number is your team.

Good luck in hacking the gates, Jow Forums.

I was about to say that would be inherently unfair, but mods are faggots anyway so it might be possible. Mods should just leave already.

Lmaooo bodied

>Team Chocolate lost 10 points for this post

X amount points per time, several point system, get % between All teams and teams get X * %Team

Should keep an eye on it that's close enough.
What would be uncommon enough for pe*nut butter to get that low?

el psy congroo

>solving with peeps
might as well fund africa

if that were the case the results should be more equal assuming each team is posting equally
currently peanut butter in 5th is 469 behind chocolate while chocolate is only 223 behind peep in 1st
so unless PB are significantly under posting that shouldn't be the cause...

Time to find out what team I am.

Sorry sweety Chocolate will prevail mods know Chocolate is superior, keep getting cucked by mods on other boards.

>>Team is based on last two Octets of public IPv4 address.


what a joke.

they wouldn't drink my creme cum to gain our blessing

New Scores!
>Peep +197
>Creme +30
>Mini +95
>Chocolate +59
>Peanut Butter +47
Congrats to Peep for the big diff!

x  ~  dig boards.Jow aaaa @2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f

; DiG 9.12.0 boards.Jow aaaa @2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER

anyone else find it amusing that the largest result of that function gets assigned to team mini

Update : 28374/5= 5675 vs 5698

Attached: 952.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

>only 47

I'm pretty sure it's whoever if a thread reaches bump limit the OP's team gets a point, no idea how to check this.

born to suffer

Couldn't say, but it'd be impressive if they found 5 different sets of arbitrary qualifiers that could keep things this close.

for fucks sake come on cremes we almost beat the peeps
spread our creme cum

There aren't that many threads reaching bump limit, so very unlikely.

Peanut butter and chocolate are harder to type than creme peep and mini

score based on whichever team sees more ads

If the mention theory is correct no one wants to type out such a long team name. The others are fairly short. Also being last doesn't help, because people will rage mention you less.

Rolling for team since I only have an ipv6 address currently

>since I only have an ipv6 address currently
Riddle me this: How do you post on 4chin?

That would explain why chocolate and peanut butter are in last place. Still, the score numbers seem kind of low for how big Jow Forums is and how long this has been live, so maybe it's not 1 mention = 1 point?

A graph would help, we need to scrape scores with timestamps

It's rigged :^)

ip6->ip4 tunnel

if it was team name related why not just spam a thread full of one team's name, see what happens? I doubt it is tho

if i had to make a guess it only counts if the exact word is mentioned (not case sensitive)
so for example creme and cReME would count but something like cremey wouldn't

I'm thinking the same thing, but maybe the chances of typing out another team then your own are very low.

checking team


So you do have a public IPv4 address then, even if it's NAT'ed.

what is this?

Should do that with Peanut Butter. They could use the help if that's how it is.

Very true. I've got it logging every change with timestamps, full scores and diffs, so either at the end of 1 April or when I get bored I'll post a Pastebin link so people can do all that with the data I've gathered. Much too lazy for such a short-lived event.


checkin team

New Scores!
>Peep +61
>Creme +68
>Mini +120
>Chocolate +60
>Peanut Butter +59

what if it's streaks? that is, if the preceding post is from the same team, then assign one point to that team

1. Creme
2. Peep
3. Peep (increment Peep)
4. Peep (increment Peep)
5. Chocolate
6. Chocolate (increment Chocolate)

so a thread like this nets 2 points for Peep and one point for Chocolate

what's my team peeps

your mom

>implying 95% of networks arent purely ipv4
gas urself my man

What team am I?

True, Peanut Butter is the least threat anyway.


Well, the ratio of current points to search results are
Chocolate: 3.37
Creme: 4.98
Mini: 4.36
PB: 2.49
Peep: 4.19

So Peanut Butter would need the least number of mentions to generate a point, and creme would need the most - doesn't really mesh too well.

I say it’s the number of pics you post

Attached: A20426E1-923E-4A9D-A804-40692A7B8EA8.jpg (791x584, 97K)

Can someone make a spamming thread so we can test the name related theory?

Can we be not last at least once?

what if it's something really trivial
like posts made exactly on a minute or posts made every 2 minutes

We'd be at way more points, I've seen some 20+ something streaks. This thread ( ) would be + 200 alone

If it'll make you feel better, I can put your team first in the list. But I won't fudge the scores.

Have anyone figured out why we are winning?

wat team i am?

You're thinking too small

There's been million of posts by now so the scores would be way higher

Maybe it's individual posts mentioning a team. We should make a thread and post the same team repeatedly for a 10 minute window to test. Do it with one of the two low score teams so we can see the difference more clearly.

>make a spamming thread
have you looked around?

>implying that is acceptable

double sad.

if IPv4 is so bad why do you have an address?????

if this is true then I should be team Mini

Go to other boards, there are already a lot of spam threads

the losing one

i dont even like peenut butta
i rather swap team

mimi for life