Cracking the April fools' joke pt. 4

Old one hit bump limit again
pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 >How is my team assigned?
Team is based on last two Octets of public IPv4 address.
team = (second_to_last_octet + last_octet) % 5

0 = Peep
1 = Chocolate
2 = Creme
3 = Peanut Butter
4 = Mini

(Thanks to )

>How is the score calculated?
We don't know for sure yet, the best theory as of now appears to be mention by other teams, possibly even file uploads.

Attached: 1521222686308.png (1360x768, 859K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law

Comf bread

Mini Ascendancy

chocolate ftw

As it's april fools the mods probably just add the numbers manually just to mess with us

first for creme cummers cum on penis butter fasg

Attached: 33q8oce.jpg (750x995, 483K)


Old scores (should updated in a few minutes)

2nd for this theory.

How much do you suppose they are paid to do something like that?

> he adds numbers for free

Attached: forfree.jpg (600x603, 44K)

scores are based on dick length

what if the score is the number of unique IPs posting for that team?

so, it's not unique IP counts.
the mods are using some formula to award points. Let's find it.

myth busted

If you consider the rate of growth against all possible factors (post, replys, team mentions, image posts) it's extremely slow so I'm inclined to believe it's due to admin manipulation.

They'd do it for free because they're absolute faggots.

dicks out!

Begin several test to show data begin asspull as survey

fuck y'all


The score is definitely not randomised, as the team placements would be more erratic. Choco and Peanut have never gone past 3rd for example

>Peep +104
>Creme +81
>Mini +25
>Chocolate +170
>Peanut Butter +184

how do I check scoreboard

Attached: IMG_20180324_192500.png (616x616, 438K)

>if it was by unique IPs
>65025 combinations
>29000+ unique IPs
yeah nah

See top of desktop page, and you can follow my progress reports like this

>>Test few of the simplest hypothesis first, like is there a relation between the number of posts being made in a time frame and number of points all teams get in that same time. If that point/post ratio stays the same as you change the time window then it's likely the number of dubs or posts that gives points, but if it varries it could be things like number of (you)'s
> (You)
>go through threads #1 and #2 in this Cracking the April fool's joke >series
I read those earlier posts and like someone already pointed out there has been no serious analysis done yet. Getting timestamped score numbers is first step that needs to happen for that

You're obviously just an admin/mod team member obviously shilling us. Fuck off.

dump peep fuck

Attached: image.jpg (1438x1334, 77K)

at the top is the bar chart with scores

>29000+ unique IPs
hmm... i'm sure Jow Forums sees a lot more traffic.

reee I hate floens now

mini on suicide watch

Attached: 220435.png (420x420, 179K)

From Jow Forums, /lit/, /tv/, and Jow Forums here

Mind if I hide in these comfy threads and wait for the whole bloody thing to blow over?

>inb4 it's actually a real mod and he takes off 50 points
pls no user

Attached: 1499681807332.jpg (1941x3717, 715K)

What the fuck this isn't fair??

testing file upload theory

Attached: image.jpg (249x249, 22K)

dutch peanut butter = best peanut butter

sure peepenis
enjoy me green dump of text

Attached: 0hSh8ib.jpg (604x347, 62K)

So get another team with a different IP and spam us

in a day/less than a day?

You made your bed, go lie in it.

can we all agree team mini is the soy team

Attached: ztwxpfvg6vh01.jpg (480x640, 49K)

What if it's something silly, like when updating the scores they use the IP of the latest post from each team to determine the score?

is this a thread about April fools jokes?

>whats the difference whet ween a windows user and a linux user?
>the second one is always lonelix

You too cunt fuck off. I hope the admins take points off because of this post, fuck I hope they take all the points but they wont do shit because they're too pussy. Fuck the hive-mind and fuck the mods.

static void TeamDistribute()
float SumOctets = 0;
float teams[5];
for (int OctetThree = 0; OctetThree < 256; OctetThree++)
for (int OctetFour = 0; OctetFour < 256; OctetFour++)
const int teamIndex = (OctetThree + OctetFour) % 5;
teams[teamIndex] += 1.f;
F(teams[0] / SumOctets * 100.f)
F(teams[1] / SumOctets * 100.f)
F(teams[2] / SumOctets * 100.f)
P("Peanut Butter")
F(teams[3] / SumOctets * 100.f)
F(teams[4] / SumOctets * 100.f)




>Peanut Butter


Wrong. Team Peanut Butter statistically should have the same number of members as Team Chocolate and Team Minis.

Attached: 15315632155.jpg (736x414, 97K)

Attached: 1503843956601.jpg (302x302, 20K)

all the growth numbers between 0 and 255 are now explained, but the growth seems to never hit more then 180, and there are 2/5ths of the ips's in the range 180-255, so good idea but I think not.

peanut butter

Attached: 772761.gif (313x335, 20K)

either way mods i'm dumping the whole folder. If something contains nsfw pls no ban
are you gay

Attached: 2MzLx4U.png (770x641, 54K)

Attached: 2tC5ctk.jpg (688x412, 70K)

You're obviously a mod you fucking pussy.

>Peep +63
>Creme +161
>Mini +88
>Chocolate +60
>Peanut Butter +138

IP 0 and 255 last octet begin reserved

wanna bet on that?

Attached: 3jK8B7B.png (783x279, 30K)

That doesn't work either. I tried but we only gained 25 last update.

go test your team dude it literally works. also score =/= team assignment

Attached: 4IaM8el.png (640x2366, 605K)

What if...

This is report score?

You wont do shit either way because you're too pussy.

How many posts are there on Jow Forums in total in 10 mins?

holy shit

Attached: 1420079972897.jpg (500x375, 32K)

Tried reporting cremeniggers
Got a warning

arigato based peepu-san

Attached: Screenshot_20170918-115542.jpg (1437x1416, 289K)

do cookies overwrite dynamic IP changes?

Right now? like 9400~ according to

Cookies remain so you need to clear them first

Highly doubt it, but haven't tested it.

34 posts/day
holy shit, that's sad.

static void TeamDistribute()
float SumOctets = 0;
float teams[5];
for (int OctetThree = 1; OctetThree < 255; OctetThree++)
for (int OctetFour = 1; OctetFour < 255; OctetFour++)
const int teamIndex = (OctetThree + OctetFour) % 5;
teams[teamIndex] += 1.f;
F(teams[0] / SumOctets * 100.f)
F(teams[1] / SumOctets * 100.f)
F(teams[2] / SumOctets * 100.f)
P("Peanut Butter")
F(teams[3] / SumOctets * 100.f)
F(teams[4] / SumOctets * 100.f)



>Peanut Butter


Read the post I'm replying to

What the fuck the scores are going down, there's three teams under 6k now


/po/ is the comfiest board

my isp and im sure many others don't necessarily use /24 subnets so you can't really assume that at all.

oh shit mods deleted a clue

screenshot for proof with timestamps

>minis are that retarded
They are the same on all boards. But they are updated only when someone makes a new post. So old thread have outdated rankings. Bump a thread and you will get the latest scores.

They're the same on all the boards (at least the boards I'm on)

the scores are the same on every board, i have no idea what hes talking about

Scores are updated according to the last post.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Killing Bites - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.06_[2018.03.23_22.20.08].jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

>But they are updated only when someone makes a new post. So old thread have outdated rankings. Bump a thread and you will get the latest scores.

Attached: Not So Mini After All.png (490x653, 479K)

given that this happened it's entirely possible that mods just hand out points based on threads they like in which case all of this is pointless

New Scores!
>Peep +180
>Creme +84
>Mini +60
>Chocolate +42
>Peanut Butter +99

The scores update at different intervals across the boards it seems.

how are we falling behind with a boost like that

Attached: 27540826_1579390352097816_2103468613433687450_n.png (480x360, 175K)

As there's a 10% chance a post gets dubs.
940 posts should be dubs over 10 mins and the total increase was 465 according to so does this disprove the dubs theory?

trips and quads are thing too m8

i heard a theory that the scores are tallied based on zeroes
if a certain team gets a zero on their post then the score is added to the total points

are dubs enabled on all boards?

10% chance

What kind of new meme is this?

not on /v/ at least

But it could be trips, quads and quints, with more points the more you get in a row. This would also explain why some teams seem to fluctuate so much.

what if score = # of checked dubs

Attached: 1517069769077.png (960x789, 1.32M)

For example /v/ doesn't have dubs with the exception of 00 posts.
For example if post ends in 10 the next post will be 12.

score = # of shekels deposited into hiromoots bank account thanks to data mining

can we track /v/'s influence on the score?

Mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini
This is a test post btw.

Attached: LittleTinyWinyPic.png (4x4, 139)

score could be +1 for each time you buy a pass

Attached: 1502582005379.jpg (843x800, 79K)

If the total increase doesn't reach the number dubs alone then including the amount of trips and quads would only make this theory more likely

leaked picture of team creme's captain

Attached: IMG_20180401_111029.jpg (374x374, 15K)

New Scores
>Peep +164
>Creme +131
>Mini +29
>Chocolate 82
>Peanut Butter +72