>ask a legitimate, reasonable question on a forum
>get unhelpful """""funny""""" answers
Why do people do this? It's not funny, it's not clever, it's just pointless.
Ask a legitimate, reasonable question on a forum
turn 18
Who are you quoting, Peep?
What you talk about is rampant here on most boards
by the way, what was your question OP?
>Reddit spacing
Go back.
This usually happens only when someone asks a stupid question that could be answered in under a minute if OP used google.
Sounds like someone forgot to warm the towel!
>Jow Forums
Sorry kiddo, this is an IMAGEBOARD
that story made me laugh until I teared up.
Jow Forums is not a place for intended serious discussions, it does occur, but it is the exception, not the norm
if you need serious answers, install gentoo and go to r/techsupport
sometimes google can't answer the question
>ask something specific
>response goes "use google"
>google your question
>that same thread pops up
I know it is hard for a mini to understand, but it means you should grow up.
He's obviously not talking about Jow Forums you fucking inbred retards
Have you tried installing Gentoo? that usually does the trick for me.
Yeah, that never happened.
Did I fucking say "pic related" you goddamn imbecile???
Whatever problem you're having can be solved by installing Gentoo, OP.
PM'd you the fix, OP.
Ok it's more than 10 times larger now
I was comparing two cpus once, and with the exception of one measurement the other decimated the other. I went to google what that measurement was, and a forum post came up posting the same question, and sure enough they consulted them to use google. I don't remember what exactly that score was called. I think it was about trusted computing, but that thread didn't come up.
>look up product reviews
>unhelpful """""funny""""" reviews
Amazon and Steam mostly. No idea why they allow people to submit joke reviews.
I see that for pretty much any kind of question. Often it is enough that someone doesn't understand the question (lack of knowledge). Some people just have to respond to everything, even when they know fuck all about the topic. Very annoying when I'm searching for this problem that I have, and the threads that talk about the issues are filled with funny answers. Having to dig through a 10 pages long thread to find that one guy that gave a good answer is very annoying.
Last time I did this was when trying to figure out how to install Windows 7 to a USB drive. At the time most people misunderstood the question and thought OP was asking for how to write the install ISO to a USB drive. Found one answer by a guy that described how to make Windows load the USB drivers earlier, so it could boot, but his response was burried under a lot of shit answers.
When you feel like giving a funny answer, it is usually better for everyone if you don't answer at all.
You can tag those reviews as funny tho. On steam at least, I think funny reviews don't count towards the total rating of the game.
this forum is about intellectual superiority not charity
Cause your mom said if I don't do it she'll stop sucking my cock.
It disheartens you
therefore it arouses me
born a chocoposter, I shall always remain yours,
a chocoposter.
It disheartens you
therefore it arouses me
born a chocoposter, I shall always remain yours,
a chocoposter.