Welcome to the fifth installment! pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 >How is my team assigned? Team is based on last two Octets of public IPv4 address. team = (second_to_last_octet + last_octet) % 5
whereas 0 = Peep 1 = Chocolate 2 = Creme 3 = Peanut Butter 4 = Mini
>How are the points calculated? We are still not certain, possibly rigged by mods.
>I would like to observe the changes in points. A glorious user is working on a webinterface and will post it as soon as it is available, until then he will post score differentials in intervals. Last update: >Peep +84 >Creme +244 >Mini +125 >Chocolate +257 >Peanut Butter +295
As a health and fitness fag, I am pretty satisfied with my team as PB is objectively the best food out of the 5. However, FUCK BEING IN THE LOSING TEAM REEEEEE
Sebastian Peterson
suck it faggot
Dylan Butler
@65351360 >phone poster You deserve far more point deduction
Xavier Scott
Maybe it's based on teamwork and friendship? If you give a (You) to someone on your team, you get a point? That's why mass (You)ing doesn't necessarily work, and it would also be why Peanut Butter has been bottom pretty much all day: they don't speak to each other because they're too busy being triggered and replying to BASED CREME WINNERS
Carter Gomez
mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini
is the score based on how many times a team name is said?
Parker Brown
Could scoring just be the number of IP's in each team?
Peanuts: Contributes most to he board, incredibly knowledgeable but also acts like a normal human being
Creamers: Knowledgeable but extremly autistic. Always angry and lashing out
Chocos: Bros. They like shitposting and they like cracking """jokes"""
Minis: Smug. Like to create KDE threats where they debate calculators and they are usually the authors of consumer generals.
Peeps: Brainlets, crossboarders and winfags. If you see a post that is asking for technical support, you can bet on it being started by a Peep. Also known as peepposters
Jacob Brooks
Maybe 1 point per (you), more than 1 (you) in a post negates points.
Humans do have the tendency of aligning with whoever they seem to have anything in common against other groups, perceived as competitors and such. It's pretty tribal. Join the fun, user, but keep in mind that it is a tribal behaviour and keep that in check; I've jokingly attacked many Peeps and Creams, but I did it out of poking fun, I don't really have anything against any user on any team.
You fucking Chocolate nigger.
fucking (((peeps))) fursecuting their own kind
Ethan Diaz
>How are the points calculated? >We are still not certain, possibly rigged by mods.
There's not millions of posts a day though, I think it might be number of unique IDs who post during the time frame. But more likely it's random and nonsensical