ITT things you use every day but remain a complete mystery to you

ITT things you use every day but remain a complete mystery to you

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the chode is right

brainlet detected

The slave in my rape dungeon


Parser generators, fucking magic.


Man git is easy once you spend some time learning about it. You really should. If you know how the blockchain works you're kind of half way there already.

git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.

>homoerotic endofunctors
Sounds gay

>he uses a parser generator every day

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I only know like two git commands, and that's all I've ever used.


it's just php and mariadb

Well not everyday but pretty often. And I always want to kms when I get conflicts.


I think the problem with git is that people overthink it.
It really isn't that difficult. It's not magic, it's just really clever.

>parser generators
Write one yourself and all will be revealed

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bunch of state machines with stacks. shit is quite complicated. I wrote some in my uni project such as simple algebraic calculator and primitive scripting language

This. How do they work?

Jow Forums

I have, but the translation from grammar to machine is what's confusing. Also distinguish when I need more than one token of lookahead in order to not have conflicts and how precedence is resolved.

>He doesn't write a recursive descent parser from scratch

I i'll never understand how or why it works

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pretty much everything. I'm a fucking retard desu

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Just read the manpages and the guide on the git site. It's not that hard.

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Git is pretty straightforward though

I want to wrap that pig up in a nice fleece blanket

I haven't used it in like 2 years, but I definitely knew that feel around that time. in fairness I never took the time to actually learn it though.

He wastes time writing recursive descent parsers by hand