/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Will a cable adapter affect the sound quality? I want to extend mine a little.

>Will a cable adapter affect the sound quality?

Best budget peeps coming through :^)

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Real thread not made by a peanut butter mutt

Any idea on the best way to power a 300 ohm old pair of sennheisers?

Under 50 bucks preferred, and something portable would be nice. I'm not an audiophile, I just wanna get more umpf from them

where are my minis at?

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First chocolate in the thread!

>being this desperate

FiiO A3 is 59 dollars on amazon.

e10k is probably the cheapest, decent amp+dac.

Boзлe пapaши, гдe им и мecтo.

This is a Peanut Butter only /hpg/.
All other teams get out.

Looking for a decent pair of headphones as a gift for my son. He's really rough on them, so durable is preferable.
>Budget - $60
>Location - South East US
>Source - Phone, PC (directly)
>Type - Full sized
>Comfy, over-ear
>Detachable cable

ATH-M30x for your wife's son.

monoprice retro with brainwaves xl pads

Any resources on Headphone DIY/Modding?

>Boзлe пapaши, гдe им и мecтo.

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tfw 9045

Real, chronologically earlier thread with proper Pastebin.


What colour should I paint my HD6XX's when they arive /hpg/? I'm thinking white on black.

>muh feet pastebin

The stock 'Midnight Blue' is so dark that in most lighting, (especially your mothers basement) it appears black.
White would probably look bad and get dirty easy, although if you really do like white for some reason you could apply a clear glossy finish over a white coat (6xx 'downgrade' from a 650 is the matte finish), thus preventing dirt buildup and increasing the feel of the headphone

I don't have the biggest problem with the default colour of the HD6XX's, I'd just like to add a little something of my own to them. Great idea with the finish, thanks.

All white.

Are Philips SHP9500S gud?
are open headphones decent if you always had closed one?

Best cheap open headphone, better than Sennheiser HD5xx series and doesn't need an amp.

shut up

>white headphones
how do I know that you're 22 and have shit taste

I'm actually 20 with shit taste

I think a white HD6xx would look pretty cool dad

>being this desperate
we have more unique posters, faggot

Peanut Butter 843 reporting in

>no feet in OP
What else to expect from the peanut butter shitter...

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go on, what should I paint them instead then? What's the superior taste?

Literally anything but white. Grey, black etc.

Any other solid color and you look like a retarded teenager or a flat out twat in general.

I genuinely was going to ay 20 but said 22 just in case you were closer to 25. White tech looks tacky for the most part. Especially headphones. You're not snoop dog ffs, it looks gay as fuck.

it works well with these guy's phones

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And he's exactly what you want to look like, a fucking twink. Obviously the white with black isn't terrible but it still looks shit compared to the original. If you're worried about the original because you haven't seen them in the flesh, don't be. They look much darker and natural in real life. If you need to change them, make them black or grey.

I'm already a twink.
But alright, I'll live with them for a bit after getting them before committing myself to painting them - full black doesn't sound that bad anyway actually, the 660's are beautiful.

Exactly. Pretty much everyone will like them black, but a good percentage won't like them white. White is almost always the edgy optional choice when it comes to electronics. When you get a bit older, you won't want many things white. It's mostly tacky as fuck. Unless you're talking about t-shirts or walls etc.

there is so many threads i cant keep track
how to check who gets the most posts

Need to replace my old Siberia v3 for gaming.

>Closed, mic integrated.
>Comfortable for a few hours of playing.

hyperx cloud


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takstar 82 + vmoda boompro + 3.5 to 2.5 mm adapter

>White tech looks tacky for the most part.

That's not what people thought when Apple was rising to dominance. Stupid fashion rules that change from year to year, there's nothing wrong with white.

>lol nobass

Great for the price tho, and comfy as fuck.

White was fine for small prducts. I bought the second gen ipod when I was 15 and everyone in ym school thought it was alien technology, it was amazing. There's a difference between that and a full sized headphone, or a monitor, speakers, tv or pc case etc. That was also nearly 15 years ago.

no feet in hpg ? c'mon

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desu feet in the OP is fine but editing the pastebin with feet propaganda is unacceptable


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why is there two threads

Because the creator of this thread felt the need to spam Jow Forums with two threads after the other one was already created.


Just flipped the switch on the Philips SHP9500S.
On sale for $54.
How badly did I fuck up?

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Nigger they're $54, who cares

Just got pic related, pretty comfy

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They're fine as long as you hate bass
srsly though, they're a great starter then backup pair


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Status CB-1 is the answer.

>treble heavy shit

Good, now don't ever come back in this thread for you own good. It's filled with shitposting and misinformation, enjoy your new headphones.

I ordered silver Takstars because literally every other headphone I own is black.

>Philips where is my sound stage SHP's better than HD5xx

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Can we pause for a minute and celebrate what a thread feels like without genz and floor user?

Silver underwear next matey.

Be careful you don't summon them.

it's what i imagine life without tinnitus is like

Finally a manga catering to headphone enthusiasts

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>headphone enthusiasts
>Deaf enthusiasts

If you had $800 to spend on a set of headphones and an amp/dac, what would you recommend? Bonus points for some sort of integrated microphone. Can be a crappy mic. Points subtracted for anything gaymin related

>integrated microphone
>no gaming


What are you using this shit for, music and chat? Get an X2, a vmoda boompro, and a Fulla 2, you're done with hundreds left over.

Bought the Objective 2 with ODAC, but the audio sounds the same without it.

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What exactly do you think an amp does?

I was expecting to hear angels singing

Can you restore old headphones with no prior knowledge?

I've got a pair of Sennheiser HD 560 Ovation II from the early '90s still around somewhere, used them for a few years after getting them handed down from my dad ten years ago and then just stashed them in a box when they got pretty badly worn.

Headstrap is scuffed, ear pads feel worn, inner foam is pretty much entirely gone, some sort of rattling going on on the inside, one of the cables come out of the shell feels like it's about to break. Do replacement parts for this old stuff still exist? Can you easily disassemble and reassemble these things?

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>Headstrap is scuffed, ear pads feel worn, inner foam is pretty much entirely gone, some sort of rattling going on on the inside, one of the cables come out of the shell feels like it's about to break. Do replacement parts for this old stuff still exist? Can you easily disassemble and reassemble these things?
Reputable brands have replacement parts available for very old headphones.
For the headband you might have to stitch something.

> some sort of rattling going on on the inside
If the driver got damaged that could be bad news and you'd be like replacing most of the headphone with your restoration. Could be something like hair through, particularly since you say the protective foam has disappeared.

buy a Chinese copy of the hd600 headband for under 5 of your currency.
It had recesses to use velcro ties or cable ties. It can still look nice and not too messy.

Do you wear headphones in public? If so, which ones? I'm looking for such headphones myself but don't know which ones to pick so I'd like to see what other Jow Forumsentoomen use.

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100 eurobucks
My phone
>Type of headphone
IEM, with an added hard-mode challenge on top: I loathe the over-the-ear cables, which sadly disqualifies many recommended options.
>Open or closed
It's mostly for commuting, so good isolation and low leakage are preferred
>Comfort level
Comfortable enough to wear for a couple of hours?
>Sound signature
Fun. I like bass. Don't need to be drowned in it, but I like it. Nothing flat or analytical. I listen to everything from Synthwave over Hip Hop to Jazz.
>Past headphones
I still like my DT770s at home. As for IEMs, I've currently got Piston 3s which are okay Xiaomi Hybrids which are noticeably better than the Pistons. Less recessed mids, if I'm using the terminology correctly. They sound clearer but still as fun.
I would actually use them, but they look fucking retarded. They fit well, but stand out so freaking far from the ears that it looks just utterly moronic, which is why I'm looking for alternatives.

Currently I'm considering the Soundmagic E10c, but I'm open for suggestions.

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Does anyone else notice that FLACs sound clearer than their MP3 counterparts for louder music?

Am I just suffering placebo?

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I can get the 559 for about 100 bucks cheaper than the 579 or even the 598. Are the other 500's worth it, or should I just go with the 559?

Dangit, just tried to dig up the Ovations to assess their condition but couldn't even find them. I hope I haven't thrown them away at some point but I found much more worthless old crap so I'm pretty certain they're still SOMEWHERE. My greatest fear is that I've carelessly stacked something on top in some way and irreversibly damaged them.

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What about the 558? 559 is worse from what I hear

Searched the european amazons and only found it on the uk one
just how much worse is it? I'm not into headphones at all, btw, I just want a decent pair, there are other hobbies for me into which to pour my autism

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> AKG N5005 headphones, a high-end, in-ear model, engineered according to Harman's own research on listeners' target curve preferences by Sean Olive, Todd Welti, and Omid Khonsari.
I didn't even know there was such a thing as a product released on the market that was built around Harman's research before looking at Sean Olive's twitter. I guess it wasn't a coincidence his research focused so much on IEMs lately. Disappointing that the first such product had to be an IEM, but I'd be curious as to what people think of it.

The reason it's cheap is because it's the worst model.

It used to be a lot more expensive, well fuck it, I'm no headphone connoisseur so I'll just get it

Don't buy sub HD600 Sennheisers in EU. AKG k702 is $120 at thomann and those headphones in completely different league as HD5xx series Sennheisers.

Sorry, I meant €120.




What makes them so much better then?

Would any adapter work to plug the lindy HF100 into the balanced fiio q1mkii? From 3.5 to 2.5.