What's the nice premium phone for a richfag If not an iPhone?
I don't want to be seen as a fucking beggar.
What's the nice premium phone for a richfag If not an iPhone?
All phones seem to suck right now.
Why not get a blackberry and just don't shove it in peoples face like a normal person?
Unironically Pixel 2 and if you want people to notice you're rich I guess Galaxy S9 will make such a statement
galaxy note
>I don't want to be seen as a fucking beggar.
Then buy a $100 budget Xiaomi and own companies and shares worth many millions of dollars.
It takes a poorfag to think a fucking $800 or even $2k phone is an actual status symbol.
Sirin Solarin
No one gives a shit if you don't have an iPhone. In truth I don't give a shit if you have a smartphone or not so fuck off. All the phones you're gonna get are NSA, CIA, DIA, mossad spy machines.
Samsung flagships are starting to be seen as less garbage by rich amerifats. I'm an applefag and if I saw someone with a S8/S9/Note 8 or Pixel Xl 2 I'd probably think of that as acceptable.
Sent from my 256GB iPhone X
>April 1, 2018
>I don't want to be seen as a fucking beggar.
Stop trying to show off your """"""wealth"""" with your fucking phone.
Samsung's a good choice. Great displays on the S8's and S9's as well as Cameras.
Any phone over $1k
If it's just to show off your "wealth" all that matters is the price.
I noticed the X has gone back up like $150 in prices throughout the market. I got a new 256gb A1865 for $1,000 during Christmas and now with the leaks and rumors of a cheaper X replacement the prices went up. Some people still try to get $1,400 for that shit.
>Peanutfags actually think like this
note 8
S9+ and don't put a case on it. Get a flamboyant colour too like blue or purple.
oh, right
Anytime I see someone without an iPhone I automatically assume they are too poor to afford one.
>Galaxy S9 will make such a statement
Probably yeah, top of the line S9+ or wait a bit for a maxed out Note 9. Pixel 2 if you want something actually good though.
homeless people use iphones.
are you poor?
How about now?
If your phone is the one thing that can save you from looking like a beggar, you need to change your job, clothes, car, hairstyle and home. After you have these in order you can use any cheap phone there is and people still can't question your wealth. Phones don't matter at all, they all look alike from far. Just a big screen and no buttons. No one can identify your phone model unless you tell them what it is, which I'm like 90% sure you will you loser.
essential phone