Why are most of the game development jobs in California, New York, and Washington? Why aren't many in the midwest?

Why are most of the game development jobs in California, New York, and Washington? Why aren't many in the midwest?

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No vidya investors in the Midwest, expect maybe Texas?

Texas has Id and Gearbox, who might as well not be midwest. And Austin is the hotspot for game companies in texas. Though not as big as Seattle or Santa Monica/ Irvine.

rednecks don't care about children's toys

Rednecks developed Doom. Or at least edgy midwest suburban guys did.

It gets cold as shit in the winter, bro.

No local talent. Young folks with aspirations flock to Cali and NYC, where they think they can make it big. Earning 100k$ as a junior(although you spend 2/3rds of that on rent and food) sounds like a great deal. Midwest isn't that appealing and has a different mentality.

Ironic considering the midwest was the founder of the computer and game development industry.

All large investors are there and all talent is there.

There are studios all over it's just they're mostly smaller/indie ones.

>and all talent is there.
>pink haired PR girls and soyboy writers are considered talent

Liberals make video games?
Liberal States have the strongest economy
California & New York are the most expensive states in the Country.
What is the correlation?

>Liberal States have the strongest economy
>laughs in texas

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Utah has a bunch of tech jobs, pretty decent cost of living

Can u cite that bro...

Texas isn't midwest

Because no one wants to live in the Midwest. It's a bland hell scape.

Why aren't there any game development jobs in central Europe? Okay, Germany has Crytek, which is cucked, but other than that it's all tiny soy studios that don't actually hire programmers.

The only reason those locations exist is for localization and marketing reasons.

With respect to Cali and New York specifically, they contain a fairly absurd proportion of the US's population, so a disproportionate amount of jobs will end up located there. On top of that, once you already have a disproportionate amount of jobs in a given industry in one place, it becomes a good idea to try to set up new ventures in that industry in that place because all the talent is already there.
>what is an outlier
It's okay user, I know how hard statistics can be. Would you like me to send you a copy of my notes from high school?

they should move operations to miami

The relative lack of console influence
>cambridge on one side
>Soviet union on the other
Poor slavs

Illinois is a liberal state and it has an insanely shitty economy.

There are plenty in Finland and Japan

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Because SIE, EA, Activision Blizzard, WBIE and several other major publishers, along with most of their studios, are based in California.
This is presumably because competent artists flock to Los Angeles and competent programmers flock to San Francisco.
Or maybe Sony picked California because they already had Sony Pictures there and everyone else followed suit. Who knows.

(Washington has Microsoft, Nintendo and Valve, and having an office in New York is just common sense. I think. What the fuck do I know, anyway.)

Because decent jobs require some level of education and skill, meanwhile the midwest is full of scared inbreds who think college is a librul indoctrination camp

>think college is a librul indoctrination camp

But it is

Sure, but who gives a shit? Definitely not the HR drones in charge of deciding your future.

>Liberals make video games
Maybe Classical Liberals, but not this soycucked nu-liberal westcuck kind which believe in artistic subversion.

There's a lower concentration of people capable of doing white-collar jobs in the mid-west than along the coasts. Most of them are better suited for construction, farming, or living off of their ancestors' exploitation's.

>or living off of their ancestors' exploitation's.
imagine being this cucked to where you blame people for their existence

Rednecks are southerners you idiot.

There's no blame; that's simply the reality of the situation. If you project your own blame onto other people calling out that reality, maybe that says more about you than what you're trying to say.

>it's their ancestors fault

It takes smart people to make AAA games

Its in multiple parts, with the center not in any of it.

Sad but true. They think progress is just a temporary fad, and when faced with incontrovertible evidence that it isn't, they blame "libcucks" and whatever minority group last flashed across their facebook feed. Instead of adapting and improving themselves they expect salvation to come from the government, all the while railing about how government is bad

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>I can't read or comprehend what I am reading
It's all starting to come together now.

No established industry in a region means all you get is indies, with people who want to work in a larger gaming company simply moving. This goes double for Europe, as due to the EU if you want to work in game development, you can just move to wherever development happens to be going on. This in turn encourages setting up studios there, as all the talent is already there. (It's entirely possible we might see more central european studios after Brexit due to working in the UK becoming a lot harder, but more likely any euro game devs in the UK will just go get jobs in France or Germany.)
Have you ever been to college? Only time politics has come up while I was there was when I took international politics as an elective. (And even then, the end result of that was me deciding that blanket anti-nationalism is a fairly unethical stance.)

Have you actually met anyone from the Midwest?

I don't think he has

I was born there. I'm glad I got out.

>I'm a rebel to the midwest and fled to the more intelligent liberal states

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Basically, yes. Also I'm extremely fit, and although I do wear suits occasionally (SuitSupply), most days I wear a Levi's commuter jacket or one of various Italian sport coats (Belvest or Pal Zileri). And I do not own any hats like that. The only hat I wear regularly is a Pace cycling cap, or if it's particularly cold out, a Jack Spade cashmere beanie.

>I'm extremely fit

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We're supposed to both be on the same team, Minibro. Can't you see that you're voting against your own interests?

>giving a fuck about this april fools shit

>not caring about April Fool's day
So what is this to you, Christ's birthday or some shit? Shouldn't you be in church?

isn't cd projekt red located in Poland?

>Game Development


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High concentrations of specialized labor contribute to agglomeration economies.

Essentially you can steal other skilled peoples skills to be come more skilled yourself(aka spill over effect between firms) if you live near a bunch of skilled people.

Similar to the reason why experts become better experts if they all sit in a university instead of just emailing each other.

Also because there are so many skilled people in one place it actually drops the price of employing skilled people. Its actually more expensive to hire some one in the midwest of equal skill to what you can hire in Cali.

Self reinforcing societal phenomenon are really common.

t. economist

no one has started one yet. the midwest is slowly having a large amount of hot startups.

>"hey guis we're so progressive and openminded!"
>gays can't wait to get out

Even if you spend $2k/mo on rent you're only looking at $24k/yr and last time I did the math that's not even close to 2/3 of $100k. You should be able to get a nice apartment in NYC for that. Not a penthouse in the middle of Manhattan but something relatively nice and not in the ghetto.

You talk like some midwesterner that's never left Iowa let alone been within 100mi of a city like NY. You have zero perspective.

Thats not how cost of living works.

t. economist

You specifically said rent and food. Not cost of living. Even factor in food you add... say two thousand more dollars per year at worst.

Of course cost of living includes other expenses that will eat up fair portions of your income. Shit like insurance, car if you need it, etc. But that's shit everyone has to deal with. It's not something exclusive to city dwellers and for some of these expenses the rates are relatively flat regardless of where you live.

Good stay out


My rent per month is 300. Internet split is 40. Water and electricity 50. Food, 200 to 250. Car insurance, 80. That's 600 bucks out of a 7K paycheck. If I moved to NY or Seattle, that rent hits 1K per person real fast, assuming a 3 to 4 person split.

The Midwest blows so hard. Been traveling for about two months for work. Jesus Christ send me back to the mountains or the coasts. Stuck 10 years in the past and so are most the jobs.

It also has Bluepoint, and the team who did Metroid Prime were from Texas.

Retro Studios

Yeah, them. Some of them left and ended up forming Bluepoint. While they've been doing ports and remakes, they're really fucking good at it, like the SotC remake. I never tried out their Blast Factor shooter though.

Is that a motherfucking GoldenEye reference?

You are pretending taxes don't exist; and 2k rent is before utilities.

Definitely can afford it either way but your saving power would be limited.

Because the midwest sucks. The lifestyle, food, and culture is terrible.

>Its in multiple parts, with the center not in any of it.
It's in the south. Look at at fucking map.

>You specifically said rent and food. Not cost of living
Jesus Christ, what a nitpicking faggot. Kill yourself my dude.

>There are plenty in Finland

Nah. I can name three studios in Finland, one of which I own some stocks, but really they employ like a hundred or so game devs. Our universities churn out programmers by thousands every year. Plenty wouldnt be the word I'd be using

A state like Nebraska doesn't have the wealth or the cultural mentality for this kind of thing.

WordPerfect was made by Utah Mormons IIRC.

But they have corn and ranch. Non of that gay librul college education either.

Corn is a more useful commodity than a degree in transsexual studies, dontcha think?

The South and Midwest have always had 180 degree opposite politics from the Northeast and West Coast. This goes back to the early days of US history when Andrew Jackson championed the West against Northeastern banker elites. Back when the Northeast and West Coast were Republican states, the South and Midwest were Democrat states, nowadays the Northeast and West Coast are Democrat states and the South and Midwest Republican.

During the Civil War, the Western states had considerable pro-Southern leanings, soldiers from those states wanted to save the Union, but they didn't care about ending slavery, it was mostly Northeasterners, especially New Englanders who believed they were waging a holy war on the South.

Get rid of Shitcago and Illinois would vote 90% Republican every election.

Yeah man totally agree. Just need me some corn and a gallon of 'pop' an' that's all I needs in life.

Unemployed transsexual studies major detected. ;)

You want one in the Midwest, found it.

They're all on the West Coast because it's the best coast, and because it's a lot easier to switch jobs when it doesn't also mean moving your home/family.

>Why aren't many [human things] in the [place where not many humans are]?
Gee I dunno, that's a real head scratcher, that is...

A place like Wyoming is never going to be anything more than a giant cattle ranch, that's just the history and culture of the state.

Texas is rich and has big population centers.

We're too busy struggling to survive harsh sub-zero winter blizzards and boiling hot, high-humidity summers in the Midwest. Hard to make games when you can only be productive for half the year.

The Midwest is where you have desolated little villages surrounded by endless cornfields that three 80 year olds live in.

I've been to Arkansas and they're nice people but they are simple-minded and culturally unsophisticated as fuck--attending a Toby Keith concert is the epitome of high culture for them. Church membership is pretty well mandatory and all jobs are stuff like construction and trucking. Also everyone gets married at like 20 or something and the dating/singles scene doesn't exist for all intents and purposes. People tend to also be hugely uninformed about health and cannot understand why drinking/smoking/eating at Hardee's is bad for you.

So in short, it's a part of the country that doesn't quite have the mentality for white collar jobs.

>cron felds XDDDDD

there are several massive urban centers in the midwest, and iowa of all places has the best infrastructure in the entire country for tech companies right now.

There's a reason shy most of the US made games are shit except for ID and Epic.

Arkansas is in the South, not the Midwest. Midwest border ends just shy of it. Not that they're any smarter in southern Missouri than they are in Arkansas.

>Church membership is pretty well mandatory and all jobs are stuff like construction and trucking. Also everyone gets married at like 20 or something and
In the South, you have girls who join sororities at college, fuck the entire football team, and then by 30 they're all moms who sing gospel hymns in church. Yeah, fuck that shit. Their excuse is always something like "Yeah I did some sinful things in college but Jesus loves me and I'm sure he'll forgive me for them."

Arkansas really isn't in the South or the Midwest, it's kind of a weird hybrid between the two regions.

Baptists are one of those "just ask forgiveness from god lol" religions. They don't even go to confession, they just pray at their bedside at night and all's good. They tend to be the worst "sinners" out of all christcucks.

Cause you can't make vidya outta corn and wife beating

Well no, Catholics are the same thing because they believe you can just get a priest to ask God to forgive you for what you did.

yeah but they still pile on the fucking guilt, even on themselves.

Baptists have a clap and a sing and don't give a fuck

>and wife beating
That's ironic considering Hollywood is literally imploding with sexual abuse scandals right now.

The South and Midwest (and West and Northeast) are all very technically defined regions in the US. Arkansas is in the South. I imagine most people view it as being in the colloquial south when they picture it in their minds as well.

that's because hollywood is liberal, and liberals are supposed to pride themselves on being of the moral high ground. conservatives live in the mud and never pretended to be classy or virtuous in the first place.

Apple are as California as it gets in their mentality, there's just no way a company like that could have happened in some place like Missouri.

>T R I G G E R E D

How does it feel to be less valued than the people you hate, must be fun

Is like asking why there are more jobs and opportunity for a career in Germany than Bulgaria.

Any of you queers know how development jobs are in Idaho? I'm considering moving up there in a few years.