So, Jow Forums, april fools or not?

So, Jow Forums, april fools or not?
400% increase in performance vs 1080ti

Attached: Screenshot_20180401-153507.jpg (1439x1524, 528K)

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Stop teamposting and look at this, faggots


I'll n

does it translate to 400% moar fps?
big if true
amd finished and bankrupt?

10,000 cuda cores? seems unreal.

400% performance increase would mean 1000% price increase

10k CUDA cores? Nigga you're gonna need to sell your nieces.

Of course its a joke you clot

Nvidia make money selling you 50 more CUDAs for $200 more dollars

pajeetech is the worst

Yeah is real, and rx canis with 10240sp and 32gb of hbm4 is real too at only 999$

if you think this is real you are a gullible faggot.

Yeah, no.

rr fts

april fools

the new node isn't much more advanced so yes april fools

Holy shit, imagine the mining

>1180 Ti when it is already known that the next gen cards will be labeled 20XX
>2.5 GHz on a fucking GPU
>benchmarks using unreleased games
>fucking Half Life 3 benchmark
>will be sold in a subscription based model
No shit it's an April fools prank.


>half life 3

Attached: 1518644402161.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

Don't tell me what to do.

Not if the damn thing costs 2k or more.

>half-life 3 benchmark
>749 when a 1080 ti goes for no less than 1.2k
It's an april's fools joke, a very funny one

Attached: 1503913148220.gif (480x270, 2.64M)

This joke was done better decades ago.

Attached: bitchin fast.jpg (681x900, 332K)

It actually is going to be the 11-series though, not the 20-series.

>half life 3 benchmark

Attached: back-to-reddit.jpg (396x382, 41K)


>not 2080
It's April Fools.

>Every score is 137fps


they could not even bother to get the tflops right, would be around 55 tflops if 2.1x cores @ 1.7x frequency

Pajeetech finally getting what they deserve.

Attached: 87t6sdv.jpg (450x360, 33K)

>under no circumstances should this be sold in China

>first one to come out is the x80 ti
As true as OP's sex life

Site should get deranked from Google and banned from promoted articles in Chrome. An April's Fool joke is clever, can be tricky to spot, but they should also state that it's a joke.

Fuck that site.

>new workstation card announced with 5-6k cuda cores literally few days ago
>gaming card with over 10k cudas
yea no, you have to be a literal mouth-breather to fall for this april fools joke.

>but they should also state that it's a joke.
Yea man, how dare they not clearly state that their article with Half Life 3 benchmarks is a joke?!

if you believe anything from wccftech you should be kicked off the computer

>2080 Ti
>32 split 128-core clusters (64x2 with a common cache) with 2 active matrix units ("tensor cores") per cluster
>16GB HBM2
>2.1Ghz maximum boost

If you believe anything else you work for AMD.