Debate me otherwise

Debate me otherwise.

Attached: null.png (1000x792, 1.3M)



you're wrong

debate me

How do I change teams

Accept your fate penis blubber

I don't even like peanut butter

you dont - thats the part of the game
all the losers who post as chocolate have switched team and it kind of ruined the purpose

hit me with the tag

>I don't even like peanut butter
me neither

what if the scores are calculated by counting gets?

Chocolate := Browny Pajeets
Creme := Shitty webdevs
Peep := gaymers
Mini := Winblows users
Peanut Butter := Autism.

> :=
t. gotard

ayylmao just how I said, pajeets.

what team am i? how do i change it


Attached: javirivimkvvvre.png (883x744, 271K)

uses FaceBook API to determine your Online Social Status

So Mini are the only ones not involved in faggotry buttsex and ciclejerks?

Oh, makes sense.

Attached: 1522621647933.jpg (5716x1060, 730K)

What is this shit. Not funny at all.

haha mad mini

is a far superior representation.

Peep 4 lyfe baby, fuck you chocolate queers lmao


Says the delusional mini poster.