/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

Last one about to die.

Post em and H8 Em. Remember, no Peanut Butter

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Nice soy posters on the walls

Hahaha. Mom I said it again! I said soy! Hahahahaha. Cuck is assblasted. Trump 2020 #MAGA

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Don't even react on posters using terms like "cuck", "jew", "kys" or "soy". Have a sniff from a cute crab instead.

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Ya do the best ya can.

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H150i and more RGB fans next week
And another SSD

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Soy no more

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Creme dela creme
>had to solve five goddamn captchas

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Looks comfy. Share tv wallpaper?

Cool setup my dude, upvoted!
btw when do you move out of mum and dad's house?

i need a better pic

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At my parents' for the Easter holidays

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easter bunnies!

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>All the spine-lets in this thread
Standing master race

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Posting: too lazy to change ambient lighting to pastel colors for easter edition.

Hope all you anons are having a good day with your families.

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1v1 me in shin-nakano fagmeister

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What is being blind at 30yo

>Either you're bending your neck very far down to see the laptop screen
>Or you're raising your shoulders to very uncomfortable levels
Which is it?

I was careful in where I would install the shelf, and I don't need to bend my neck to see what's on the screen. My face is looking forward, and my eyes looking down. The only strain I get is in my right calf muscle for whatever reason (perhaps I need to stretch more)

How about you come to Ōji

how about の


Old wives' tale. Screens haven't fucked your eyesight since they got rid of cathode ray screens which beamed your peepers with radiation


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Lets hear the hating and the rating folks

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Except the fact that your focused on a very short distance for long periods of time


doesn't your back hurt?

lads, my chair is an absolute state.
anyone know a decent one where sitting cross legged is an option?

I am deeply upset that you decline my offer ,both, to come to Oji and die.

I usually sit legs crossed, and I have a long reach.


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nae viable. i spend as much time in regular seated / half cross / full cross legged. my back is shite and posture terrible as well so need something with a back on it at least.

i was going to just cough up for a used aeron but i've heard those are absolutely miserable for cross-legs. those humanscale freedom ones look viable but not a huge used market so getting a good price is hard. would like to keep it under £300. mesh or leather nae fabric.

got a new shelf to try and free up overhead room on the ikea fredde desk

you really should take advantage of that sloped ceiling and mount something to it
is that a sharp amp? used to have an sa250 that i bought at a garage sale for 15$, the power cord was damaged and the previous owner did a makeshift repair on it. worked well for 10 years then it started crapping.
ayyyy i still remember your computer from /pcbg/ and guts threads
goth as fuck
you just need a better spot to put it, middle of the room is kind of unsafe.
coffee table setups are actually pretty nice
whatever make you feel better about being too poor to afford a desk and chair

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Screens are 2560x1440 and 1080x1920. I should really put something on the wall to the right, it's all blank and bare at the moment.

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Saving for an ultra widescreen monitor.
Any recommendations on something that's decent but wont break the bank?

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That a U2417H? Ordered one the other day.

>nae viable
The ottoman empire has abomination hybrids with back rests. Not gonna shill them, everything about them is a pain
>cloth ones smell like ass and release a plume of stench whenever you sit down
>vinyl/leather ones make your ass sweat into a swamp

But you may be able to correct your posture at the gym. I used to be somewhat hunched forward from riding a 70s roadbike with incorrect settings as my main source of transportation for several years. You gotta be mindful not to over do it and fuck yourself even worse.

So are you actually out of prison now?

why do you have a 1080ti in that ancient system?

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Waiting (tm) for Ryzen

p1. hi

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p2. hi hi

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Yah it is. Pretty good monitor.

I need new RAM, I switched from a mid-tower case to ITX and my RAM isn't on the new MOBO's QVL.

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I'm planning on building my own desk soon rather than this shitty fucking IKEA desk.

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show a picture of your drawings on that other table

Moving soon

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A lot of ours are very similar. The product of being here I guess.

Go Teme Creme

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That’s actually a chest. The veneer’s fucked so I tried graff bombing before it get resurfaced with new veneer.

My setup most refined. Love how the new speakers go with the desk.

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Jesus Christ that poor chair.

How do you like the edifier speakers? I am thinking about getting some.

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Its 10 fucking years old and still has good support and comfort. Why the hell is it the first thing people go after just cause its worn.

Are you sickly, or do you like robotripping?

I got the R1700 and so far I love em. Good sound, clarity.

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>MFW I’m both in one

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I'd just like to say everyone on team Peanut Butter can literally go slit your wrists and hang yourselves. get the fuck off of this board you garbage eating knobheads

No need to be angry friend :^) I am sure you will win next time!

You heard the OP. No peanut butter allowed, you lost anyway. just end it all at this point and stop posting

your salt only fuels my jimmies

>Not posting pic related

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Whats the weather like down there pal?

>The only strain I get is in my right calf muscle for whatever reason (perhaps I need to stretch more)
Have you ever slipped a disc in your back before? Leg and crotch pain can be an indication of such

>turn off Oneechan
>team stuff finally shows up
>I spent most of the day confused because of this

Kek. Saved.

Where to find lamp ?

Case ?
Speakers are good ?

Walls ?

Text editor ?
Freesync monitor why not ?

>Text editor ?
NeoVim and a few plugins and some swapped Xresources colours.

>Walls ?
looks off-white like beige

Don't laugh

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plz dnt h8

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My TV went spastic the other day. Colours was inverted. So I opened it up and started unplugging and replugging shit, and it worked.

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Man that tempered glass is clear af

It's been a long time since I have posted my battlestation, including moving to a new apartment last year, but I have pretty much finalized it now.

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now I'm hard, thanks

its fine.

Are you japanese user?

What case?

No, just living in Japan.

Amazing, are you studying o working?

kys jewcuck soyfag

I'm just an ALT, nothing special.


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I have the same ones as the image and they are fucking noice.

nothing special, kiddo

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more of you guys need to use CRT as primary monitor

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