does Jow Forums use ahoviewer
Does Jow Forums use ahoviewer
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no you creme faggot
hydrus masterrace
i want to fug ruri
supercutegrab and ahoviewer for mangas
Where can I get that cute GTK theme?
those girls are not real ben
>untagged files
>1630 results
nice wallpaper
no, convince me to use it
fucking ben damn your everywhere hows it been
Where the fuck is the cutegrab project hosted all I see is some gay reddit user and people mentioning it on Jow Forums
think I found it
$ make -j9
g++ -c -I ./lib -c ./lib/cskill/factorgraph.cpp -o ./src/obj/factorgraph.o
g++ -c -I ./lib -c ./src/image.cpp -o ./src/obj/image.o -lexiv2 -lstdc++fs -lcrypto -lssl
./src/booruInterface.cpp: In member function 'int cute::BooruInterface::readDocTags()':
./src/booruInterface.cpp:83:16: warning: 'Reader' is deprecated: Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
Json::Reader jsonReader;
In file included from /usr/include/json/json.h:11:0,
from ./src/booruInterface.h:7,
from ./src/booruInterface.cpp:5:
/usr/include/json/reader.h:35:83: note: declared here
class JSONCPP_DEPRECATED("Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder instead") JSON_API Reader {
./src/booruInterface.cpp: In member function 'bool cute::BooruInterface::read()':
./src/booruInterface.cpp:137:16: warning: 'Reader' is deprecated: Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
Json::Reader jsonReader;
In file included from /usr/include/json/json.h:11:0,
from ./src/booruInterface.h:7,
from ./src/booruInterface.cpp:5:
/usr/include/json/reader.h:35:83: note: declared here
class JSONCPP_DEPRECATED("Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder instead") JSON_API Reader {
g++ ./src/obj/superCuteGrab.o ./src/obj/image.o ./src/obj/metaData.o ./src/obj/booruInterface.o ./src/obj/skillBase.o ./src/obj/imageBase.o ./src/obj/searchWindow.o ./src/obj/trueskill.o ./src/obj/matrix.o src/obj/gaussian.o ./src/obj/basemath.o ./src/obj/factorgraph.o `pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4` -lcurl -ljsoncpp -lexiv2 -lstdc++fs -lcrypto -lssl-pthread -o cuteGrab
$ ./cuteGrab
Segmentation fault
Doesn't seem to work though rip
the version on git does work but its not really a proper release
also I wrote it when I was just learning c++ so it does alot of things badly
im rewriting it so evneutally there will be a proper release
if you run it without args it segfaults yes lol
might I ask what the flags are as -h and --help don't tell me anything? I can't find any instructions on how to use it.
Yes, but it's weird for me. For some reason I can't scroll with my arrow keys and it sometimes just straight up crashes probably because of not enough memory. Its booru browser is very convenient, I love it.
For mango and general image viewing, I use mcomix, but it also has some weird quirks. The eromango folder has some corrupted files and it just halts on that file, not scanning everything else. I can't just straight up delete it at times since it doesn't display the entire filename.
There's nothing more pure than the taste of dirty, sweaty nihon feet.
If the things in your screenshot were supposed to be args it's just tossing logic errors.
$ ./cuteGrab skillTest
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid
$ ./cuteGrab danTest
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid
$ ./cuteGrab removeDup
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid
omg just figure it out i dont have time to babysit you
I've found the weeaboo.
>peep mad because I'm boosting my score by getting tech support
stay mad nerd
not me
>minimum requirements for the binary to run
must be in the same directory as icon.png and
>how to tag images with metadata
./cutegrab danTest
be very careful and please backup your images; please note that it searches for images RECURSIVELY meaning if you run it on a top level directory it might tag thousands of images you didnt want too
it might also mess with the last modified date
id run on a backup of images and keep your originals seperate to be extra safe
>how to search for a tag in cli
./cutegrab searchTest
this will find images with that tag for you
>how to do tag ranking with trueskill
./cutegrab gtkTest
first filter the images down with a MD5: search because all tagged images contain a MD5: tag
this way you dont rank untagged images; desu i dont even remember what that does if you accideentally do that
select an image, and then use the left and right arrows to choose which one is cuter
results are in the database folder and filebase folder
also it sorts all your searches by cutescore
you can browse images in the gui too if you want
thumbnails wont appear unless you scroll
sorry if you have any problems with my crappy software; I didnt really expect anyone else to use it
please tell me any questions or problems you have
ill rewrite it soon!
also the up arrow indicates that the two images are equally cute
and if the aspect ratio of the image is all messed up use the down arrow to fix that
use freesoftware like libreoffice or gnuplot to look at your cute tag results after
Thank you. I'll have to mess with it another time. Didn't know it was this beta nor what it really did.
It's over Jim.
Stop posting lewd pictures of my wife!
how do i use this on windows? i dont find any executables
kys pedo
sauce on that image of the fe(male) user?
uno makoto
Hydrus is fucking trash and can't tag images for shit.
like 95% of my images were left untagged.
>over 100k files
>Black sabbath
before ahodev got off his ass and fixed the windows release of ahoviewer I spent about 6 hours getting it to run on ubuntu for bash for windows
pretty cool, it's actually more stable that the current windows release.
cant get it to open on windows 10
i want to make anime picture related software for Jow Forums too
what do you guys want?
Does it let you access the premium content on danbooru? The decensooru userscript has stopped working for me.
Asking for a friend.
You know the illyaposter OwO
It wont play webm for me on Linux :/ I see it download but it doesn't display. Works in browsers.
Dumb kuroneko posters.
Invite me back to CG you loser ;_;
um the only loser is the one banned from cutegang
Okay this shitposting aside you should invite me back.
T-thanks for the software. I seriously need to find some toddlercon.
how do you close, minimize, maximize, move windows without window control panel bar?
Retarded normalfag.
Keyboard shortcuts. I use i3 (tiling wm) and min/max isn't a thing in my workflow. Close is a shortcut. Moving isn't really a thing either unless you're in floating mode, in which case you can use a mouse (but I don't, again keyboard shortcut but I don't use floating) - instead I just tile appropriately on whatever workspace I want them on.
i3 sucks ass, don't reply for me
i don't
I tried Hydrus for a day or two in order to organise my porn, but I quickly lost interest. If it was a stable program, i.e. something that isn't just a version of code from a random week, that'd be nice. But more importantly if it had better well integrated web scraping features that would be great.
Disappointing because otherwise I was really impressed with this Hydrus. Fast to search, great image preview and viewing features. It was just incomplete, for me.
>i don't
>accidentally open a window
>it's there now
>accept fate of always looking at that window
to be fair im pretty good at opening windows and anime pictures so its not a problem
No but it lets you use gelbooru without getting shit on by ads.
What DE famalam
grabber is better