What went wrong?

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nothing, its good

Normies with an attention span of a 2 year old is what went wrong. The movie is a fucking masterpiece but too slow-paced for these dumb shits.

The film was great, but the ending made me want to kill myself

It's not good at all man
>slow paced = masterpiece
Oscar bait tactic, the film was deeply flawed:
>Male alienation as proto-soy affect
>Emasculated, isolated wanting virgin
>80s neo /v/eddit video game aesthetic
>Zimmer score
>dishonest cinematography
>Pseudokino affectations (to arouse the sub 115 IQ IMDB population)

Denis defragments capeshit meta narrative as means to the soy psyche, its run time is self conscious whilst its aesthetic laid imbued with post sony futurism as soy affect, no doubt misapproriated by vileueve sycopants who rush to middle brow estrogen-as-suburban-culture enabled by 'Press to skip' ADHD. IN truth they're simply dopamine whores for kinesthetic simulation in proto music video imagination and miasma as perpetriatic post imdb consciousness.

The usual gripe is "looks pretty but is actually a shallow movie". I think it's not, it's just that the story is more emotionally-based than the first was.

It was a tragic ending but many times, life ends tragically too. Not every movie needs an upbeat ending.

Movie is mighty fine but the script is shite in some parts.

This post is concentrated /tv/ memes

I didn't really get the story but the film overall was well-made
Still haven't seen the first one so probably missed a load of important things

Your post gave me asshole cancer

nothing, it's amazing

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That's the thing, I thought the ending was fantastic, he came to the conclusion that he had no purpose in life, so he MADE one and gave up everything that meant something to him to achieve that.

He was finally happy because he finally managed to do something that had meaning.


Normalfags can't relate.


Don't critic something you don't understand

this is not /tv/

>when brainlets think of themselves as IQ alpha chads

Team Chocolate is not smart.

Thats how you know it was good


nothing, it was bretty gud, aside from being a bit too long. villanueve should've either cut some of the exposition and got it down to 140min or gone all the way with the 3 hour cut with an intermission at 1h30m

>vroom Vrooooom VROOOOOOOOM

Thanks, Bobby.
The times certainly are a-changing, eh?

>Team Mini is no smarter.


It's the first time in at least a decade where I was awed by the cinematography. This movie actually showed that "action" scenes don't always have to be hectic cuts and shit. I actually delt the tension. And I went into the cinema expecting a shitty sequel, came out thinking finally not having wasted my money on going to the cinema.

it was originally going to be 2 2hour films

it was okay. not great but entertaining enough. shat the bed in the later part though

this, holy shit the fight scenes with Decard and Luv, that was great.

confirmed for brainlet, the movie gets better after K goes to Vegas.

>with the 3 hour cut with an intermission at 1h30m
They usually try for an interval at 2hours so that the second part isn't too long. If the movie is any good it can hold them for 2hours.
That's what they did with Branagh's Hamlet.

Same here, PBro.
I was a big fan of the original. Heard they were gonna do a reboot and thought, "Shit, is nothing sacred?"
Friend dragged me to the cinema on opening day because he knew I was a big fan. Paid for my ticket and everything. Acting was decent, plot was good, cinematography blew my mind a bit.
Just like the original film, I think it's gonna take time for the movie to get the praise it deserves. Until then, we can enjoy it for what it is: a solid sci-fi flick with gorgeous visuals. Doesn't really need to be anything more than that.
The same friend dragged me to the cinema last night and paid for my ticket to see Spielberg's "Ready Player One." What a fucking shitty movie. CG reminded me of fucking Shrek, acting was especially garbage, plot was trite shit, what you'd fucking expect from the "le pop culture" and "muh vidya" novel the film was based on.
In short, we need more 2049 and less RP1.

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Can you run that by me again, this time in English, please?

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get ready to be greatly disappointed, the next Blade Runner will probably actually come around 2049, thanks to the film mildly bombing at the box office just like the original.

sheeeeeit, imagine a 60 year old Ryan Gosling.

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I liked the giant girl at the end.


I'm actually waiting for a 1984 reboot. Orwell is en vogue, right? And the original adaptation was good, but not nearly as good as it should have been.
No more Blade Runner. I want Zero K. Maybe more PKD (VALIS && Ubik for a real trip). But no more Blade Runner, please God.

You can replace Ryan Gosling with a cardboard standup and no one would notice.

>when /tv/ brainlets visit Jow Forums

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Just watch the news buddy. Or some Adam Curtis docos. VALIS would be mad though

have you been to the movies the past few years? pretty much all the teen summer blockbusters are rehashes of 1984 - the hunger games, divergent, and maze runner series, it's been so overdone people are sick of it.

Farenheit 451 would be more adaptable for the mainstream and have a somewhat fresh message for the plebs who just come in and watch what's showing.

>Tyrell died
>Tyrell Corp. keep making replicants anyway, while also removing lifespan limits
>The result is the big blackout
That was very stupid writing

>And the original adaptation was good,

You mean the 1956 movie? That movie was shit. Not a big fan of 1984 anyway. The best part of the book is where Orwell actually describes the society in the theory and praxis of oligarchic collectivism part.
I think someone actually makes a Ubik adaptation atm. VALIS would be crazy shit, I don't even think it's doable.

>Steve Jobs died
>Apple began making stupid decisions
It happens.

too much yellow insta filter

imo Altered carbon was much more comfier, at least first 4 episodes

No, that's not the same level as stupid.
Tyrell died by the hands of Nexus 6.
When someone as well known as Tyrell dies by the hands of a Replicant, you don't go doing something as stupid as: hey, Tyrell was killed by a Replicant, let's make more replicants and without the lifespan limit this time! kind of stupid.

It was okay, nothing spectacular. The original was better.
My sentiments towards Blade Runner 2049 are roughly the same as my sentiments towards The Hateful Eight.
Nailed the aesthetic, nailed the visuals.
Fucking ridiculous plot.
I'd give both a 6/10, Hateful Eight was slightly better.

Every post you make solidifies this website's status as a festering septic tank of pseudointellectual teenagers engaging in an endless battle of one-upmanship and contrarianism, with the sole intent of attracting attention. Your elitism and circular arguments aren’t welcome here. Never post again.

what the fuck is this

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>removing headphone jack leading into dongles
>not the same level as stupid.

Watch and listen to the news constantly. And it is a trip. Adam Curtis says it best: We're living in an unreal world.
I go to the cinema rarely. And when I do, I don't watch teen blockbusters. But I think there's a world of difference between the Hunger Games, Maze Runner and Divergent and 1984. Especially if we're comparing the novels.
I always found Fahrenheit quite juvenile. Never cared for the novel. Next you'll recommend Brave New World?
Misspoke. Meant to reference the 1984 release. Apparently someone is working on another reboot, too. Just looked it up.
Ubik is ripe for the picking. VALIS would be a fucking challenge. And, you're right: probably not doable. But a mini-nigga can dream.

But they made them different. And made controlling then a social problem instead of a technical one. Depressed robots are never going to take over the world.

humans needed more replicants to sustain their lifestyle, heck they eventually legalized replicants on Earth between the Blackout and the events of the first BR film. no point killing them after 4 years if they still work perfectly fine right?

wallace does say in the second movie that they can't assemble them fast enough

Then Wallace and his stupid motivation?
Even if you say that Wallace's food industry can take care of an exponential need by reproducing replicants, there's still the exponential need of: air, clothing, education, time, and power when raising kids.
Then add in replicant jesus and his rebel army kind of stupid writing.
Truly, the only reason anyone would like 2049 is because of the waifus in the movie, and because they can relate to some depressed beta k.

>Just like the original film, I think it's gonna take time for the movie to get the praise it deserves.
no we'll just get dummer

>no we'll just get dummer
Fuck, you're right. Looks like it's already happening.

Cinematography and sound were fucking great. The story is pretty good, can’t wait for villanueve’s Dune.

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Word salad? More like word pâté

on of the .. well maybe the only movie I've seen in years that was rather decent. I've seen the first one, the old I mean, but I hardly remember it. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Love kills Joi(joy).
Joy is something that is temporary and superficial while true happiness can only be attained by doing something meaningful

is leaking

Nothing went wrong, it is a good movie. Marketing for it was shit though.


This comment is almost as pretentious as the one you were responding to.

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I thought it was funny.

It's better than the original by a long shot.

This is art.

It'd make a good New Yorker comic strip I guess...

you read too much into thing sometimes

I like the world crafting they did, but it was a very boring movie with no message itself.

You can say they weren't "heavy handed". But they just didn't tell anything except letting you fill in the blanks to make an actual better story yourself.

Best thing about the movie was the CGI. Everything else was really meh.
It also should have been a series instead of a movie. I found the first 5 or 6 eps of Altered Carbon much, much, much more enjoyable except for how they kept him in Riker's body too much.

This. It even retroactively made the first one better with the new plot points introduced.

Nexus 7 ftw

The real question is was it better or worse than last year's Ghost in the Shell?

this. fpbp.

Also agree with , literally made me watch the original over again afterwards. Concluded that I liked the sequel better.

>Subtly pander to lefties with skinjobs=niggers narrative
>cuckoldery even though Joi is female
>Strong womyn police officer = negative repubican carricature
>it goes all over leftie's heads because the movie has white people in it even though it'sbasically about niggers played by whitey they still were mad even though it panders to all their beliefs.

It was almost sad to see such effort wasted on the lefties lol.
Such subtlety that nobody got it.

BTW as far as the movie goes
>dogshit tier villain
>Synthetic Human Bean is a 100% passive protagonist only being pushed and played by other dim characters and having no initiative of his own
>one remotely interesting char is a waifu whose whole point is being FAKE - she call everyone her special Joe because she's an inanimate object.
>No new Roy Pris or any cool characters, "I am the best one" girl isn't fleshed out or characterised enough. She basically only has 5 seconds of displaying emotions.

The movie cant hold a candle to the original because it is overloaded with political implications at expense of the characters.
The original Bladerunner was about cool fucking aliens trying to survive without any moral message or political narrative.
This new bladerunner is about nigger revolution but without any cool aliens in it.

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Is it your first experience with cyberpunk?

making a roastie the important one instead of ryan gosling.

i want to sniff her ai farts and lick her hologram toes

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>mindless complaining about niggers, SJWs, leftists, politicization, cuckshit and more retardation

Kys trumptard piece of dogshit, not every movie revolves around your semen gargling Jow Forumstard dogmas/memes

It was awesome

watch the first half of knock knock right now


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These inbred crackers know they're inferior in every way to these people so all they can do is lash out unprompted with attacks on character. It's sad but their women always leave them for minorities so we'll breed that inferiority out of the country soon enough when everyone is mixed.

Too many themes

Was Ghost in the Shell really that bad? I'm reluctant to watch it because the original is one of the few animes I like.

>this thread
Of course the consumerist board loves this consumerist sci-fi gimmick movie. /tv/-aspects aside, the technology depicted is pure contrived gimmickry that fails to hold up under even basic scrutiny. The portable AI-hologram, for example, is physically impossible (magically projects into arbitrary space, doesn't require a gigantic battery pack, doesn't produce heat so not plasma of any kind, etc, etc) and it doesn't even try to be realistic. It's like the writers looked at the current Hollywood trends and wrote down what they thought would attract the average moviegoer. Blade Runner 2049 != Jow Forums.

pandered to reddit too hard

So your problem is that you expected it to be hard sci-fi and then realized it wasn't?

Be honest, how much cuckold porn do you consume?

that's just your opinion, man

I keep seeing this shit whenever BR49 gets brought up. How the fuck can a film be "dishonest?"

I really liked it desu

A healthy amount. Why?

It's a really great movie, only one I went to see in theatres last year. Soundtrack and visuals are top notch.

Granted, I love the original, too.
> What went wrong?
Hmm maybe three hours of hard core sci fi is too much for a layman

>hard core sci fi

I liked the movie but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Only soys like it

Based dishonest poster