I'll start, the watch command is very useful.
Useful UNIX commands
Other urls found in this thread:
sudo rm -rf /
Don't forget about --no-preserve-root
I'm running certified UNIX, works for me, as well, on openSUSE GNU/Linux distribution.
HAHAHA well meme'd, my cremeposting friend
alias myip="ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '$"
$ chmod 777 xyz
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/kmem bs=1 count=1 seek=$RANDOM
Gotta keep the tradition.
less -S
tail -f
grep -P
good ol' disk destroyer
download and extract a zip/tar.* archive in one go without saving the archive to disk curl -L "download url" | bsdtar -xvf -
Fuck you, Unix was proprietary trash, UNIX is a useless trademark everyone can buy, see macOS.
grep -rnwi
>not using wget
>not using tar
info coreutils
I'm running this in a vm
for i in {1..10000}; do `dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/kmem bs=1 count=1 seek=$RANDOM; done
What am I in for?
curl has -I to get just the headers and -F to submit file to the server
bsdtar can extract .7z, .rar, .zip in addition to .tar.*
Actually answered my own question, nothing happened.
You don't understand what it do ? Try running it a bunch of time.
I don't really know, does it take random numbers and then add them to virtual memory one at a time? What's the harm?
It takes a random number and replace a random number in the virtual memory with it. The one who break the server lose.
Ah okay makes sense! I'm pretty surprised I ran it 10,000 times and no issues. Probably just need to keep it running for something to get truly messed up
RAM russian roulette... Now that brings me back.
Funny thing: While doing this I've been messing around with some of my test samba shares and it's been acting kind-of off. Like I reload the config file and nothing happens so I need to restart the service.
sudo -i
Probably because you don't have a lot of things running in your vm.
uname -o
$ sudo reboot
Pick Windows in the Grub menu.
Best command ever.
hostname -I
>desperately shilling wangblows on non-wangblows thread
t. pajeet
Why would that be necessary? Why would you need a bullet proof laptop with a cd drive? That has to be a small market.
neofetch -s for epeen
egrep "match1|match2"