Cracking the April Fool's joke pt. 9

If you won't make a new thread, I will. Welcome back for another round of autism and shitposting.
pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3
pt. 4
pt. 5
pt. 6
pt. 7 pt. 8 >How is my team assigned?
Team is based on last two octets of public IPv4 address.
team = (second_to_last_octet + last_octet) % 5

0 = Peep
1 = Chocolate
2 = Creme
3 = Peanut Butter
4 = Mini

(Thanks to → →)

You can check your IPv4 address here:

>How are the points calculated?
Multiple theories exist:
-EGG-Gets (00 dubs)
-server to connect to (Jow Forums has five; one per team)
-mods are just blatant creme fags

Attached: spoiler alert.png (500x356, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I look forward to our come-from-behind victory

I'll give y'all a hint.
Find the Easter Eggs.

i don't think it's gets
could just be RNG or something lame

>Peep is gonna overtake Creme

Attached: 1453926939491.jpg (420x420, 83K)

If it was RNG, that would be great cause Hiro would have trolled everyone


i wish i could find anything interesting other than windows sounds

RNG is pretty funny given that there are people that think it has to do with posts, images, or replies

Attached: April Fools 2018.png (629x300, 48K)

Go mini!


Are the numbers too low for it to just be the number of posts by each person of that team? That seems to be the easiest explanation.

>We're like 900 points below Peanut Butter
How could we fall so hard so fast bro's?

Attached: sad guts.png (322x340, 69K)

at the same time it contributes with a fuckton of bad posts

Why not give us all the answer instead?

for keeping track of scores

the points gained vary too much, when the number of posts would be relatively consistent

as if most posts here were ever anygood, at least they get to be fun

If its random them the deviations between team points should be within an order unity * sqrt(N)
of course that doesn't rule out the possibility that its stochastic but with a slight predetermined bias towards some teams
If it's completely random it's a testable hypothesis. I'm sure someone has already looked at this already though.

Please order by team's overall score.

We had update periods with just a single point for Mini and Creme. It's nothing a simple as posts, (You)s, images etc.
Chances that it's just random within in a range are really high.


It won't end in with tie like you guys predicted we minilets are definitely set to lose

We're second lads!

Maybe it's just something really stupid and random like posts ending with a specific number E.G an Easter egg

let's spam /qa/ until someone says sothing

>inb4 its the number of reports users on teams make


Much too low. It could be unique IP addresses joining for each team, since that's the only thing anyone can think of where it could genuinely be a different number from 1 to 400 every ten minutes. But if it was that, then surely it would balance out a lot more than it does.

The main theory, I think, is that there is some algorithm which generates random numbers so they all converge on the same number, and that is what's being used, and all our scores will ultimately be a tie.

By the way, has anyone tried to set a name here? I'm trying and it's just listing me as Anonymous because of the team.

Creme is barely getting any points now what is going on?

Attached: understand.png (936x936, 111K)


maybe its an AI that grades posts
it gets a random post and grades it according to objective grades

Attached: 2015-12-23 10_28_10-Korea Insight _ Exploring Incheon airport|Tour - YouTube.jpg (329x348, 15K)

yup samefag here, checks out for me

Simply ebin

I'm putting a tripcode on this post

uh, guys

Attached: whatsthis.png (469x88, 3K)

So they all converge to 20k?

there's a sixth team called neapolitan, and OP's pic hints of trips/dubs, but dubs and trips are common enough that it should be more consistent across different teams, and quints appear to be worthless

How anyone can doubt that it is a convergence and will end in a tie is beyond me. Just look at the numbers. A few hours ago, PB was getting +8s and +12s and now they are raking in +250s. The exact opposite was true for >le unstoppable creme. It has completely turned.

I did the analysis
if the teams are incremented randomly then each should approximate the (unknown) expectation value at the present time. Since then the average of each count is effectively a sample mean approximating the current expectation value you would expect the average deviation from the average to be the standard sample mean, which is here ~170. Compare to what we expect by random chance, ~120. This is pretty much consistent with what we would expect with points being randomly allocated to each time. This does not prove that that is the case since if it is something like a particular post number incrementing the score then that would also be consistent with random allocation.

Attached: Capture.png (531x156, 7K)

samefag again testing from browser

it's fucking rigged


What if points only count for posts coming from a a single board, one that is almost always dead, like /diy/ or /gd/

That's the peep uprising that's been going on since we were hit last place a few hours ago.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 98K)


So Mini is going to start growing massively?

if one board had to be picked, it would have to be /s4s/

actually turns out I used the biased estimator for the standard sample mean which was wrong. using the unbiased estimator puts the standard sample error as 140, even closer to what we expect by chance.

no its a neapolitan

Attached: Neapolitan-Fudge_exps62236_HC2379809B12_16_5b_RMS.jpg (1200x1200, 68K)

this means that creme will overtake peep?

I unironically second this
>mods are just blatant creme fags
first they have stickies on /a/. Now that these are finally removed, giant gifs are popping out ( like this one > ) or simple point adds for "heheh funny jokes xddd". We told you, this game is rigged guise.

Nah mini is done for

I still don't think it's post count. How would you explain the +1 and +4?

>team mixing
disgusting degeneracy

But Consider the following: The teams were randomly decided so really any system based on the site will end up with the points being distributed in a random manner.

Attached: ijustsaidthis.png (339x58, 1K)


Attached: NUSS.jpg (1277x1377, 743K)


I don't know where this came from but someone is passing it around

Attached: 1522625365076[1].png (607x133, 51K)

Attached: C69y4n3U8AM59F4_orig.jpg (900x1440, 453K)

yup, that's absolutely the case.
hence why I was only testing the hypothesis, not proving it. I haven't refuted it, but it suggests it's not something like mods giving out points based on the quality of team memes they see, since since some teams are more memeable than others.

>peanut butter bros are catching up
you can do it

Or maybe that is just underage mods being edgy for the sake of baiting...

hidden pattern like X#X#X like the oreo cookie?

That colour looks more like penut butter than it does creme.

Attached: Most_people_on_4chan_do_not_know_of_the_updated_logo.jpg (751x900, 141K)

I'm going to guess it's an RNG with some kind of catchup algorithm to go with it. Mods can tune it on the fly to let a falling behind "team" catch up. It would be too boring to just let a team take and hold the lead, but seeing two teams duke it out or let a team catch up would be more fun. I bet Peeps are being pushed up for that Astolfo thread on /a/.

Thanks Team Chocolate (+1, hopefully). NEGRO ALLIANCE will persist til death.

Attached: DT98bgFVMAAUIfM_orig.jpg (1280x1807, 565K)

Attached: neapolitan-lifeloveandsugar-icecreamcake-lg[1].jpg (1000x1394, 97K)

imho it's something infinitely more stupid then we think.


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>no plots
>no historic logs
step your game up mane

Attached: DAdBslZWsAEeMUa_orig.jpg (900x1440, 575K)

>Points gained=number of images posted divided by 20
Opinions on this?

Alright, so here is what I am thinking. FIrst, I would like to dispel with the idea that this is random. It is not, it is somehow related to the post frequency. From 12:00AM MST to 8:00AM MST, the score increased on average around 4000 points per team. From 8:00AM MST to 4:00PM today, the increase per team was almost 8,000 points average. This means that the increase is somehow related to frequency at which people are posting. Because the frequency was lower over night in the US, the points increased accordingly.

Attached: 1477674224990.png (1003x463, 70K)

Seems unlikely with some gains being 1 and some gains being 200

Ok, either the scoreboard is going to endup like a neapolitan, or jeb will win the election. I think he will tho with the latest update.

Attached: jeb2.png (875x560, 872K)

I like this idea, but I see no evidence for it. I think it is more likely to relate to post digits.

What is this?

the time between score updates seems to have shortened as well? so it updates once ever x number of posts?

Not even a Jow Forumsfag but this is the best series of threads I've seen in a while

Attached: Y8OaGbr.png (271x269, 106K)

Updates are every 10 minutes

Or something stupid like how many time posters in each team typed specific characters.
Or maybe it's just a dice roll for every poster that's why points wary so much.

There was a theory earlier that the 5 teams correspond to the 5 Jow Forums servers. Conveniently the IPs of those servers would assign each one of them to a different team.
Supposing there is some load balancing going on this theory would also explain the convergence.

Or Hiro decided it was increasing too slowly and tweaked the formula to double the speed.

Now Peanut Butter is growing like crazy

Anyone got the math on the total points given out each update? Whats the upper and lower bounds on that?

Underage mod confirmed

Attached: modsaregayerthenpeeps.jpg (1271x423, 110K)


Attached: 1522625633009.png (713x765, 188K)

Points = New score - Old score

Though they're probably baiting. Eitherway, i don't like how they're blatantly "helping" Cr*me. Giant gifs, sticky threads... Wow, very balanced game indeed. I'll come back tomorrow when there's less redditry here

It is just mods handing out points like Hogwarts

I believe in the convergence theory


I think it has already been pretty well established that teems are assigned by adding the last two octets of your IP address, and then %5. That algorithm works for me at the very least.
My current thoughts is that it is something more specific than this. My reasoning behind this is that is that there is a relatively large disparity between teams. If it was something trivial/random, you would expect consistently close scores, but we have seen a consistent trend of team creme being in the lead and team pepe and mini being close to the bottom. This leads me to believe that there are a few more teams that have specific members that are performing certain actions differently or at a different rate than other teams.

If we get a HOWEVER moment in the last five minutes where PB and Mini are suddenly tied winners I'll laugh for five minutes straight

>Team Mini - 13787 (+266)

It's converging.
Posts and shitposting is meaningless.