What is this? The package says it's made in Russia

What is this? The package says it's made in Russia.

Attached: silicon.jpg (1526x1434, 395K)


Attached: nahuya.tak.zhit.jpg (992x975, 145K)

What's on the other side?

This op

Are you lain?

Could you flip the object over and send a pic?

Looks like a RF filter or divisor

is OP alive?

It seens to be a magnet with gold tapes.

>t. kgb agent

go to a dentist and have the thing x-rayed. nowadays they can magnify the image and maybe you can see the hidden polonium capsule inside.

I have no idea what that is but I like it

Send more angles

it looks like a lump of regular silicon that's been cut into a shape
it could be graphite too

easy one

Attached: file.png (1100x688, 381K)

I work with these everyday, it's a discombobulator that's used to disassociate the flux capacitor of a magnetron

If you run a current through the gold contacts outside a faraday cage while applying a polarized RF signal at 235 nanometers, there's a good chance it'll melt and catch fire.

Return the illegally obtained object before the secret police come looking for it, comrade Oleg.

Attached: 1521829282683.jpg (657x527, 38K)

It's a ferrite RF filter.

its for this thing

Attached: 1522616009232.jpg (1015x623, 107K)

lmao those slavs amirite boii?

Who the fuck leaves something like that on someones doorstep?

>banzai institute

Attached: 1522021976304.png (540x358, 201K)

Serious answer: a circuit board with room for 2 button batteries. No clue what it does. Maybe it's a bomb.

Haha no it's not
Electrical engineer here, seems to be nothing electrical

Looks radiological to me, desu...

Flux capacitor, model 'Tvoi pizdetc 87'

Prototype of a declassified 3nm CPU, keep it safe OP they are coming to reclaim it

It's a Psyche processor

looks like a rock taped to a bit of wood


it's clearly Unobtanium

Attached: CpmliG1UIAA4m_N.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

Posibbly that piece of shit is emiting radiation to your body so enjoy cancer OP


The only thing made in Russia nowadays is far right propaganda. So you can be assured that it's going to Make America Great Again.

Was thinking the same thing.

post more pics you fucking retard
also of the packaging



You gotta say it all broken and fucked up with a really heavy Japanese accent.