Posted this here long ago, has gotten worse.
I'm gonna clean it soon tho.
Posted this here long ago, has gotten worse.
I'm gonna clean it soon tho.
Colin, computers are not good rally racing cars.
I mean, they don't even have wheels or an engine!
It is a miracle my PSU is not dead.
What are you implying?
Friendly hint that your lungs most likely look similar, OP.
scrummy boingus
This looks like a computer that somehow participated in a rally race.
I don't smoke, though I do live with smokers.
Also 5 cats.
Honestly looks like someone explosive diarrhea'd into my PC and came back to do it again several more times.
Crazy it still works.
I don't know what that is you stupid faggot ass piece of shit /o/tist nigger
Also thank
Clean your house you fucking pig.
>what is passive smoking
It doesn't fucking matter. You see the shit in that case. That's shit that flies around in the air of that room and you keep sniffing it in.
looks like the dust and dirt is getting damp. cant be good. also I don't think your case has a fan blowing air into it. you should get one fan pushing air from outside in, and 2-3 fans pushing hot air out.
then u wont get such bad build up and dead zones inside the case. also don't leave it on the floor.
My house is clean, just not inside my case.
Gonna clean this week, it is on a desk and always has been.
Fan looks like a cotton candy maker
That's not dust buildup. That computer's been through a landslide or something.
Do landslides even happen in Maryland?
Your body can filter it out
Keep telling yourself that.