I'm planning on doing an Imageboard with zero, absolutely nothing, not even one line, or event, of javascript...

I'm planning on doing an Imageboard with zero, absolutely nothing, not even one line, or event, of javascript. ¿good idea or bad idea?

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great idea

>can't pull in latest posts on a timer

How is the browser going to update the page with new replies?

Attached: file.png (205x205, 62K)

F5 like it used to be.

How is this different from oldschool Yotsuba

And how are you going to post and send a reply ?

Java applets.

Don't be retarded, that's the most basic function a web site can have and it's called forms.

put it up on git, ive been working on something similar

>what is HTTP POST
It already exists user. It is a little bit messy, and I haven't had a lot of time to work on it lately, but in the next few months I will try to put a few more hours in it. Currently there is a oneline javascript for replying to posts with postnumbers, but that can be deleted while loosing very little functionality.

Java applets do not work in browsers anymore, they've been disabled sone years ago.

oh, so you are a retard who gonna use a lot of computational resources on server side instead using client side ones.

You're better off doing a BBS.

Technically, they never did, they depend on a JVM installed on the Host system and Firefox ESR still supports the plugin needed to run them.

That's not the problem, Javascript web sites can use as much server side resources as pure HTML ones and when you weight in XHR/AJAX request abuse full server side websites are much more lighter.

i like the idea. javascript is overused and abused as fuck.

a javascript-less site does not prevent users from running user scripts. also, F5.

you can do this 100% without javascript you react-obsessed faggot

no client-side javascript does NOT mean more server-side load. if anything, it reduces server-side load by eliminating automated requests polling for updates while the user isn't even actively using the site.

oh, lets use flash, javascript is cancer, lets force users to install new plugins each time to render our webpages like in the old good days.

No, brainlets btfo.

>How is the browser going to update the page with new replies?
There won't be any.

4bbs over ssh could be hilarious
images are possible with sixel terminal graphics

the guy talking about java shit is retarded.

and where exactly did i advocate for flash? fuck flash. fuck plugins. this isn't necessary. what's wrong with you fucking idiots, do you actually believe javascript is an absolute technical requirement to display basic text and images on an imageboard page?

iframe with a refresh. Only a small section of the screen will get updated each 10 secs. This will query a ws that will read a text file that is updated only on certain events in the DB. Or something similar. I will solve it when i get to that.

You can't automatically refresh an iframe without scripts, dummy.

I would use it for a day, lurk for three, and then get bored and leave. Only Jow Forumstards care about this shit.
Do it anyway, though

Attached: elixir.png (498x500, 173K)

>do you actually believe javascript is an absolute technical requirement to display basic text and images on an imageboard page

No, but I wouldn't do a full side server dynamic web application that would send us to the full reload era its ridiculous.


britt fag

ssh is just a protocol, you can send whatever shit you want throught it even a full xorg session.

sshchan already exits, but it's text only.

ok you are a retard.

>full side server dynamic web application
>simple imageboard
nigga are you high?
>full reload era
how mentally ill are you? you must be a modern web 9.0 full stack web developer by profession, because those are the only people who actually have been duped into believing that if you don't have 9,001 analytics engines and 20MB of javascript client-side rendering frameworks on a page, it's somehow inferior

You should use something like Spring MVC (Java/Kotlin) or ASP.NET Core MVC (C#) for all the data-driven HTML generation. It'll make your life much easier.

>you can't automatically refresh an iframe without scripts
>posts method to refresh an iframe without scripts
>"durr hurr ur a retard lol"

>nigga are you high?
no retard, I just think smarter than you If I write an image board I would add Image classfication to avoid CP, nlp skills to do datamining and my own web IDS.

They work on my machine.

dude, you are really a retard if you think is ok to refresh THE WHOLE FUCKING PAGE each time.

got it- so you've not actually a worthwhile developer of any kind and you just like to daydream about appearing smart

>this is your mind on javascript
As expected of a dumb peeplet.

Attached: 1522603008974.png (343x458, 8K)

i think this thread is related to my autistic project github.com/yottu/yottu

This is a small gif i took a couple of weeks ago.


I am still working on the upload part, bimageut i am trying to get something by end of april for a demo.

To the ones interested. it is done with CSS3, Perl and MySQL (stored procedures only)

I test it on Firefox, Chrome, and Text browsers.

No, only an Iframe, you dont need to refresh the WHOLE page. Is not really hard and there is a way to make it so you wont even notice there is an iframe in there.

I meant "I am still working on the image upload part, but i am trying...."

completely irrelevant to the fact that there exists a mechanism to refresh a page without scripts and you're just buttmad because you forgot about it or never knew about it since they didn't teach it at the react coding bootcamp you "graduated" from 2 weeks ago.

also, perhaps surprisingly to you, a full page reload is essentially instantaneous and requires fuck-all of server-side resources when you're no longer loading client-side rendering frameworks and tracking libraries onto it from 50 different ad company servers

javascript is a tool like any other, but i think mentally ill people flock to it for some reason. anyone who wants to appear smart and act like a real developer can use it to inflate their ego.

i remember chatrooms like that in the 90s
it's fine

There won't be any replies TO refresh.

find another hobby, programming is not for you.

it does not matter. I do it for fun:)

very indicative of your skill level that you view programming as nothing but a hobby

so i assume you'd prefer a "modern" imageboard that's entirely client-side rendered with react, where each poster has a dedicated AWS instance spun-up that hosts an Orleans cluster where every post is a virtual actor that signs messages and adds them to an epic special blockchain you had an early-bird ICO on, and anyone who didn't buy them initially gets to mine crypto in their browser while browsing, in between their CPU and network bandwidth being wasted on a billion analytics engines and other drivel totally irrelevant to simply making an imageboard that shows text and image posts to users upon request.

oh, but wait, i forgot! the project has to be open source and have a solid code of conduct too, right? since, if you're not a transexual black woman with severe mental illnesses, you're not a worthwhile developer, after all.

then finally, you have to have a merch store, so you can print off stickers with the imageboard's name on it, so you can put it on the back of your macbook and "work" on the code at starbucks

you're right, i guess i'm not a "real" programmer. i haven't even graduated from a prestigious southern california coding boot camp.

are you ok dude

i enjoy loudly complaining about the state of modern "programmers"

do you have an opinion on rms?

he made some neat tools that are widely used, so i can respect that. i like the general idea that a tool does one thing well, which most of his stuff seems to do. he's got some gross personal habits, and seems to take an impractically strict stance on only utilizing foss. the prior isn't really relevant i guess.

nothing gross about eating foot fruits user

As long as team creme is on it, I'll be happy.

Do it I might use it.
Also, nut.


I will have a demo by end of the month.

Attached: Animated GIF-source.gif (786x596, 980K)

I give it 2004/10, and
>perl programming in current year

Perl is one of the highest paid programming languages in the current year ;)

Also, Perl Dancer + Template Toolkit is a great combo. Honestly, most of my time is spent my MySQL and CSS stuff.

actually looks very comfy, 10/10

it's called FormChan

the actual state of modern webshits. don't even understand how a fucking web server works.

>fruit by the foot

>what the fuck is a web form

I think I just worked out why GNOME's logo is a foot

stallman is a hungry boi

Would it work in early IE or Netscape? I'd love to shitpost with reasonable performance on my Pentium. Arachne verification would be nice too.

but if something isn't a react-powered distributed cloud blockchain dAPP with facebook integration, how is it even capable of existing?

Testing in w3m would be bretty gud as well, since you can run w3m from Emacs or an actual VT100.

Very doubtful. I'm using CSS3. I know that Explorer 11 works.
I'm using lynx for the moment.

Some dude already made one.
It's pretty good actually

Thanks! Is very cool! And fast!

However, i have thought of some crazy features that i don't think other boards have. But these are surprise for the moment. I'll see what good stuff i can steal from ral.space though.

using no JavaScript at all is just as uselessly autistic as trying to use it for everything.

I pretty much did this but it does contain a piece of javascript that formats the times to the user's local timezone

That's why it's fun


By the way. It contains javascript.... :(

The idea is to have a board that can run at 100% of functionality in a browser with JS disabled (and with CSS disabled, at least decently)

Worst case scenario I shitpost over hyperterminal then.

"Spring would make your life easier" is a very rare opinion indeed.

You sound like a sysadmin mad he had to support all of that shit.

Kekd hard user

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>Desn't want to use Javascript

>Let's use Java applets instead.

Are you FUCKING retarded?

It was a shitpost, but still Java applets are more secure nowadays compared to Modern Javascript because of how hardened are the current JVM implementations, although performance is worse.

While it's not a *chan I've built a porn search engine that works without javascript enabled. I honestly reckon it'd be pretty easy to build a chan that works without javascript but you may want to consider adding some to make somethings just a bit nicer. Stuff like convert time stamps to local time zones, auto-refresh, inline posting, etc. At the very least put on data tags to each element so people can easily script things (like I've done with the videos on my site)

If you're curious about my site it's: yellingtoilet.com/

How is your project called? Would like to follow it after the thread dies, it looks cool and /comfy/

Does anyone remember this fucking failure being spammed here for like a week? github.com/NubbbZ/NyaaChan/tree/master/NyaaChan

He was laughed out because he couldn't even prevent basic SQL injections. So as long as you aren't as dumb as this kid you should be fine.

I'll be back by end of month, is sitll now published. See you all by then, i will have a demo done by that time.

Thanks for the discussion!

Fuck what am i doing.

I meant IT STILL NOT PUBLISHED and for a reason, i dont have yet a host to put this, and i want to prepare a good Alpine linux distro with all installed before deploying anywhere.

Currently it uses:
Perl Dancer
Template Toolkit
Image Magick

This will be the base distribution. There are some pretty good components like Pygment that i plan to use later in the future, and integrations with social media, that i think i will prepare as a separate distribution, that depends on stuff like ruby or python, i dont want to contaminate my precious perl VM :)

How do you plan to update a page userside without a full page reload while avoiding javascript?

Forcing a userscript is stupid, as is expecting your users to refresh the page.

Iframe refresh

The only thing I've found Jow Forums really lacks when you're living the JavaScript-free life is the inability to quote posts by clicking on the number and also the tiny as fuck text box for writing posts in.

Fix both of those, increase the size of the textbox and make the site at least shitbox-readable (i.e. usable/readable without CSS) and I would totally use that shit. Maybe add a simple captcha, too.

There's way too much bloat in this, I don't like it at all.

Reading 2 minutes about that meta tag, it seems like a retarded idea, user. Try scrolling through some websites while constantly refreshing them and see how it feels.

I don't see why F5ing a thread is so absolutely abhorrent to you, are you new or something?

If you're in some heated argument that's going at a quick pace you're going to be staring at the counter mashing update every few seconds anyway, if it's not going that fast it really isn't that hard to check the tab every once and a while and refresh.

I don't really like the "just userscript it bro" bullshit either, but it's not really hard to live without live thread refresh. It's just a nice supplement and the overall idea of creating an imageboard that works without JS or even CSS isn't a bad idea at all. I'd love to do something like that myself.

Over relying on the user pressing F5, I think making an Update button would be a better idea UI-wise.
Auto-refreshing every (you name it) seconds is autism.

Good idea for learning when to use javascript to increase usability. AJAX + dynamic html generation is also good to reduce bandwidth. Using this thread as an example: The HTML is 184kb big whereas the equivalent JSON file is only 31.5kb big.
Javascript per se is not bad, but it sure gives alot of room to abuse it.

I've been working on something like this already. I don't use a database either, all goes to a csv file.

Link github.com/anjum-ahmed/lupi

You make your own script to do that on the client side.

Demo. Try beat this for minimalism.

Attached: lupi board.png (1365x700, 33K)