Im disapointed in you guys

im disapointed in you guys
your are supposed to be the smartest board on 4 chan and no one here fond how the team points are calculated

Attached: images.jpg (248x186, 4K)

Perhaps they're random?

Not that bad because we figured out how the teams are setup

smartest board is /sci/, my nigga.

most of the fizzbuzzers here aren't even real software engineers

I've not been here for over 12 hours, but at the time people were saying that it was measured by a (you) tag to dubs, trips, etc.

Was this debunked?

It's pretty obvious it goes by post count.

it's rigged by the mods

I found it, but the proof didn't fit the margin of the page.

Attached: Fermat.jpg (299x338, 15K)

Attached: 1495496597939.jpg (350x345, 33K)


So if another Creme tags this post it's a point for Team Cream.

/b/ alone makes more than 100 posts per minute, simply impossible.

Test 2

The mods manually edit the points.

Are teams assigned randomly or what?

Jow Forums has been the largest and fastest board for a while, i can't inagine the wars going on over there

By IP.


Just click and see. It's chaos.


I think it’s a ploy.

Attached: 8179743E-6DFD-467E-B17F-1AF157D7F5BF.jpg (4032x1918, 1.96M)

Test again

No, its rigged by dragonfag from ireland

i'm scared
i haven't been to Jow Forums in years

I dunno if it's pure chance, but I found if I my browser, clear my cookies and cache, restart my router (to get a new IP) then reply to a team post using the word(s) of that team it assigned me to that team.

That's why I'm PB you fucking pretenders.

I'm pretty sure it's based on (you)s

Id expect the IP to be what determines your team and the amount of replies a thread gets to be the score.

Team is a hash on the ip
Points are just counted in the thousands

Can you tell me how?

>Team with greatest post count at thread expiry gets point(s)

Attached: tmp_3097014962267060911660000064.png (450x450, 307K)

So we are in theory giving points to peanut butter right now.

Are we? Who knows?

Though id also expect them to be dickheads and make it simply random.

They are random and also controlled by mods, that's the "joke". Retards would spend hours trying to figure it out and to gain point for their team.
How you end in a particular team is easy though.



new Date() / 1000

(sum of last two octets of your ip address) % 5

0 = Peep
1 = Chocolate
2 = Creme
3 = Peanut Butter
4 = Mini

It is fucking chaos, threads can die in a matter of minutes, people replying to hundreds of posts just to say "TEAM CHOCOLATE TEAM CHOCOLATE TEAM CHOCOLATE."

How many times have you tried that?


Nu-Jow Forums is not the smartest board

So, it's just the same as everywhere but sped up and more retarded

Attached: 1500337140505.jpg (894x894, 368K)

Where'd you get that from?


It's just 2008-2010 /b/ but focused on politics

>More retarded

hmm my last are .22 seems legit.

4 times. But this time I tried to get Mini and it didn't work. So forget it.

>supposed to be the smartest board
I am disappointed because a fucking 1st april pointless gag derailed a whole board.
fuck gentoo.

>whole board
whole site, you mean

There are literally hundreds of thousands of people around the world laughing at cremeniggers right now and it's beautiful.

smart people don't waste their time on these kinda things faggot.


>posts anyway

If you think about it what you presented would actually take too much effort instead of simply using the IP :/


Intelligent people have a sense of humor.

No one knows. I'm pretty sure the mods are just fucking with the numbers to get the biggest reaction.

>this shitty board full of OCD faggots
>smarter than /sci/ or any other

shiggy diggy doo, soyim

Attached: 1522287384888.jpg (640x960, 90K)

fake and gay

>your are supposed to be the smartest board on 4 chan
You must be new here.

it was post quality

Don't they have flat earth threads on the regular? Jesus Fucking Christ...

>posting an image of the ugliest age for a person to be
and this is why nobody here likes you. Jow Forums is actually smart and youre going to die alone