How big is Jow Forums's phone? Are manlets the only ones upset about phones getting bigger?

How big is your phone, Jow Forums?

Are manlets the only ones who are upset about phones getting bigger?

I always see girls with huge iPhone 8 Plus or Galaxy Note phones and they don't seem to care. They just put it in their purse and really seem to enjoy the big screen.

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Bigger phones are the best selling phones, the people that want small phones are in a small minority which is why almost nobody makes small phones.

The phone is the primary computing device for a majority of normies these days and the biggest screen possible is the most desirable.

Phones cannot become any wider which is why they are focusing on reducing bezels and making them longer.

My mi mix 2 is 5.99in, same size as a typical 5.5in phone in hand.

>be like
Was this written by a retard?

>tfw 5.2" Master race

Why can't they get any wider? A mm or two wouldn't even be noticed.

Yes, it's trying to imitate niggerspeak but it's likely written by a white teenager.

Are niggers so unevolved that after 300 years of being in contact with a language they can't even speak it properly?

>Are manlets the only ones who are upset about phones getting bigger?
Nah, I'm 6'5" and still use my 5s. Phuck phablets.

5.9 inches. Mate 9. Best phone I've ever bought.

niggers are barely human, user

I have fat thumbs, even 5.5 is feeling pretty cramped these days.
pic related, my current phone.

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just because youre a lanky fucker doesn't mean you dont have baby hands



I'm not on my G4 Play for the size - I just can't get into any other phones.

Mi Max 2

>he doesn't use a tablet with 4g as a phone

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>asus phone

I knew this place was full of retards


5, bigger are shit for one hand use

is this a meme from 2010?

6’3” chad here and I use a iPhone SE. large phones are carried by dicklets trying to compensate

>owns iphone
Spotted the soyboy.

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I've got a definitive answer for you

5.5, don't care about the size at all.


I still use my 1st gen Moto G with a 4.7" screen, running Lineage OS 14.1. It's the perfect size as far as I'm concerned. I have a couple of 5.5" phones in the house (a Cubot Note S and a Xiaomi Mi A1) and don't like them anywhere near as much.

I'm thinking of replacing it with an Xperia XZ1 once they come down in price after the XZ2 comes out, since 1GB RAM is a little limiting these days.

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Yeah, maybe a little bit later than that but pretty close. In 2011 iPhone fags were using the iPhone 4 which had a 3.5" screen, and Android was starting to get phablets.

*XZ1 Compact that is.

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I have one that's 5.7" and another that's 6.44".

5.5" seems perfect to me

yikes that thing looks cheap

>I still use my 1st gen Moto G with a 4.7" screen

that's 4.5, dude. I used to have one. replaced it with a Mate SE (US version of the Honor 7X) and its so much better than the Moto G 1st gen. I can't believe that Moto G lasted me so long without breaking at all. I just wanted something faster.

>Overall, I am happy with my simplistic device except I wish it had more ram

Have you seen the latest Moto E4 Plus?

If you think your phone is fine, wait until you see how nice the E4 Plus is.

You can probably get a mint condition used one for 100 bucks or save up for the E5 Plus.

>bigger phone = better specs

I wish this shit would go away

meanwhile your hand is still tiny, kek

The problem with that statement is as nobody is making a good small phone, nobody can buy one.
5" is considered small now.
There is not a single design decision made in the phone market I have agreed with the past 10 years and with every purchase, I am spending more money on a product I don't want.

I want a fast phone.
I want an ergonomic phone.
I want the features on the phone to work.
And I don't want to think "is 30% battery enough for me to finish this call or wake me up in the morning?"

6.44 inches

What dimensions should a hand have to comfortably hold a >5" phone?

zenfone 4 max, 5.5

perfect phone if not for a bit dated a chipset

rule of thumb is your phone screen size should be equal to your penis size

>>The phone is the primary computing device for a majority of normies these days
Jesus Christ, what went so wrong? It's no wonder that tech illiteracy is at an all-time high: everything is abstracted through a GUI and whatever else, which inherently fosters illiteracy and ignorance.

chick in OPs pic has a gigantic cock

To be honest I still don't get the appeal of "smart" phones. Looks like an overpriced Facebook device and mp3 player.

I can hardly even use them because my hands are too big for those tiny keyboards.

So you can comfortably use 5.5 screen with one hand?

>How big is your phone, Jow Forums?
5.0", Redmi 4 Prime. But I also have a 6.5" Doogee Y6 PRO. I'm 6'4" btw. It's totally preferable to have a 6.5" screen but you can't have a 3" phone with a 6.5" screen so those have to be huge and I don't want to carry that around all the time. I'd rather have a second phone of that size that I may or may not bring depending on what I'll be dragging around that day. If it's a back-pack or a bag then it's fine to throw a phablet in there, if it's summer and I'm wearing a t-shirt and shorts and no bag then a small 5" is preferable.

Hell yeah

non-fag dimensions

>snapdragon 430

lol what. I have the newer 435 on a phone I got for 50 bucks.

gorilla glass, dual sim, 5000mah, nice cams/ lenses. otherwise pretty pedestrian

I have a 5.9 inch screen and I use it fine. My hands aren't even that big. I'm not even 6 feet tall.

If your phones bigger than your dick I've got some bad news for you

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I had Galaxy Mega with 6.4" back in a day but it was way too big for my liking.


5.99 inches, like 5.6 of that is screen

Best phone. Fight me, faggots.

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why are you using a phone from 2008?

fuck off nerd
GUIs are great
computers were made for productivity and making money, not autists tinkering with shit for fun


>uses "i take cocks up my ass" brand phone
>calls other people faggots

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>white guy with a thick southern drawl and tons of colorful euphemisms and verbal idiosyncrasies
>"Heh, what a charming individual."

>black guy with a thick urban mannerism set and tons of colorful euphemisms and verbal idiosyncrasies
>"Fucking NIGGERS need to learn to use the English language probberly, amirite XD"
Are Americans always like this?

lel 5.5" isn't big. Mine is 9''

>wake me up in the morning?"
plug your phone into the charger at night??

>Have a Galaxy Note 2
>watched it go from zany oversized meme to the industry standard



6.5", but I'm still getting used to how big it is.
This desu, it still is the best fit in my hands.
I couldn't even use my se without you having bad news then.

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>This desu, it still is the best fit in my hands.
>t. handlet iToddler

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What do you even consider to be small hands? Mine are 6.5" long and I really don't think that they are small desu.

I have observed a negative relationship between the size of a person's phone and their intelligence. The most retarded people I know have huge phones.


> use it fine
> comfortable use
the former doesn't require the latter

I just want a phone that will always fit into my jean pocket

I use a GuoPhone N2.

Bigger phone means you can stick a big battery together with good specs and still get good battery life. Also it helps with the heat generated by the better specs. So I'mma not really a meme.

5.7" is the absolute smallest device I can comfortably use. I prefer 6.0" if possible. The only people I hear complaining about large phones are manlets.

Always remember that women are a more important market for phone companies than male Jow Forums users.

4.6 inches.

>tfw your compact phone has the same battery as its normal sized sibling but a smaller screen with 1280x720, getting better battery life

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But it's not oled and the phone has a shitty old SOC, so your actual battery life is shit.

At the time nothing was OLED, it's almost three years old. And I'm a light user and would be getting a week out of a charge if I went below 40% more often.

>battery life is great if you aren't using your phone
The ultimate lifehack, broseph.

God tier phone. For the price, there was nothing better at the time.

LG G2 dropped to about $200 in late 2014 and it absolutely destroyed Moto g in every regard. A shame there was no worthy successor to it

My phone is about 6 inches, and I'm not gonna lie I have manlet hands, and in some cases my phone doesn't fit all the way into my pockets. Even 5.5 inches was a bit of a fumble for me, but still manageable for the most part. However, the 5.5 inch phone I had was blocky and uncomfortable to hold. The S8+ or S9+ are okay by me but I'd never get a samshit phone unless it's my only option.

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Thanks for saying it so I didn't have to type it out myself. Some of you guys sound like people I would never want to be actual friends with beyond a workplace. Have you never spoken slang or something?

OnePlus 5T 128gb, 6 inch

Southerners are funny to listen to but at the end of the day everyone thinks theyre retards too. Just consider the fact that the left hates rednecks and makes fun of their dialect all the time

5,5in. I think it's a bit too big for me :( I have to use it with both of my hands.

Look, I don't know why I'm even arguing with you, I never said that the battery life is the best in the world, I only said that it's better than the regular model's, and that's a testing fact established in a number of reviews.

It's not, but I'm a first gen Moto G user (just because it works).

literally this. i lol at anyone using a phone bigger than 4.5. might as well just use a god damn tablet for a phone. big phones look weird when you wear pants too. looks like you have a bomb in your pocket. not to mention it's uncomfortable as fuck. steve jobs said the iphone shouldn't be bigger than 4.5 it's supposed to be used with one hand.

>tfw most phones are in 5" to 6"
>tfw tablets are in 9" to 12"
>tfw comfy 7" tablets are replaced with oversized phones.

>tfw I need to get iPadPro

Longslimphone is long and slim
5" screen I think

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Mi Max

My next one is going to be a Mi Max 3. I hope the leaked specs are true and it's 18:9 with glorious 7".

nokia 3310 it is then

Two phones, 5.9" and 3.5" , I don't have a manlet hand, I have a girly hand.
The 5.9" have to be used by two hands, but it comes with one hand assistance navigation so I can do must stuff on one hand.
The issue is I can't put both phones in the same pocket, and because I put my wallet in front pocket ,I struggle with the smaller phone.
Men carrying purse is ok when?

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Fuck yeah iPhone SE. Fantastic phone, good battery life, frankly iOS is no worse than Android on the whole and is better in some ways (support), shame about the lack of an SD card slot though, although having come from a first-gen Moto G, that didn't bother me so much. My friends always complain that it's too small to use, but honestly I find most of the 5.5"+ monstrosities they have to be unusable. I have to awkwardly balance their phones if I'm using them one-handed, and I don't exactly have small hands. That and they don't really fit anywhere other than a purse. Apple was absolutely right about this form factor, it's the perfect size to use one-handed, and it fits into pretty much any pocket, even those awkwardly small coin pouches you find on most jeans. It is absolutely the perfect size. Shame Apple is planning to supersize it.

I bought one of these new in December of 2013 and used it for four years. Great phone for the price, but I found the 16GB of storage really limiting. It's good that they have SD expansion slots now but Lenovo overall puts out an inferior product to Google.

> Mi Max

> My next one is going to be a Mi Max 3. I hope the leaked specs are true and it's 18:9 with glorious 7".
seven inches? come on it's not even hair at this point,

5.2", comfy, snappy and good battery. Bigger is better but pocket sized and easy one handed use wins