Use ubuntu they said

>use ubuntu they said
>it's for linux babbies and virtually impossible to break! they said
>been using 17.10 on my x220 for about 6 months
>everything was fine, apart from my only user getting sudo privileges removed multiple times
>just this week, starts to completely hang at lightdm login, probably kernal panic
>tried recovery options, didn't do shit
>have all my uni stuff on that hardrive, now have
This is why linux for the desktop will never happen. I've only had Windows break on my in such a catastrophic way about 3 times in my life.

Attached: sick_cat.jpg (250x250, 14K)

Even Linux for babies isn't for brainlets.

it's really a joke.

Expect the thread to be full of people saying it's somehow your fault though, they're literally only using Linux to feel superior to windows users and not because they have any actual use cases that Linux does better.

just go back to Windows 10 and use some performance tweaks like CPUbalance and Throttlestop and it's just as "fast"

Nah. A user shouldn't have to constantly wrestle with his pc and by extension the OS to get basic productivity done. Why the fuck does my user keep getting removed from sudoers when it's a standard 17.10 install from a minimal iso using XFCE and mininal packages? If linux for the desktop is ever going to be a thing, these things need to be sorted out. I thought using noobuntu would be fine on my x220 for taking notes at uni. Now I have to go through the hassle of backing up all the shit on my hardrive and installing windows 7 so I can actually get shit done and count on my laptop always being able to boot to a fucking desktop

Ubuntu is complete and utter garbage.
Install openSUSE, it is way more stable (even Tumbleweed) and more normie friendly, so friendly, that my mom was able to install it.
Or install Gentoo.

Ubuntu is shitty distro. apt-get shit itself after every third or so update for some reason.
Just stop recommending this meme distro to everyone. Recommend normal distros like Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE, distros that are used by people who actually work on computer (for ex. in POS jewish piano machines)

>If linux for the desktop is ever going to be a thing, these things need to be sorted out.


and now figure out a way to recover those files.
>not gonna spoonfeed

>virtually impossible to break! they said
who told you that

OP here, I'm not a complete retard. It's just a pain in the ass to have an OS completely break on you. Neckbeards with riced af arch configs will shitpost all they want, but some of us don't have the time to spend nearly half a day trying to work out why you have a kernal panic or why X is fucking up again.

Your user keeps getting removed from sudoers because you're writing the file with bad syntax and visudo is reverting your changes.
>install from minimal ISO
>complain about manual configuration
The default Ubuntu installer sets your user up in sudoers by default.

Gee, why don't they like a stable productive environment?
Because they are faggots with nothing to code or work. They keep distro hopping and install something obscure shit that has no usability and shitpost hahah ubuntu noob. They are worst type of scums and mostly normies who have found linux recently.

It's about as fun as trying to figure out why random files are giving access errors because Win32DiskImager overwrote your partition table with a floppy disk image despite you pointing it at your floppy disk drive. (Twice!)

>installed a flavor from minimal iso
There's your problem. If you want just works you stick with mainline ubuntu.

So it's essentially just another rant blog post then.

btw, distrohop and settle to something you deem worthy if you're unhappy. Ricing essentialy is just rlevant to make the distro of choice _your distro_ as it is not limited to visual eye candy
the pro of linux is that it behaves like you tell it to with the downside of potentially fucking it up in cantrary to windows. Bugs and shit occur on both systems tho.

I'm going to be real with you.

As good as Ubuntu is for a beginner, it's strongly reccommended to move on. Ubuntu is broken, uses wayland by default, and utilizes systemd. Not to mention the horrible package manager. You'd be better off with something like Antergos, OpenSUSE, or Fedora.

>had Windows break about 3 times in my life.
>says linux is worse than that

Attached: 1517065180581.png (585x789, 238K)

never use anything besides LTS if you want a super stable experience.

>>have all my uni stuff on that hardrive, now have

yeah op you dun goofed
linux isn't a good general purpose desktop OS
it only shines as a server OS and for special applications such as machine learning, web development and embedded development
if you want to get your data back boot the ubuntu live usb and copy everything to an external disk, or resize the lin partition, install win on the space left, and install the ext driver to access the lin partition. but you're such a brainlet that you'll fuck it up and delete everything, so just copy your stuff to an external drive

>using 17.10 on my x220 for about 6 months
lucky, on my end it was crap from the first boot

>linux isn't a good general purpose desktop OS
it is, it's just that ubuntu don't care about stability/bug-free in their releases, they just produce them at the appointed date

ubuntu SHOULD warn a release [like 17.10] may not work ok for you but a previous one [like 16.04] may work ok

also archlinux doesn't have this problem :^)

>they just produce them at the appointed date
which is bad because they pull them from debian which does not use upstream but their own upstream-obsoleted debian-patched crapware

OP, if you want a serious answer on how to fix your shit, do the following:
>Grab a LiveUSB of any normie distro.
>Boot into the live environment.
>Launch a terminal.
>Mount your drive to the filesystem somewhere (something like "mount /dev/sda /mnt/HDD" or similar).
>Change directory to your mounted filesystem.
>Perform a chroot (which essentially let's you log into your Linux system from a parent host environment).
>Perform whatever troubleshooting steps you think will fix your system.

I have to do this occasionally when my dumbass bricks my system. I've had it happen in the past when messing with Xorg and proprietary video drivers.

this is why we can't have nice things

>not using LTS
That's where you goofed.

>tried recovery options, didn't do shit
Why not just reinstall but leave your home partition?

OP is just a faggot. It's ok to have your own opinion but don't force it on others. I use GNU/Linux everyday and everything is fine. It's probably because my IQ is 350, so you are free to return to Windows instead of shitposting on Jow Forums. Btw I use Arch

Op revealed that he was an idiot with this. Why the fuck wasn't it backed up?

How can't consumer faggots not remember that, all those problems and their fixes are fun only for us needs and that they should just stay with their proprietary software

yeah but he's a noob, you can't recommend one of those DIY distros to him
also Ubuntu is the closest thing to a user-friendly distro. debian, arch, gentoo etc need too much thinkering, mint and the other "user friendly" distros are a kludged together steaming pile of shit, etc.


Not him but I don't think GNU/Linux distro should get closer to user-friendly because Windows already exists for that

>OP here, I'm not a complete retard

Attached: 1447728195024.jpg (250x240, 13K)

OP here again, as I said before, I'm not retard and know how to back up my shit. But because I didn't finish a sentence now everyone thinks that i'm fresh off the boot from reddit and don't know how to read ext4 partitions or boot from a live cd. Oh no, whatever will I do?

Problem is solved. Spent most of the afternoon but I've installed a fresh Windows 7 install on it for now because as much as I went to switch to debian stable, i can't risk having something break and not being able to use my laptop for half a day.

You tried to do a minimal install without the knowhow and now bitch that it doesn't work. Congrats, you played yourself.

>OP here, I'm not a complete retard.
I very much doubt that.

>install a bad video driver
>your system refuses to boot

Why exactly am I suppose to use this shit over windows again?

Oh boi I'm gonna use some shitbuntu hope I don't get indicted or fucked kek lul

Hey hold on there I must close the gate, some retard just escaped.

>Manual install
>Cant configure their way out of a wet paper bag
>It's ubantos fault

Go back to Windows then, these grapes were sour after all

>install bad driver
>bluescreen loop during boot

Sounds like user error

>for now because as much as I went to switch to debian stable
Considering your slovenly use of the English language, it is readily apparent that you are, in fact, retarded and that this whole situation could have been avoided if you were not a mongoloid.


>>have all my uni stuff on that hardrive, now have

>get a live USB/CD of literally any distribution
>run it on the laptop
>mount your HDD
>recover your data
>unscrew laptop
>take out the HDD
>plug it into another machine
>recover all your data
whew that was hard

Debian based distros are generally terribly hacky pieces of shit

But you are a retard. Who else does a minimal install without knowing what he's getting into?

>i do a fresh install of windows 7
so you lose all your data? LOL retard