What did Google mean by this?
What did Google mean by this?
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Easter is a shit holiday
Jewish holidays are fun as hell and you drink/party/eat food on every single one of them
>Jewish holidays are fun as hell
Know how I know you're a lying kike?
lighten up Jow Forumstard
Jewish holidays are nothing but sitting around a table with a bunch of old yids and getting crappy gifts. Why do you think Jews have so much Christmas envy?
>my bloody face when every kike I know celebrates christmas because they fucking child-sacrificing satanist multi-day rituals where they can't fucking flick a light-switch without having to pray more times than I take shits in a year and yet they have the guts to say that their holidays are more "fun"
Americans don't celebrate Easter
t. gasman
I hope you're baiting. It's as much as a consumerist buy-shit holiday as all the others, even non-christians get in on it.
>even non-christians get in on it
It's a Euroean pagan holiday first of all dumbass, its to celebrate the fertility of nature during the start of spring. What the hell do you think eggs have to do with jewsus?
What's "Lag Boner"? It sounds tech related.
You exactly what they meant by this.
Yes we do.
Shut the fuck up, Styx.
When you eat a lot of food before taking viagra and it doesn't kick in for a while.
>What did Google mean by this?
Dismantling toxic while male Christianity.
Society needs to have less Christianity and wypeepo
how is the quality of that image so low?
>and getting crappy gifts
Not jewish but I know you get hella bank and company shares. >JEws have so much christmas envy. Holy fucking shit you're serious. What a retard. Not only that but they got more than just one day for hanukkah pretty sure.
It's all just a (((coincidence))).
>It's a Euroean pagan holiday first of all dumbass,
This is what LARPagans actually believe.
>Not only that but they got more than just one day for hanukkah pretty sure.
So they get eight crappy gifts.
Hate to break it to you but Christmas is also a pagan holiday, it celebrates the winter solstice.
No amount of cope will change the fact that all traditions and holidays we celebrate now came before (((christianity)))
No shit, its 9 months after, exactly the amount of months women are pregnant from easter to yule
A private company does what it wants to do appropriate within the limits of the law
Oh the horror...
Hey why doesn't stormfront celebrate Ramadan or Hanukkah?
I agree with you on the first part, but your comparing apples to oranges on the latter part.
tell me op who is forcing you to use google if you don't like their services? not all us are christcucks u know.
>doesn't fall on winter solstice
>celebrates winter solstice
They have the right to, but it's pretty transparent wen a super jewey company celebrates all but the Christian holidays.
Learn to spell, you teenage faggot.
Stop deluding yourself, you tree-worshipping cunt.
>doesn't fall on winter solstice
>People thousands of years ago didn't have pinpoint accurate measurements so they were off by 3 days or so
Color me shocked fella
>comparing apples to nazis
Learn to make an argument, you smelly butt.
>google then
pic related
>google now
Not all of us are jews either.
same thing as last year bcos fuck your Christian holidays we are all diverse n shit
>What did Google mean by this?
I think it's pretty obvious. They don't give two shits about Christians.
>Comparing stormfront to Google
Wow you're right! Google is just as authoritarian and extreme as the nazis. Glad you have seen the light.
t. Schlomo Goldstein
one (1) shekel was transferred into your account.
It's when you fap to porn on dialup and the pictures take forever to load
yes google is authoritarian and extreme as the nazis with he difference being that they are not as dumb and obvious with it
Why don't americans celebrate easter?
>all doodles in the old design, that means they're at least 5 years old
>not realizing different countries get different doodles