When is the next meet up?

When is the next meet up?

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Bitches don't know about his HolyC

what's up with this faggot? why did he stop streaming?
also why doesn't he step down the muh king stuff, get his shit together and collect disability?


because no one put any money in his paypal so he can buy 5 dollar beers and charge his phone.

you all took god offline and now you dont get the oracles

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Terry is at most an average programmer

>average programmer
Hello ?
Ok, bye nigger
So anyway...

Attached: terry_phone.png (244x178, 62K)

>average programmer
>makes an os, a 3d engine, and everything else
3/10 bait

This guy belongs in a padded room, it's only a matter of time before he hurts someone or himself due to his mental illness.

Imagine how much of a piece of shit you have to be to laugh or financially support the shenanigans of a sick person for your amusement and memes

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If he's such a good programmer then why doesn't he get a fucking job? It would keep him out of the streets

Because he has a mental illness? You fucking retard.

He streamed just a few days ago. Look at his YouTube channel

It had like 12 viewers at peak

>implying it's difficult at all
Any serious college nigger will have written some of them by the time he graduates. And if you give them 10 years time, they will definitely do something equally impressive or more than that of this schizo manlet

>experiencing feelings of empathy

>he chose GOD over his loli waifu
based terry

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>We live in a castrated dog oppressed world with way too many hell is dog catchers. Now recruiting old school catholic knights Templar above the law in all christen Dom by order of the pope. When doing time they use bible randomly opened to talk to God and live and grow as monk warriors, the shock troops.

did he get his car back?

He had a job designing an operating system for Ticketmaster. He has low-level programming and electrical engineering skills. He's a good programmer. The reason he doesn't have a job is because of his debilitating schizophrenia, which he has stopped taking medication for.

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>mfw he can't cum unless he imagines physics girl getting fucked by a nigger

Attached: itlookedabitlikethis.png (960x541, 505K)

Did he really abuse a doggo or was that fake news?

The dog was probably hired by the CIA like that child that he almost hit

>12 viewers at peak
>terry got 700+ subs in 5 days with ZERO advertising

You are a filthy , hateful CiaNigger lover

>because no one put any money in his paypal
plenty of people did
>charge his phone
you mean the one that got stolen a couple of days ago?

>did he get his car back?
he totaled it, there's nothing to get back

oh shit

so what does Terry during his daily life now that he's homeless? does he just spend hours at a public library? does he sleep at a shelter, or literally just on the streets/under a bridge type of deal?

He basically lives at an LGBT center.

>stolen a couple of days ago

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He doesn't have a job because he's fucking crazy. That doesn't prevent him from being a skill system programmer.

He was living with his sister but he got sick of them hassling him to take his meds, he didn't want cause they make his dick not work.
He decided to leave and go to San Diego to move in with physics girl

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>literally just on the streets
that's what he was doing for a bit, we will know more when he gets a new phone or shows up in irc again. until then it's all just speculation
someone mentioned the gay center closed for Easter, could be why he hasn't been online since Thursday

CIA operatives.

Attached: CIA_agent_B.jpg (186x206, 4K)

Am I like the only person on here that doesn't know who this dude is?

Do you want a medal?

it somehow got worse for terry. i guess this just means he's more likely to go back home

now you must choose...

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I can't believe Terry is fucking dead

I don't think he's going back to Vegas any time soon desu


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Who is he?

Unfortunately this isn't the case for modern computer "science" education. It's more like a Bachelor's in App Development.

>Who is he?
This isn't /sqt/

He's Terry Davis, the guy who made (maintains??) TempleOS:


>We live in a castrated dog oppressed world >with way too many hell is dog catchers.
>Now recruiting old school catholic knights >Templar above the law in all christen
>Dom by order of the pope. When doing time >they use bible randomly opened to talk
>to God and live and grow as monk warriors, the >shock troops.

Indeed, templeos.org, indeed.

Thats rough, but hardly surprising.
He sucks at being homeless

Attached: terry before and after.jpg (820x1641, 185K)

Hi newfriend

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get lost you dumb CIA nigger homosexual

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I wonder who could be behind this post.


Newfag enabler.



Imagine how much mental gymnastics you have to do to imply that people who want to help Terry out are doing it for amusement and memes

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>or shows up in irc again
what channel does he frequent

What IRC channel does he visit?

#templeos-irc on irc.rizon.net

on a side note, where does "glow in the dark CIA niggers" come from? is it a reference to them wearing night vision gear?

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thank you, kind user

a king is a gift from god, so just give him the fucking money


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why does he use ubuntu?
i thought he wrote his own OS

He's got to stream and stuff. Also TempleOS isn't really designed to run without a host os.

No, they literally glow in the dark.


No they literally glow in the dark.
This makes them easier to see so you can run them over.

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Why would you want to meet meat? We have cyberspace. There is nothing fake about it.



It can run on bare metal, the thing is that it has no networking and no USB support

>it has no networking
minexew wrote a PCNet driver and TCP/IP stack over a year ago. A while back I did a telnet BBS client w/ ZMODEM support and a web server. I wrote a command line FTP client last week, running on bare metal: streamable.com/pr4yo

>mentally ill
>dog abuser
>delusional racist rambler
Meme children never cease to innovate their cancer i see.

where do you people find the motivation to work on stuff like this

i honestly can't bring myself to work on anything other than some scripts to automate stuff since I know nobody's going to give a shit if I made something cool

Typical norman response
Take decisions that would benefit {you} and masquerade it as being the empathic thing to do so you can sleep with only a half dose of xanax
Terry obviously does not benefit from the mind numbing CIA pills or he would have been cured long ago, if you think being contained in a prison is bad what about being imprisoned in your own mind for the so called sake of public security
Go back to reddiot and discuss how mentally ill people should be enslaved over there

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