>ending with a rickroll
Ending with a rickroll
get fucked dumb team shitposter
You got rickrolled just because you tried to claim the winner's prize
>he doesn't get free Jow Forums pass
anyone who participated was a plaything of the mods and an idiot, some people stayed up for 24 hours spamming threads endlessly all for nothing because it was RNG, truly from the mod's side most of the site must have looked hysterically retarded
How did you even know what team you're on?
>truly from the mod's side most of the site must have looked hysterically retarded
>Implying it wasn't already hysterically retarded
Wasn't there ln, who won?
so which team "won" in the end?
This is Jow Forums. There aren't any winners here, only losers.
The mod team.
Did anybody figured out the score system?
It was rigged
There was never any score system
No one won
Everyone got rick rolled
April Fools
But, man, the kiddos took it seriously as fuck, though. I think they were supposed to see that pointless tribalism and shitposting over nothing is for retards, but how can you expect a retard to realize that in the first place?
It's telling that the board that got the most derailed was Jow Forums.
you guys are no fun. go get a job and a girlfriend and some kids and get tthe FUCK OFF THIS SITE
ur cool.
>you guys are no fun. go get a job and a girlfriend and some kids and get tthe FUCK OFF THIS SITE
A little triggered now that someone's explained how you were the punchline of the joke?
>not realizing it was gonna be a rickroll the second you saw the "go here to claim their prize" link
>not turning the audio on and clicking it anyway so that you can reminiscence the old days
Thanks mods.
>not wanting duckroll
out ya go normie
jokes on them i actually like the song and watch it everytime.
I thought it was gonna be bans
Take your own advice, normalfag. >>>/reddit/
Now that would have been funny
>messing up duckroll with rickroll
/tv/ or /v/ by far
/v/ can't be derailed when it never had game discussion threads
Take your phony faggot ass right back to tumblr.
Rickroll is one of a handful of native Jow Forums memes, I approve of it.
I found that the shittier a board is the more team threads it had. /v/ for instance was only team threads.
Checks out.
is still alive and kicking
im triggered that you despise tribalism and shitposting yet you still go here
go back to your fucking safespace
>using discord emotes outside of discord or at all
Fuck off underage ironic weeb discord user.
calm down, kid
tribalism is never pointless, goldberg
What else would you expect from chinkmoot?
Jow Forumsscriptedasiangifs
It's just the good old "you guys will argue over everything" meme. Calm your tits.