>he still uses android
>android flagships are just as expensive if not more than an iphone
>terrible battery life
>inconsistent ui
>buggy and laggy apps
>all the apps ootb are inferior to ios default apps
why the h*ck are you using android?
>he still uses android
>android flagships are just as expensive if not more than an iphone
>terrible battery life
>inconsistent ui
>buggy and laggy apps
>all the apps ootb are inferior to ios default apps
why the h*ck are you using android?
That was an awesome doujin.
because it cost $200 for a phone with a web browser that has good reception in hospital buildings and garages with 5 days idle battery life
it looks pretty good, whats it called senpai
>buying flagships
Panty & Stocking - Crazy 4 You! (Manga Super)
Based brap poster
>this one guy who keeps borrowing Apple products to pretend he regrettably bought them
This is really pathetic, even for Jow Forums. You did it with a MacBook Air already, now you've stolen an iPad? You do this daily, without fail. Like its a job. Apple must have really pissed you off. Why are you so upset?
thanks user
Because i don't need a flagship phone, and apple only sells flagship phones.
I wou gladly pay double of what Apple charges to avoid using their proprietary locked-down Babby's First Phone. I like being able to customize the functions of my device and you won't change my mind by calling me fat, autistic, or neckbearded.
There is a simple benchmark to test if a device is shit or not.
Can it run truxton? if it can't run truxton, the device sucks.
So can you run truxton?
All the way down to cheaper chink phones
Do you even /spg/?
I love Twilight Sparkle!
>Xiaomi is cheap in my loved Memexíco.
>Contract phines are for loosers that want the lastest Samshit o iShit and star complaing about them 6 months after buy becuase the next big shit is around the corner.
>Smartphone burner phones are cheap as fuck (t-thanks cartels)
>Same as with murrican freed phones from verizon resold here. (t-thanks a-again pls dont behead me)
I pay 15 usd a month for 5gb of data with unlimited facebook, whatsapp, fb messenger, instagram, snapchat, uber and uber eats. + "Free" youtube red + google play music (thanks AT&T)
Forgot to mention phone and sms are unlimited too, but who the fuck uses sms in $Current_year?
I make tops 10 calls a month of 4 min each at most...everyone uses fucking whatsapp or Facebook now...
>it's another technology illiterate iToddler subhuman missed the exit to Jow Forumseddit and ended up on Jow Forums episode
ahhh ... planned obsolescence. And apple even initiated it with an update. So ballsy. They must really think their user base are a bunch of mouth breathers.
Report and move on, nothing to see here.
mi mix 2 is like 500 at most, has double the RAM of the iPhone X and supports other OS
> terrible battery life
Barely costs $120 to get long battery life. Go stuck Steve Job's dead dick.
> inconsistent ui
No problem for me, but you should get the fuck off websites.
> buggy and laggy apps
No noticeable problem even on 120-ish chinese phones.
At this point they've established that as fact.
Cuz i can choose what the fuck i want
>he still uses lagPhone
>android flagships are half as expensive while twice as fast as lagPhones
>terrible battery life
>inconsistent ui
>buggy and laggy apps
>all the apps ootb are inferior to android default apps
why the h*ck are you using android?
I don't know, i went from an iPhone 7 to Moto G5 Plus and I'm really happy. Picked it up unlocked at Walmart for $75, and it gets twice the battery life of my iPhone 7, and runs just as smoothly. The camera isn't as good, but it was $75 so I wasn't expecting much. Bought it to use as a "smart remote" with kodi, Plex, YouTube, Netflix, etc with the Mac mini i use as an HTPC, but now the iPhone 7 is the remote and the Moto is my daily phone. Stock Android is comfy, and way more customizable plus I can install any damn app I want without all the bullshit of pushing a shady app with cydia impactor. That was the big one for me because I'm sick of only using what Apple says I can use on a phone I paid $800 for.
>he bought a tablet
>all that botnet
Stay in your country thanks
>literal botnet phone designed to squeeze and take every bit of data you have
Yeah so good
>Macbook air
He seriously did it with an air? Did he expect anyone to believe that shit? My air is pushing 5 years old and it still runs the most recent version of MacOS flawlessly. I'm actually incredibly impressed at the longevity of their actual computers because I'll get 6 ish hours (streaming video, closer to 9 if just browsing and IRC) of battery life on the original 2013 battery on my 13" air with the brightness at half and keyboard backlight on low. And this is the original battery it shipped with, no replacement. It's legit the best laptop I've ever had in the 20 years I've been using laptops and when I do finally replace it, it'll be sold off toward the cost of a new macbook. I'll never again use their phones after trying a budget Android phone and getting a better experience overall than I had using iPhones since the original first iPhone, but their laptops are a pure joy to use, even at their idiotic price point.
Because of the price desu.
I know, deep inside of me, than iPhones are superior but way too overpriced.
Apple owns everything, from the hardware to the software, and that's why it's way less buggy and more reliable than Android, while Google decided to open it's OS to every shitty China firm.
But I don't like the fact that it's not open-source also. Apple is a shitty company not taking care of it's employees.
>longevity of their actual computers
repairs dont cost money if you have warranty, which is a year by default :^)
Too bad I'm running FOSS on it and protect my privacy in every way
>macshit is good
>as long as you're only going to live for a year
The absolute state of mactoddlers.
>has a camera
>able to be rooted
Yeah sure user, that chinked up rom with public code doesn't have any exploits, the feds would have told the devs ;-)
I dont own a mac and I wasnt defending, try reading things before replying
That applies for every single phone.
Plus my bootloader is locked, but nice try.
Your reply missed the point.
>hands over everything it can to the feds
>if not, there are a shitload of exploits to get it open
>hands over everything it can to the feds
>refuses to unlock phones
>only exploit that worked on even people whose job it is to break into iPhones can't pull much more from it than some barebones data about the phone itself
>apple has your data
>Implying non-apple PCs don't have same or higher failure rates
With apple, the chances of failure are incredibly low, but in 20 years I've had *maybe* 5 laptops that I didn't need some kind of warranty service or outright exchange. One of them being the only Lenovo I've ever owned, an ideapad, which is currently acting as a low powered Linux server atm. My macbook air has made it nearly 5 years without being serviced *at all*. I was the last of my friends to finally give in and switch because I was the token Linux geek of the group, and no one else in my circle of friends has ever had to have their Mac serviced excepting one and that's because she's a dumb cunt and spilled water all over it.
>you are allowed to opt out of iCloud and turn off what you want
>cant on android
>can switch off permissions as you want
>apps can stop themselves from being opened on android without granting them as much access as they ask for
I can do all those things, what are you talking about?
>apple users are usually so tech illiterate they actually upload their nudes to apple's servers and get "hacked" by someone guessing their passwords
>tfw android as my phone and ipad as my tablet
Feels good.
Macs are fucking trash and have insanely high failure rates. Look at this fucking shit. $1000+ ONLY Macs vs $200-$1000 laptops.
$200 Walmart laptops literally have better reliability than Macs.
>using icloud
I wonder if they would fail less if apple invested in proper cooling for their systems
> >macshit is good
> >as long as you're only going to live for a year
> The absolute state of mactoddlers.
Macbook machines, in my experience, need far less servicing than any other laptop. Mind you, this is purely anecdotal based on 20 years of non-Apple laptops and 30 years of non-Apple desktops both personally and in my circle of RL friends. Their phones are fucking garbage though and fail all the fucking time and anyone using an iPhone, iPad, etc is just a fucking retard.
Apple computers are like having a Linux machine where in exchange for getting locked into just one DE, you get all of the best commercial software running natively. Excellent if you're in the 98% of computer users that aren't freetards. it just seems that the other 2% congregate on Jow Forums
>"Configure" my "device"? What's that?
Google presence on my phone is diminished to the bare minimum.
>you are allowed to opt out of iCloud and turn off what you want
>cant on android
>can switch off permissions as you want
same as on oreo
>apps can stop themselves from being opened on android without granting them as much access as they ask for
>downloading apps from shit developers that can't run without certain permissions
your fault desu
me too
Because until Librem 5 comes out it's the best smartphone OS out there. iOS barely classifies as a smartphone system.
How will mactoddlers ever recover?
The fact that you are only willing to go half way is pathetic.
halfway? apart from code contributions that you probably can't make sense of, brainlet, there's no google presence on my phone
>android flagships are just as expensive if not more than an iphone
who cares about flagships
oh wait, you are underage faggot
That won't work.
Get a dumb phone
De-solder the camera and GPS.
Add a hardware switch for the microphone.
Remove battery when you aren't making calls
A guy was arrested for doing this to old blackberries for "gambling and aiding criminals", so you know it works.
Doing your little fixes won't do shit, your riced up ROM won't protect you from glow in the dark agents, or do shit.
And if it's stolen from some nog? Well your android can just have a new OS installed, and you have no way to get it back, tracking it, or getting retribution.
Even base android can't help you with that, as any phone with the ability to install a new OS is fucked.
But with Apple, you would be fine, completely fine, at best you had location services on and "find my iPhone" enabled. At worst your phone will be a useless brick that they can't sell or pawn.
I know I wouldn't depend on an android to protect me, at least Apple wouldn't unlock the phone for them, and the feds don't have access to the source code to prod for exploits, unlike your chink ROM.
>any retarded company can release an overpriced shitty flagship phone and retards will still judge the whole ecosystem
the only issue with android really
>Doing your little fixes won't do shit, your riced up ROM won't protect you from glow in the dark agents, or do shit.
>And if it's stolen from some nog? Well your android can just have a new OS installed, and you have no way to get it back, tracking it, or getting retribution.
You have proven you know nothing about the android ecosystem, privacy and security, have a good day
>fucking APPLE is more durable than ThinkPads
can't make this shit up
IPad still in market where as android tablets are dead
>I don't give a shit about privacy, please analyze my feces to sell me stuff: regular android
>I am willing to pay an extra premium to get top of the art encryption, knowing that apple doesn't need to sell my info for money because they already earn enough: iphone
>fuck the CIA niggers: no gapps lineageOS
>>fucking APPLE is more durable than $100 IdeaPads
Why are ifags so cancerous?
You never see droid making these kinds of breads.
It's almost like they have to prove their devices aren't pure meme trash, while droid user's are busy having fun with theirs.
Kinda sad desu.
>doing all this shit when Librem 5 will be released in a year
It literally doesn't matter since SIM cards are backdoors. You'd also have to remove hardware supporting mobile networks.
>De-solder the camera and GPS.
You do realize most phones DO have a removable camera, right?
>And if it's stolen from some nog? Well your android can just have a new OS installed, and you have no way to get it back, tracking it, or getting retribution.
IMEI motherfucker.
RIP Net Neutrality
You’re so ridiculous you can’t even choose which botnet you’ll use. You let your ISP decide for you.
Back to the designated shitting street.
>self reporting volunteered data with zero actual hard numbers
Fuck off mactoddler.
>why the h*ck are you using android?
Here are a few reasons
>ROM flashing
>under/over clocking
>homescreen ricing
>UI customization
>Free apps via apk and lucky patcher
>headphone jack
>micro sd card slot
>not needing (((iTunes))) for anything
>open source
>minimal botnet with lineage os and fdroid
>native file browsing
>systemwide adblocker
>webm support
>good, free Jow Forums apps
>ROM flashing
Is gimmicky and shitty. Until bootloaders come unlocked as a standard it will not be a valid argument. Once you can simply insert an mSD or a flash drive via OTG, boot into recovery/bootloader, and install an OS from the external storage, it will not be a valid argument for android.
Because I bought a waterproof, dropproof 4 inch Android phone with a physical dialer keypad and analog walkie radio for a hundred bucks. The closest thing in an iPhone would be the iPhone SE, but it's not waterproof, not dual sim and can't accept a micro SD card, and still costs $50 more.
The only annoyance is that there isn't a dialer app that doesn't pop up a virtual keypad.
Why not? My android phone has an official bootloader unlock method.
weird apple marketing shill, just random lies, guess that is your target demo.
How the fuck else would you acquire this data pajeet? No company ran by a human being with a brain is going to self-report how many Laptops we're deemed to be defective and it's impossible to test this data on a realistic scale because of how expensive they are. These cost thousands of dollars and nobody is going to buy 1000 of the same Laptop to get substantial data on the failure rates of an individual laptop, from a single brand. Even if you were, 1000 would still be a comparably small sample size to the total amount of laptops sold by any of these brands and would hardly be seriously indicative of their actual performance, rendering this method effectively useless and prohibitively expensive.
So what's the next best option? Self-reporting, you can get data from many people on a mass, have little to no cost to collect said data and it provides a far more representative statistic for the brand. There is no way to fucking do this with "hard actual numbers," that aren't collected by volunteers. Learn statistics.
So once again, go back to your designated shitting street.
The point is it shouldn't be locked in the first place. It should be as easy to swap an OS as it is on a desktop/laptop. Being open source means fuck all if your hardware is a walled garden.
G5+ Is an underrated low cost phone. I get crazy battery life, it's at the point I forget to charge my phone overnight and still good for another day or two. Here's a screenshot of me seeing how long I could go without charging my phone with as little use as possible. I had some phones that couldn't idle a whole day so this surprised me for how little I paid for this phone. Nearly stock android is really nice too.
Two major flaws I have though. Moto really needs to roll out their updates faster and they need to fix/enable camera2api. Their default image processing sucks ass, shame though since the sensor is actually a decent quality but ruined by shitty processing and I'm not willing to go out of my way to unlock bootloader and root just to fix camera2api and remove their garbage image processing.
See actual hard numbers, actual laptops, actual warranty claims. Take your toddler manchild fruit toys and fuck off.
Apple was literally founded by a street shitter.
>Rom flashing
Yes goyim, buy out 800$ smartphone and get two years less of software support and instead get it from a Pajeet. Did I also mention you'll lose most of the features you bought the device for?
>Needing to under or overclock your phone
Oh no, it's retarded :(
>Homescreen ricing
No seriously, are you just acting retarded?
>UI customization
Fair point, I guess, not that important but I'll concede.
>Free apps
Oh, so this what is it's really about? Being able to take others work for free, typical pajeet.
>Headphone jack
Not all android phones have this but again I'll assume you're referring to one, which has it so I'll give you that.
>Micro SD card slot
I've had a 32 GB phone and now a 64 GB one, I have yet to reach anywhere near the limits of either but again, I don't know your use case so I'll concede.
>Not needing (((iTunes))) for anything.
You don't need iTunes to do anything on the iPhone, quite literally you can delete it and never touch it again, I use Spotify just as I would use iTunes. Shit point.
>Open source
"Android," isn't open source, AOSP is and if you want access to the play store, you'll have to get your device approved by them, doesn't sound too open to me.
>Minimal botnet
Again, not all Android devices come with the ability to unlock the bootloader and even if you can, you're still using a phone with countless fucking sensors, a front-facing camera, and fingerprint reader, spare me the bullshit about "botnets," If you cared about "botnets" you wouldn't have a phone in the first place.
>native file browsing
iOS devices have this grandpa.
>Systemwide adblocker
Download a browser with Adblock.
>webm support
Again, this is a thing on iOS.
>Good, FREE Jow Forums apps
Once again, the mask has fallen.
Finally, you told us the actual reason why you use Android, ain't nothing wrong with being poor.
Apple is a poverty brand.
Great job retard, it's a graph with 0 fucking sources, zero explanation of how the data was collected but you, of course, assume it's "hard numbers, actual warranty claims because it fits your own narrative. Tell me, what's the website who collected this data pajeet, give me a source? Because this means they magically got access to information such as warranty claims from private companies who have an inherent interest in keeping said data secret? They also must have countless millions lying around too to be able to afford large sample size of laptops? Oh, wait, of course, they don't because they likely used the same self-reporting system as did Consumer Reports. But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, tell me the source for the pic and we'll continue this discussion from there Pajeet.
Which is why Android is most used in countries with the most poverty?
I still have an iPhone SE but I've been considering switching due to LineageOS
Which is why Android is used in US states with most poverty?
rich people do not become rich by spending money.
You mean Android is used in the countries that are the most redpilled. Notice the countries with the most iOS users are the ones who are the most subverted soygoy bluepilled
>tfw new jersey
No, but rich people don't become rich by pirating stuff. Trust me, whatever Warrant Buffet quote you're about to jack doesn't say "steal 1$ applications and you'll become rich." So I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the reality is that if that's your method of getting rich, you're sadly mistaken.
>exchanges my cheap s6's battery to a S7 edge's 3700 mAh and gets more battery life than any competing phone on the market
>flashes a good rom with zero lag
>installs apk versions of apps with the least amount of bugs
did you say anything, pedophileposter?
>paying for 1s and 0s
Anyone can afford Apple products, even welfare niggers can afford $2 a day for an iPhone X.
>Being able to take others work for free
Yet another cuck who fell for the (((copyright/patents/intellectual property))) meme
>Download a browser with Adblock.
What will you do about the apps with ads which normies use?
Also this.
>he still uses shitty old arguments like buggy apps or bad ui, arguments that got deprecated long time ago
>he cares about default apps when you can have great aftermarket blackberry calendar or hub in android
>he don't care about nerd aspects of free open linux derivative despite being on technology board
update your pasta, it's so 2010
This is exactly the kind of mental gymnastics I was expecting from you mindless apple haters
Well done you fucking retard