>not having over 100mbp/s
what's your excuse?
>that upload
>that ping
Because I didn't want to upgrade.
>comparing fiber internet to non-fiber internet
must be some kind of special
but why not? there's literally no downsides
well i have spectrum up here in western ny and only get 100 down and 10 up. the current router im using doesnt give me 100 down but when i disconnected the router and just use the modem i get over 100mbps down. so i guess i have to find a new router that isnt too expensive. also im paying 65 bucks for it
>not having fiber
no YOU must be some kind of special
spectrum ultra here
only $25 more
literally worth every penny
>it's available in every city in the world! get it now!
I'm getting 70 for $30 a month with Comcast. Why the fuck would I want to spend $100+ for gigabit.
It really ain't fair
pajeet here
is 50 mbps upload/download speed for 12$ a month with no data caps decent enough?
cause that's what I get here
Max I can get is 8mbp/s
why not? why settle for mediocre?
i feel like this should honestly be illegal
there's 3rd world countries with better internet
yes, 50/50 is decent
Depends on what you compare to.
Very good for australia
Pretty shit for eastern europe.
Sydney, Australia
>flagged for new customer promotion hopping for five years and now have to pay full price.
>take existing customer promotion to upgrade package to include basic cable TV. now pay $73/mo for the same internet speeds (off promotion with only internet is $87/mo).
>mfw when it will go to $105/mo after a year and i'll have to downgrade to a slower internet package without the basic cable TV just to pay the same amount.
>50 down
>12 up
i have ATT fiber and am on ethernet but Im on a laptop thats several years old and my ethernet isnt that good. ready to get gigablasted daddy gimme 1000mbps up/down im gonna upgrade to an ibuypower rig
why not switch to spectrum or a better isp?
tfw some day 1gb up/down will be considered slow
>laptop thats several years old
I wish you retards stop saying this bullshit.
It's not 2004 anymore, computers don't become absolute in couple of years.
my dad likes football so we're grandfathered in otherwise we lose the cable package
I'm a college student who lives alone. Once I'm not living off of my parents money I'll go bananas on gigabit and shit. Also 70 is enough for BF3 and streaming 4k on youtube.
honestly i have not the slightest idea how id utilize that large of a network, even just 1gb. maybe run some servers on games i like or something? gonna appreciate downloading games in under a minute
I live in the country
I don't "have" NBN in my area. Max down speed is 8mbp/s with ADSL.
It's impossible with 4G, I guess.
I live in Germany. So having 100mbit is already God tier here.
my washing machine breaks every time I use it, but at least I can stream my anime tiddies
No cable either? I'm on HFC so there was basically no change swapping over other than -20mbps down +30mbps up.
Terminate yourself, you sick pedo.
only comcast and at&t here. at&t is like a half to a quarter of comcast's speeds for the same price (no at&t fiber either).
>having ping in 2018
Step up your game, guys.
HFC is on "pause" while nbnTMco figure out how to say they've wasted shittones of money on buying the networks
I'm Australian and I was supposed to have the NBN in March last year but over a year later I still don't have it but everyone else in my street does.
Its planned to be installed this year but it will most likely be delayed for another couple of years.
Check out my speeds while I wait for NBN! So fast!
Check with Telstra/Optus to see if they have Cable 3.0 or whatever it's called in your area.
I was pulling 105mbps down before I switched to the NBN
Cable's just as good, if not better. Just has no upload speed is all.
>Check with Telstra/Optus to see if they have Cable 3.0 or whatever it's called in your area.
They don't.
>move into city
>get dial up and eventually move to dual ISDN
>it's okay
>switch to ADSL
>literally highest available speed in my area the whole time
>okay fine
>finally able to upgrade to 8 mbit
>maxes out around 3
>absolutely fucking disgusting
>ADSL2 not available in my street at all
>early 2017
>ADSL2 still not available
>connection has gotten slower
>now maxes out at 2 mbit on a good day
>.5 mbit if it rains
>cool thanks
>late 20 fucking 17
>NBN finally available in my area
>pajeet on phone mishears me and signs me up for 50 mbit with a 15gb quota
>I wanted unlimited
>shaped within an hour
>call to complain, they can't change anything until the next billing cycle
>okay fine
>deal with it for a month
>next month rolls around
>they've fucked up again
>unlimited 20 mbit
>okay FINE
>switch that shit online, no more phone shit
>deal with it for another month
>finally on 50 mbit unlimited
>$110 a month
I've tried. The tap (which splits the main coax run into houses) is full, and Telstra want $2400~ to install an outlet in the house. It's fucked.
the copper to my house burnt out twice. I had no internet for about a month in total.
I just spent a few months in Sweden and they can get 1gbit for $80 AUD
FMD I hate this country.
f-feels good being an aussie, h-haha...
4G? It isn't too bad these days
d e d
I'd lodge a TIO just for shits
>what's your excuse?
I live in Australia.
>cannot leave the house because of deadly spiders
>cannot browse the internet because of the shitty connection
First world country, am i right?
At least you can shit post on Jow Forums thou.
we had a telstra tech show up once at the hellish wire pit outside our house, knock out the internet and leave. took them about 7 weeks to actually get around to fixing it.
fucking useless cunts
hahah I went to france last year, they're even better. it's literally like $60 AUD for 1gbit. feels horrible man.
it literally takes 7-10 seconds to load images more than a megabyte
people who post .pngs make me cry, browsing threads takes so long
>I pay $80/month for this
Pssh, nothing personnel, kid.
The government pays me to be trans and in turn pays for my internet, so it's not all bad. The face-sized huntsman that caused me to piss all over my bathroom the other day, well, that wasn't so great.
i thought trans couldnt get DSP?
I'm getting $900 a fortnight, so, uh, seems like it.
The installation for Google Fiber doesn't open in my neighborhood until later this month.
christ alive, dsp caps out at 500
how did you manage that?
also im pretty sure at least in tech fields most people dont care if you are a tranny here in brisbane at least, there were a few in my uni classes, and one at work.
getting a job makes you feel acomplished my man
>4G? It isn't too bad these days
Too expensive for 12/1.
>hahah I went to france last year, they're even better. it's literally like $60 AUD for 1gbit. feels horrible man.
Amazing how these shitskin countries have better infrastructure than us. Thanks LNP, ya good goys.
>upload: 47.4
Didn't google stop expanding?
Some of you fuckers said so before.
I have no idea how I managed it frankly, also I believe (and am probably wrong) that there's two tiers of DSP, the one that goes up to about $500 and the more permanent "you probably can't live without this shit" one which goes up to about a grand.
Also, yeah, I'm working on it. Fuck being on disability until I kill myself. I also pass extremely well so it'll probably be cake to get a job in tech unless my interviewer is a Jow Forums neckbeard manbaby.
That upload is sad though.
It's cable modem not fiber.
if you don't push yourself you wont get anywhere, friend
We sold complete control over the internet infrastructure to a private company?
>t. Australian
Yeah, dial-up with 940Mbps+ download speed.
It's more than twice of what my download speed was previously.
it hurts, senpai
Someone give me a crash course on how/why Aus internet is so fucked again? I know the tl;dr version is
>Aus politicians are faggots
but that applies to so many things in Australia that people just brush it off as the norm nowadays.
>Connection cuts out as I try to post this
Damn straight my dude.
Hooooo lord that is a hefty jump. I'm guessing you probably got the world's hardest erection when that shit kicked in.
>sub-50 upload
hahahhaha mine is faster for 7€/month.
G? It isn't too bad these days
>Too expensive for 12/1.
On 4G you should get at least 30/30 even with terrible reception.
For me it's usually around 100Mbit.
Basically we were headed towards getting real internet, everyone intelligent was excited, then, I believe, we fucking threw out our prime minister in favour of a giant fucking mongoloid troglodyte with clown shoes for ears, who effectively gave a private company control over the infrastructure, and they proceeded to spend huge amounts of money on shittier tech than we would have had otherwise. So now our internet is only good in some areas, costs a whole fucking lot everywhere (though that's nothing new), and everything is terrible.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm p sure that's the tl;dr
I had 20 down and 5 up.
Now i have 50 down and .80 up...same ISP they just changed their name.
Im waiting for other isp to lay fiber in my house and get me some sweet simetric 200mb glory.
this basically
the only fix is to leave the fucking country
and i thoroughly recommend doing so
I live in France
Because I live in Australia and my area in a 20km radius is pretty much this. Although it's getting upgrated to 45+mbps in a few days.
labour party:
up to gigabit internet for all, fuck yeah cunts
wont take long, 45 billion bucks
>liberals get in power
uhhhhh australians dont need more than 25 megabits, we will run fibre to a small green box outside a street, and run the connection to the house using copper wire.
also whoops its taken longer and cost more than the original plan
>australian plebians:
haha me netflix works great mate what are you going on about ;-)
I had that speed for years. It took me like two days to download GTA.
I still get 'Nam flashbacks.
Actually I normally get 12mpbs but net is being shittier than usual atm but yeah took me over 24 hours to download GTA5 as well.
He's probably referring to VividWireless who operate a 12/1 Unlimited service via Optus LTE
It's a long story.
Telecom/Telstra had a vertical monopoly for a long time (they controlled both the wholesale and retail market). For a long time, they capped ADSL1 at 1500/256k - just because they could. Other ISPs had to buy through Telstra Wholesale, also capped at the same speed.
Other ISP's came along and started putting in their own DSLAM's in Telstra's Exchanges to give ADSL2+, which forced Telstra to be a bit more competitive but they still managed to screw people over in other ways (ridiculous space rental, crazy backhaul fees, etc)
Along came NBN (imma call it v1) - Fibre everywhere! (except rural australia cause too hard). Everyone was happy. NBN decided to have 121 points of interconnect - that means if you're an ISP you have to have a presence at each one of these if you want to connect a customer there - not cheap. This was universally regarded as a bad idea but went ahead anyway.
Liberals got in, promising faster, sooner and cheaper NBN (v2). They bought the HFC networks (Telstra and Optus) for lots of money.
Plot twist: it was neither faster, sooner or cheaper.
Optus HFC network turned out to be bad (it's like the NBN didn't do their research). Telstra HFC is starting to look the same way.
Meanwhile, it's 2018 and two years after Mr "invented the internet" said all Australians would have a minimum of 25mbps (cause all we do is use netflix obviously)
I could go on but I'm getting angry at this point.
The Liberals should be guaranteed to lose the next election, but Labor under Shorten are so ineffectual and near anonymous that I'm honestly not sure at this point. A plague on both their houses.
>mfw it took me over a week to download GTA 5
they just need to get rid of shorten or install a personality in him really
hes such a weird cunt
What a bland, wet piece of bread. I don't like MT but at least he can articulate well.
Good and accurate post.
Don't forget how they were in the process of upgrading thousands of RIMs before NBN was even suggested, which would have given tons of people access to ADSL2, then were told to stop, because fuck it, they're spending money and that's bad, and NBN will be coming soon (which obviously didn't happen).
So now a lot of areas are stuck on early ADSL1 speeds (256/512k max) with next to no chance of that changing any time soon.
Australia's history with internet access is fucking ridiculous on literally every possible level.
I remember when Age of Conan came out and it took me 2 weeks to download.
See I don't know of anyone else who offers it in my area.
I might just have to fuck off to Europe to get decent internet without having to pay retarded rental fees for an apartment.
Feels good living in EE, i have 700/350 for 69,99 PLN, which jewgle tells me is $20,46 in burger money.
meanwhile OP would be able to download it in almost half an hour.
fast internet is nice, but I need money to eat.
>Don't forget how they were in the process of upgrading thousands of RIMs before NBN was even suggested
I had forgotten that, goddamn.
>Australia's history with internet access is fucking ridiculous on literally every possible level.
It's like our overlords don't want us to telecommute and instead clog roads up while paying rego, and tolls...
Most things in Australia are ineffectual and overpriced. The government allows, if not welcomes, this, seemingly unaware that everyone gouging everyone just slows the economy down.
>country temporarily run by a lizard who eats raw onions with the skin on
at least our politics are amusing due to all the weird cunts
Do you know how much can be made by buying wholesale chink shit, putting its price slightly below what normal places charge and selling it all makes in this country?
Most cunts dont realize how much money aussies have, and they love wasting it on stupid shit.
If work has you down, start working on your own business
The problem is dropshipping takes too long and you're taking a risk keeping stock
fuckin aye cunt
I was briefly thinking of that the other day, but I should look into it more seriously now.
Either that, or shorting things on the stock market. I'm using one of those robo-investers to invest money ATM, but despite constant claims that they 'rebalance my portfolio', every time there's a clear spike or dip in the market, they do jack shit.
Perth reporting in and kicking your ass
thats why you just do it online
and I found having no stock upped my profits when they came back in.
So you know how film photography is becoming cool again?
Getting all those chemicals to process the film yourself in Australia was really fucking hard, I dont know how it is now but I could find a single place that had film processing chemicals just for B&W.
So I ordered the deadly chemicals for colour, slide film and B&W
about a 20k investment in stock, then shilled the new store on aussie film groups
I made 55k roughly after tax in profit.
Just find something niche, get the stock, shill on le reddit and facebook, jack prices up just high enough so postage from america/china/europe is still high enough for it to be better to buy from you, and you are set.
But you're going to get some unhappy customers when you say you're selling from Melbourne yet it takes 3 weeks for the product to arrive from Hong Kong.
Thats why you hold stock with you, not too much.
And then put people on "backorder"
I had about 80 people on backorder for 37 days once, only had about 3 complain to me in an email, no one asked for a refund.
Aussies literally cant get enough of being pushed around and wasting their money, try it user.
Alright, thanks. I have nfi how to find a niche. It seems like every market is cornered thanks to Alibaba.
Just remember, the average aussie wont be using alibaba.
Especially not niche groups.
Doesn't matter how cheap it is, as long as its an untapped market, or cheaper than conventional means, you are set