What's a secure, encrypted,and trustworthy comms app that works on Android and iOS?
Bonus points if it works on desktop OSs as well.
What's a secure, encrypted,and trustworthy comms app that works on Android and iOS?
Use LINE and enable encryption on mobile.
Carrier pigeon
How trustworthy is it, though? Seems to be equivalent to whats app.
None because any form of communication is insecure
So what the fuck do you guys use?
>inb4 messenger
pidgeon can be captured of shot down you dummy
More secure than Whatsapp, not perfect by any means, nothing is going to be. In asking for any kind of over a 3rd party network communications program you're asking for angel dust and fairy farts to have real security.
It’s literally Chinese whatsapp
it was encrypted so that it was captured didn't matter
and your fault for not having acknowledgements sent for message reception
Asians are all the same dawg
i use threema since it was released and it's still the best out there. would be beyond perfect if open source, but i'm willing to trade that for the rest. calls are working great, too and it's corporate grade secure.
That's wetalk, faggot
Fake news. Telegram is neither headquartered nor has their infrastructure primarily in the USA/UK. Why is OP a faggot?
other goodies in threema, not mentioned by OP:
>can refuse screenshots
>media you make within the app - or reicive - will not automatically saved on the phone
>works on tablets as well
>can use anonymous keyboard by default on android
>threema web
>no message preview on lockscreen, if wished
>local or cloud service id backups (encrypted)
What a shit chart filled with outright lies
>he thinks it being russian whatsapp makes it any better
just leave.
what about that "Silence" app? is that android only?
So what exactly is everyone sending over these secure services?
>Don't want the NSA to read my message about getting mom to make tendies
Here's where the chart is from.
>infrastructure jurisdiction
>UK, Singapore, USA, Finland
Of you think this is false then contact the site owner. It also doesn't change the fact that telegram is the worse of the listed apps/services.
>in 50 years your argument for the government putting security cameras inside everyone's home will be "b-but they'll know that you masturbate! Oh no!"
Why give them the control and deny your right to have a privacy?
>Infrastructure jurisdiction Germany/Ireland
How is this not a red flag?
Remember what happened to cock.li !
It's an SMS app.
Because unlike the states, EU countries have civil rights and privacy protection laws. Though Germany might not have those in a few years because of Ahmed.
go for non-eu-countries, like switzerland. not perfect but still the best you can get.
hmm ok.
Is there a tox for mobile?
Just use an XMPP client.
Checks all the boxes and has loads of features and is easy to use
>on Android and iOS
that's like asking what's a good encryption scheme on Windoze 10.
Enjoy your useless gimmick, anti-telegram shill.
>the "switzerland has strong privacy protection policies" meme
this has been debunked quite a few times, it's an ancient meme
I won't be hassled to re-link the relevant laws in German/French/Italian (sadly no official English translations are available but you could easily get the gist of those), search yourself in the archives
What happened to cock.li? I remember Vincent getting fucked over by US border patrol, but nothing about the German government...
>it's ok when the japanese do it
ror we cannot evenu readu engurishu
>According to the service administrator Vincent Canfield, "SSL keys and private keys and full mail content of all 64,500 of my users...hashed passwords, registration time, and the last seven days of logs were all confiscated and now are in the hands of German authorities."
Oh, shit. That's pretty bad.
how can i trust any claim made by threema about privacy if their app isn't open source.
Xmpp or irc
Mumble or sip for voice
You can't and shouldn't. Colourful tables and bullshit marketing materials aside, your only sane choices are, in this order:
>give up on chat and use encrypted email
>XMPP with OTR
Replace that with Wire
>the best
>not even open source
what a pleb
The real question is what good do I get from the government spying on me?
I'd pick Moxie over some random Swiss guys any day. But whatever. You should use email if you want to stay anonymous. (Or XMPP, if the client situation has improved since I last looked at it.)
They will protect you from terrorists and pedophiles! Wow what a great deal!
I mean, they'll do that anyway...
Signal requires a mobile phone, as in a SIM card. Wire doesn't. Other than that they're pretty much identical. So Wire wins in my eyes. Both services were audited and don't have any significant flaws.
As much as I hate the bloated piece of shit that can pass of as a mini OS, Messenger is what my friends and schoolm8s use.
My office unironically uses an irc server with SSL. I think the security is actually pretty good because its so obscure, but logging on from mobile is kinda clunky