Why can't linux be good for normies????

why can't linux be good for normies????

I don't do nerd shit but even I know that microsoft is a shitty monopoly.

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>why can't linux be good for normies????
It is, OP.

What you're really asking is

>why isn't Linux exactly like Microsoft Windows????
Baby duck syndrome

It is very, very normie-friendly. Unfortunately. Maybe, you're just a fucking imbecile.

Not entirely true, I'm a Linux user since 2006 and I still have problems with HDMI audio output. It just don't work on Linux.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

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What kind of videocard do you have?

GTX 1050 with proprietary drivers

>this very specific audio problem proves that Linux isn't good for normies

where's a good word processor then? where's a good spreadsheet? where's a good cloud service?
hate to beat a dead horse but GAEMS
what about photo editing? I mean the whole environment

I guess you have nvidia problem, never had this problem with any amd cards.

um, have you tried getting audio working past 2.1? even audio driverd for a sub and 2 rears is impossible.

>where's a good word processor then? where's a good spreadsheet? where's a good cloud service?
Google docs and google.

>hate to beat a dead horse but GAEMS
Normies don't play games on computers, and those that do can install steam on Linux.

>what about photo editing? I mean the whole environment
Normies don't do photo editing. Normies think that if you know photoshop, you can zoom in on the reflection on a screw to identify the killer.

I have full 5.1 surround.... What the hell are you doing wrong?

>good word
>good spreadsheet
Define good, libre office is good enough for 99% of users.
Plenty of gayms, especially now with valve pushing linux gaming.
>good cloud service
>photo editing
There are options, and once again they are more than adequte for 99% percent of users.

>Normies don't play games on computers

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I'm not going to debate the meaning of normie but like by your definition it's only my grandma and power user that will benefit.

What can an academic use? Libre office doesn't cut it. What does someone who's into photography use? What about someone who needs an easier cloud service like onedrive?

>define good
can be used by any university undergrad (which it can't)

>nvidia fucks up support for their stuff
>it's widely know
>hurr durr why doesn't it work

he thinks normies is just his grandma.

>never had this problem with any amd cards
not that's just a bold-faced lie, amdgpu didn't have working audio over HDMI until kernel 4.15. The older radeon driver did, however. Audio over HDMI on the 7850 with that worked just fine. Audio over HDMI on my RX 470 didn't work until a month ago, support just weren't there for almost a year after I bought it.

If you want 5.1 audio over SPDIF then you can (ab)use the AC3 plugin - you'll have to since SPDIF is for two stereo channels only. This is true regardless of OS. If you want to do it over RCA and your audio card has 3 audio outputs and you can't figure it out then it sucks to be you.

>wheres a good cloud service

No, they don't. Stop deluding yourself, they play on consoles and handhelds.

>What can an academic use? Libre office doesn't cut it.
People use Google docs in academia. I didn't even mention Libre office.

>What does someone who's into photography use?
Gimp is perfectly fine for most normie use.

>What about someone who needs an easier cloud service like onedrive?
Onedrive works on ubuntu.
There are a bunch of options if you don't like onedrive, dropbox or google drive works perfectly.

like look at this calibre-ebook.com/download_linux this is how you install calibre on linux compared to windows.

I'm in the humanities and I would love to switch to linux but it's pretty much impossible. Libreoffice is a joke for any serious work.

Easy distros come with Libreoffice anyway, which is a good office software. The only problem you might face with it is when you try to swap files between you and MS Office users. If you just use it alone then everything works great. You can use a browser office like from Google or MS if you need the compatibility.

Games are difficult because they still use MS-only DirectX and game developers are lazy so they don't want to port to Linux. If you check Steam there's a little penguin logo next to games that will work, there are a lot of them.

Photo editing can be done in GIMP or Krita or some other software. Photoshop also works inside Wine if you really need it.

I installed Linux Mint for my grandmother and mother and they are using it just fine.

mean to say google docs is an even bigger joke

>What can an academic use?
LaTeX you faggot

what I'm saying is that normie is more than your grandma.

And what features exactly are missing for it to be useful for undergrads?

>I'm in the humanities
Get the fuck out.

Then you should expand your list to include more programs normies use. The ones you listed have been dealt with.

try convincing anyone outside of stem to use that. convince an economics major that they should use librexcel

Because it's free.

That means it's always going to be at least somewhat 'self-service'.

What do you expect from a product you had to pay $0 for?

>I got this brand new car for free and now it's got a flat tyre REEEEEEEEEE

the whole adobe suite.

oh no someone not in my secret club.

You keep cherrypicking very specific stuff all the time, that has no relevance to each other.

Are you implying that you are some sort og graphical designer that does CAD design and video editing, and you're a content provider that needs an efficient integrated file storage, while relying on spreadsheet collaboration with 100 other people and heavily in to esport gaming, all this while you're coauthoring an ebook?

It seems like you're just grasping for straws to shit on Linux. It's fine that you personally prefer Windows and the tools you already use, but that doesn't mean that Linux is somehow completely unsuitable for people that isn't you; if you seriously believe that, you're just a raging fanboy.

Having said that, just wait a few years and Ubuntu will monetize. It's practically there already.

>Muh amazon shilling
>Unity lenses

>secret club
Get out.

How do I into optimized stallman png?

Unity is deprecated and will no longer be developed, user. And in any case, you could always disable the shopping lense, opt out of the Amazon search or simply use an entirely different DE to begin with.

>Jow Forums is a "stem only" board
Get out.

I don't prefer windows. I think it's bloated. I think the people in this thread a deluded if they think linux is any good for any serious work outside of computer shit. I would love to use linux but it's impossible and the community is so arrogant (maybe I am too but that doesn't stop from the linux community to be raging elitests)

>Want to watch a movie from laptop on TV
>Literally 70% of normalfag use of a laptop gone with the wind
>Still can't use MS Office natively so there goes the other 30%

>word processor

Google docs or M$ onedrive. Shit's even free. I even prefer that shit even for work. The entire office suite is crammed with 'features' that 99% of people don't / won't use that clutters up the UI and makes it bullshit to load on a workplace thin client.

It's much nicer using a simple, cut down web based version that automatically integrates to cloud storage and saves as you type.

The ol "whaddabout office" argument has been defunct for quite some time.

>inb4 botnet

>it's impossible

What the fuck are you talking about? Shit like Ubuntu and Mint have babby level UIs.

If you can't figure that out, then you may as well buy a mac.

yes UI is the only thing that people care about. not software or community.

>being in the humanities
>thinking your opinion on consumerist choices belongs on Jow Forums
Get out.

>I think the people in this thread a deluded if they think linux is any good for any serious work outside of computer shit
I think you are seriously deluded if you think normies give a fuck about ebook readers and adobe photoshop and the latest AA games.

>hurr durr linux community are raging elitists
They're making something for free and helping other people for free, and this somehow makes them elitists?

Just look at the Ubuntuforums and what retarded people there ask for, and Canonical employees and other users will patiently answer their questions even though they are dump as shit.

I use XFCE at the moment, but it's more that I'm disappointed with Unity as I actually liked it before the shilling.

How can anyone in good conscience add a commercial service like that?

>the whole adobe suite.
So you're saying that there are tons of people who need the whole Adobe suite for their personal computer? If they do it for work then work usually provides a preinstalled laptop or desktop. That doesn't sound very common to me. Also some of the Adobe programs work through Wine.

Again, I don't have this problem. Also, chromecast exists and 80% of people have a smart tv these days with built in Plex client.

I'm not in the humanities.
>thinking you need a "stem" degree, or the larping equivalent, to post on Jow Forums
Get out.

i have a mac and its comfy.

Use office with wine if you're so desperate

>it doesn't werk

yes it fucking does

i want to build a new pc just for linux, running kali. What parts should i get to build a super ultra mega hacking thunderdome pc

>I'm not in the humanities.
Then I wasn't replying to you before you jumped in and started sperging out.

>thinking you need a "stem" degree, or the larping equivalent, to post on Jow Forums
user used his "I'm in the humanities" as a core point of his argument, you flaming faggot. Get the fuck out.

it doesn't work though.

Also, shit like that shouldn't be 'opt out' for normies

Since ubuntu 2005,Linux become easy
Just a lot autism tutorials want you use gentoo,arch or use command line having GUI do everything you need.

You'll get all of that with a default Ubuntu installation, so this is clearly bait

>implying normies still use computers
>implying normies even know what a computer is

normies are retards
desktop linux is for autists

see the problem?

>user used his "I'm in the humanities" as a core point of his argument, you flaming faggot.
That's nice, but I don't give a fuck. I'm talking about your ridiculous insinuation that someone needs to have a STEM degree (or the ability to lie about it well enough to fool other chronic bullshitters) to post on Jow Forums. What you're trying to argue with someone other faggot is of no concern to me.

Tell me about the community around Windows or ios


Linux Mint is pretty good for beginners. There's some usability issues with all Linux distros but really the biggest issue is that "this isn't what I'm used to".

>That's nice, but I don't give a fuck. I'm talking about your ridiculous insinuation that someone needs to have a STEM degree
That's not what I insinuated you fucking cunt. Stop making up strawman arguments.

>What you're trying to argue with someone other faggot is of no concern to me.
So that makes it okay for you to jump in and start arguing something different? Fuck off.

>That's not what I insinuated you fucking cunt.
That's exactly what you insinuated, and you know it, and so does anyone else reading the reply chain. You got your ass hurt over that "secret clubhouse" comment.
>So that makes it okay for you to jump in and start arguing something different?
Yes, and welcome to Jow Forums. You'll get used to how things are around here soon enough.

>That's exactly what you insinuated
It wasn't, and now you're backpedalling like crazy. Just fuck off, your autism is based on a lack of reading comprehension on your part.

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>It wasn't
But it was, though. And that's why I called you on it, clubhouse kid.

>being this triggered because someone called out your lack of formal education
See this kids, this is called an inferiority complex.

>good for normies
>deluded if they think linux is any good for any serious work
Do you want linux to be good for normies or for professional work? What a normal person will want and what a professional should want ar not the same. You asked for something normies friendly not something for professionals.

Homoeroticism at its finest

Nothing personnel, kid...

*optimizes your image further*

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>going for your third complete change of subject in the hopes of getting the person who called you out for being a retard to just go away or get sucked into your "bait" argument that you might have a chance of winning
See this kids? This is called backpedalling like crazy.

No, you called me out on it because you apparently can't read and now you're just too autistically stubborn to admit it, so you're doubling down on your strawman.

user literally argued that Linux wasn't useful to him because it wasn't tailored for someone working as an undergrad humanities student, and you sperged out about something entirely else. If you follow the chain of posts, you'll see that I literally argue that Linux is FOR normies (as in people without any form of STEM degree).

>everyone is the same person
See this kids? This is called being a newfag.

>i'm trying to make it seem like there's more than one person replying
See this kids? This is called samefagging out of desperation.

>being this insecure
Lol, getting called newfag really triggered you, didn't it?

>user literally argued that Linux wasn't useful to him because it wasn't tailored for someone working as an undergrad humanities student
Yeah, and then you decided to post...
>being in the humanities
>thinking your opinion on consumerist choices belongs on Jow Forums
But, no, tell me more about how you weren't insinuating people without STEM degrees shoudn't post here.

>samefagging this hard
Lol, getting told that Jow Forums wasn't your little "secret stem klubhaus" really triggered you, didn't it?

I give up, you have some serious mental issues. I'm starting to think is right, you're sounding like an insecure faggot.

At least you've stopped trying to deny it. Sorry that people without STEM degrees post here. Must suck to have to live with that.

When did you tell me that?

Stop falling for bait you fag

Yup, inferiority complex it is.

Consumerism doesn't belong on Jow Forums

I didn't tell you that, 22nd unique poster in the thread.

Linux has HDMI problems, yeah. Roughly every 5th time I wake up the PC from sleep it would fail to output video to my TV after I log in (even though it displayed the log in screen) and I have to reboot the PC. It also very often doesn't transmit video output on the log in screen. Perhaps this is because I made a custom resolution setting in xrandr which itself is shit since it doesn't remember resolutions after reboots. Can't fucking wait for Wayland.

>Consumerism doesn't belong on Jow Forums
Nice quads, now go back and actually read the thread for context.

>getting told that Jow Forums wasn't your little "secret stem klubhaus" really triggered you

lol, the samefagging is cray right now

>normie argues that loonix is bad because no gaems, no cloud, not photoshop and no microsoft office
>user tells him that google docs is perfectly fine for office and cloud and normies don't play games and that he is a consumerist
>you sperg out because of his comment on consumerism


>everyone opposing me must be the same person

the ip counter keeps going up, how many ips are you going to waste lol?

>humanities student
>insecure and easily triggered
Get out roastie

>the ip counter keeps going up,
No surprise, considering it was my first post in this thread.

>28th ip in the thread
>first post

What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you having a schizoid meltdown?

>all 28 people in this thread is just me and that other guy calling himself anonymous

but it is.

the only thing holding you back is if you're a faggot soyboy gamer.

also, desktop PC's are for geeks now only, normies are on mobile phones.

Holy fuck. Imagine being so triggered that you proxy up and go on a shitposting extravaganza.


Imma post anime grills while it's goin down, tho.

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>Imagine being so triggered that you proxy up and go on a shitposting extravaganza.
Exactly the kind of behaviour I would expect from a shitposting humanities student shilling for Windows.

We should ban Windows posters.