If Jow Forums hates XDA so much, where do you guys get your roms/kernels from?

If Jow Forums hates XDA so much, where do you guys get your roms/kernels from?

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>Jow Forums hates xda
No, Jow Forums hates xda. It's a good place for technology discussion.


Xda desune


Wasting time flashing half broken shit to your phone hasn't been necessary for like five years
I don't

V20 here are kernals worth it?

You tell me... XD


>sent from my Android® Ice Cream Sandwich™ phone

at least my camera works ;)

Mine does too, and I'm on LienageOS 15.1.
Enjoy your Stagefright©.

>good for anything
people like you, teenage boys go there. no serious dev would ever go there.

Don't underestimate the power of normies user. My app, which is shit btw and does trivial shit, got ~ 1M downloads within a month because I shilled it there using forum languages, those retarded memes and rage comics like narratives. I hate myself for doing that but hey I got a good money from adverts. I even say those gullible fucks "Please don't use adblocker. Buy premium version. I am a college student and your support means a lot" kinda sentences. I am just giving them what they want to hear lol



>Jow Forums is one person.

I don't hate XDA, I have noticed that what people have said here about it, has been true to a degree. The only custom rom I would flash is LineageOS, and even then, I only have it on one device (Nexus 10) because it's newer (13 // 6.0) than what I officially can get on it (5.1.1). But Jow Forums is correct on the ”issues? You tell me;)" or "not working: {10 things}", as there are still people working on it even up to 8.1 for Nexus 10, half the things like audio jack, camera, etc don't work, but it's a 6 year old device, so it's understandable. Regardless, that's the only device running non stock Android. My phone runs stock Android rooted with Magisk, which doesn't have an official site, but I could grab it from GitHub, or I could grab SuperSu and avoid XDA. My kernel also has a website, and I could avoid using XDA for that as well, then all my Magisk modules are via the Magisk repository in it's app, same with xposed. I could use non-free root method (SuperSu) to avoid using XDA, but why should I? Because some people here hate it or because there are shitty devs / roms on XDA? Or because some fag ops like you claim I must hate XDA if I use Jow Forums?

tl;dr op is a fag

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I check the gerrit of various ROMs to determine the ethnicity of the contributors

directly from Nokia

>Still using degenerate pajeet OS

Why do you think you can't use something you hate? I hate Jow Forums, but here I am.

I compile my own replicant with my own reverse engineered drivers for my phone

What does your app do?

Apple's update server.

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bumpedy bump bump. Want this question answered aswell.

it generates "disable your adblocker" quotes

Misnomer. ROM means READ ONLY MEMORY

Compile from sources, since I'm hardcore.

lineageos.org, opengapps.org and microg.org/

I owned an SGS2, SGS3, Nexus 5, and now Moto Z. I've never had any problems with shit not working in any of these phones, unless we're talking about very early alpha releases of new Android versions.

4pda. I have no issues with xda, but 4pda simply organizes all the relevant guides, tools, ROMs and kernels in one place, and people are generally helpful. It's only for slavs though.

/system is mounted as read-only.

I don't own a smartphone because I'm not a shit eating retard. Your custom Pajeet ROM won't protect you from a poorly isolated cellular modem and vulnerable and/or backdoored baseband firmware. This is why I laugh at Applefags just the same.

I'll consider getting a smartphone when the Librem 5 launches because of the hardware radio switches and the removable battery.

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you're phoneposting right now aren't you reddit frog.