Why does an ONLINE Master's cost 15k in the US when I can do a real one for free in the EU?

Why does an ONLINE Master's cost 15k in the US when I can do a real one for free in the EU?

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The real question is WHY does it matter? Neither will teach you anything and neither will be acknowledged by any recruiter. CS degrees are a meme unless you go to gatech, nottingham or anything similar. Just start writing cool shit or just write a lot of shit and put it up on github, it will be more beneficial than a CV littered with internships done at your dads liquor store.

this. i already have a job, going to a top 50 uni for CS, but i'm doing poorly. i'm halfway through, but most of the stuff is actually pretty hard to keep up with. i understand the lectures, but i fail the tests, mainly because i can't seem to anticipate the kind of questions they're going to ask. it's all very impractical and unrelated to what i've been doing in the field for the past 10 years. not sure why i'm even paying money for this.

help me Jow Forums, i want to be good, but i just ain't.

do i need a private tutor?

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congratulations, you live in an "every man for himself" nation where education is also a product

>Neither will teach you anything and neither will be acknowledged by any recruiter.

Maybe not in the US, I don't know about your shit education quality, but good luck learning higher level CS concepts like discrete optimization and even "in vogue" stuff like the math behind neural networks and machine learning and AI on your own. You'll either not know where to start or lose motivation or not go into it as deeply. Doing some Pajeet-level project using TensorFlow isn't the same as understanding the math behind it.

what is your fair share of what i have worked for? why is it selfish to want to keep what i have earned, but unselfish for you to want to take it from me?

Where's the free ONLINE Masters EU course?

You didn't do anything alone, you benefit from the society created before you. You sound like a leech.

i reject your presumptuous premise that i received any kind of advantage by birth or circumstance that was not afforded to anyone else who who would want the same thing for themselves. if they were so inclined, then they would have went and got it. there is nothing stopping them.

is coursera a meme or is it legit enough of a certification to pay for their courses. MOOCS were pretty big news a few years ago and everyone was saying that they were going to be the future of education but i haven't been hearing much of them lately

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If this guy is considering online degrees he obviously needs it for cash, if you wanted to do anything beyond slapping together bloated libraries for a ios app then yeah, you would be right to suggest a university education. Countries are not a problem when you can easily apply to universities that give quality education from all over the world.

>MOOCS were pretty big news a few years ago and everyone was saying that they were going to be the future of education but i haven't been hearing much of them lately
guess you didn't learn in your genetics MOOC what a meme is. ironic, is it not?

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online degrees are great, they allow anyone to get an education, no matter how much time they feel like devoting to it

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Not him, but as a citizen, it's pretty much in your interest to have a relatively high number of well trained people in you country's workforce.
Helping students is not the same as paying for Tyrone's welfare. That being said, not every student of every discipline should be helped, obviously.

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not every student has equal potential either. not every student with equal potential has an equal need for money. not every student who graduates is even going to work in that field. you can clearly see how committing resources to things that aren't even likely to pan out the way you envision it is a worse idea than letting those individual students seek out charities and scholarships on their own. decentralize the solution, that's my point of view.

>math behind neural networks and machine learning
Literally an intermediate coursera course that takes a few months at the suggested pace. The only hard part is entry, it's just 99% rote memorization

Except that most of those problems can be solved with performance and discipline based scholarships, and the inclusion of social status measures.

I live in a shitty Eastern European country, and I could get an EE degree without debt, even though we were poor, because I had the grades, and the gubmint knew we were poor.
In the university I attended, post-graduation employment in relevant fields is above 95%.

Committing resources to things that aren't even likely to pan out is bad, but that wasn't the case for me, neither for the vast majority of my classmates who got gubmint gibs.

The US system obviously created a string of top-notch universities, but a whole lot of talent still goes to waste there, because people are afraid of debt/have to work to keep afloat because their parents fucked up, which is not their fault.

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Higher education in IT is a joke, unless you are interested in doing computational part of science. Don't waste too much on it, concentrate on practical skills and portfolio.

welcome to the free market

Oh, it's their parents fault for deregulation that allowed the fucking Jew and the Fed Jew to levy cost of living up considerably. There was a time Universities were inexpensive, now a year of University cost as much as a home.

I don't know about American economics in such detail, but this post sounds so conspiracy theory-y, that I'm gonna assume it's wrong.

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Student loans became privatized. That gave the bank Jews incentive to make schooling as expensive as possible. Getting loans became easier than ever and they make the meme that you just go to college so everyone is getting student loans even if they are doing some worthless degree. They will then default on everything, and the bank Jews will take all their shit

Idk man, my boss is paying for my Master's, so I don't really concern myself with it

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learn from the best

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