Drive step moter with mosfet

Hi all good sirs.

I buyed this mosfet how can I connect it to Arduino to drive step moter not to burn my arduino?

Attached: newmosfet.jpg (720x1296, 80K)

you need atleast 4 of them, to drive simpler stepper motors. To drive 4 wire ones you need 8 MOSFETs arranged in doble H-bridge conf. It would be MUCH easier to use a dedicated chip like A4988 or DRV8825

consider installing Gentoo

Just do the needful

hello sirs pleas kindly do the soldering of the solder without damage. its all.

Hello i Google how install gentoo but my arduino has 16mb memory i can not afford any more. Gentoo says stack over flow need 512 mb i need more mb. Please kindly give me another solution if is possible

I can not understand what you say sir you are not good speaker

Read up on Gentoo, you can get it down to 16mb if you try


But i either not have cd room on arduino or usb stick. How i can send gentoo on arduino else? And after i send gentoo how i connect mosfet to Arduino and then to step drive moter?