Why we don't have this kind of shit on android ?

Why we don't have this kind of shit on android ?

> Word/Excel is ok
> OfficeSuite is ok
> WPS is ok

Wake up open source

Attached: Libre-Office.png (512x512, 26K)

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no u, maybe instead of bitching with your mouth, bitch with your wallet and donate to a project

they're already working on it, feel free to help or donate

libreoffice sucks

Have you tried installing LibreOffice via Fdroid?

>they're already working on it, feel free to help or donate
man, they've been working on that forever and the "viewer" is practically abandonware.

The only Android suite compatible with ODF is AndrOpenOffice, which isn't a free as in freedom suite at all; also, some things won't 100% match the LibreOffice rendering (e.g. fonts embedded into the files in order to maximize portability are usually disregarded)

The android port can't be saved since no one gives a flying fuck. Efforts are wasted on two fronts, the "online version" initiated with Collabora and the "Android" app. There's no real interest behind none of those and it seems at best a sandbox for IT students.

Bullshit argument.

LibreOffice is great but it has some really rough edges. They are in the process of dumbing it down and make it marketable. But they don't even know what they want to market. First they introduced the meme ribbon interface to please some ancient autists, then they've removed some "advanced" features. Just a couple of days ago I had to insert a custom palette into a spreadsheet. Almost impossible. I had to first draw (really) and create a shape into the spreadsheet, colour it, pick the colour, delete the shape (this is the official workaround). To make it available in conditional formatting settings anyway I had to edit palette and xml files outside of the GUI with Vim. This is shit. They removed the capability to edit palettes directly since they believe that "most users don't care" and are content enough with the pre-built palettes. This sucks, and it's just one out of a million bullshit they perpetrate.
But hey, they say, you can sign documents with the OpenPGP standard in the new versions! Who fucking cares. If you use the OpenPGP standard in the current year in an enterprise environment, please shoot yourself in the head.
LibreOffice needs a REAL enterprise aspiration, or a benevolent dictator like Linus.

its literally the worst document editor on the market, why would you want it?

>If you use the OpenPGP standard in the current year in an enterprise environment, please shoot yourself in the head.
Uh, if you use LibreOffice in the current year in an enterprise environment... oh what am I saying, you don't.

>its literally the worst document editor on the market, why would you want it?
it literally isn't

I check AndrOpenOffice, look like it's shit compared to commercial suite...

That's really sad, we'r in 2018, mobile is futur, and nothing good for office work on android as open source

The only thing i can use actually is WPS/Office365/OfficeSuite, and they'r all botnet and full of add's

That's really sad

It's open source so you can try and port it to android if you want

My choice is OfficeSuite
That's botnet as fuck but, WPS is freemium as fuck and Word is shit to use
OfficeSuite is one time buy, still full of adds but it's clean and can open files on smb

Why not use Pages and Numbers?

Because Android

>Bullshit argument.

no, you're just an entitled baby.
fuck off kid.

Mobile is only the future for the knuckle draggers. They can fucking have it, too.

Attached: glibc.jpg (173x156, 9K)

I unironically do and even use it with sharepoint.

sharepoint is nonstandardized CMIS and you have to know the quarks of it to use it with open CMIS implementations, but that's m$ for you. making retarded garbage that's intentionally not spec compliant.

LibbieOffice when?

Another wintoddler desperately clinging to MS office. It's overhyped and overpriced garbage. Not even worth it to pirate

>le entitled baby
>kek didn't read shit nor do I care
spoken like a true infant.