Just got this, feels like a great mouse so far but what the fuck is the point in the free spinning mouse wheel?

Just got this, feels like a great mouse so far but what the fuck is the point in the free spinning mouse wheel?

Attached: a3a61a88dc91dbe1e039afb276a316af-1200-80.jpg (1200x675, 79K)

If you want to scroll all the way down to the bottom of a page, or if a scroll bar is too slow on a page or game or something. Honestly it comes in handy more than you'd think.

if you live in a humid place or are a sweaty/oily person be extra careful with the rubber and the matte finish as they can wear off, still best mouse i've used, the wheel will come naturally.

twitter and facebook

Quiet scrolling, when the clicks become annoying

>change lines per scroll

>keep lines per scroll as usual
>unlock wheel with a button that's centimeters away from my finger instead of moving it over to the keyboard to press ctrl+end, then just flick it once and scroll at HYPERSPEED
I'm really lazy but it IS more efficient, plus you've got control over where you want to stop as you don't immediately jump down.

>buying meme hardware is more efficient than configuring your OS for free

being lazy isn't always a pro, user

plus you are still scrolling lines free wheel or not, i bet you would go looking for smoothscrolling if you are that lazy to configure your software, let alone everything except your browser doesn't support it

highly inaccurate solution

It's hard to stop it in the right place when you use it like that

Im with this user, I have a logitech mouse for work and love the fast scrolling for large excel files and stuff.

Yeah I could hit ctl+shift+down, but sometimes im leaving back and dont wanna move my left hand up to the keyboard.

There is usually a button there that you can press to put it back in clicky mode.

You get more used to the free scrolling over time, it is sensitive at first.

I can just lay back and scroll pages with both precision and speed on any OS, browser, config, whatever, not having to lift a finger further than a couple centimeters, plus the million other features included in the mouse, it´s great, literally best mouse I´ve ever owned

Plus I forgot to add but I can play around with the wheel because it´s really solid and the mechanism is satisfying and it helps my ADD riddled ass to just put it into free scroll and spin it around then stop it while shit loads/compiles/does whatever

If you have sweaty hands, your mouse wheel will "rust"
t. Already been through two of these

>The button right below the mouse wheel
>Click it in

There, no more free spinning mouse wheel.


Yeah I know, I've got it, just sayin if you have it in free spin all the time it's hard to stop in the exact right spot

top tier facebook mouse

Point is funzies. I enjoy the shit out of it.

Install Linux and you will understand. 3lines per click hardcoded into GTK, top kek

At first I though the free spinning scroll wheel was a gimmick, but I was wrong. It's brilliant for when you want to scroll long distances but are too lazy to lift your hand to press home, for example. I love it now.

The mice are great overall, but the button weight door tends to grind against the mouse pad. Makes it hard to move properly sometimes.

mx master 2s has a great feature where it dynamically switches between clicky and free based on how much force you apply to the wheel.

It is a feature that should be mandatory on all mice going forward.

This is the correct answer.

I had the infinite scroll wheel (or whatever they called it backed then) on the Logitech G500, and I used it surprisingly often. It took me a few weeks to actually get used to not having it when I had to replace it with a new mouse.

Attached: 1521641955488.jpg (580x387, 70K)

the wheel corrodes, enjoy

>what the fuck is the point in the free spinning mouse wheel?
For it to break.

It does. I still bought another, best damn mouse ever besides my 518.

the mouse wheel left/right tilt click for web browsing history back/forward is god tier

G502 needs this wheel.
>auto enables free-wheel when you scroll fast (configurable to your threshold choice)

Attached: mx-master-2s.png (800x687, 293K)

>what is page down

I have a CM storm. No fat fingers and still manage to hit the side buttons. Also, tfw when G2 has no options for led

So you can bind it to jumping and be a csgo bunnyhopling god.