New vanilla ubuntu

>new vanilla ubuntu
>all modal boxes are centered to parent and can't be moved
What the fuck is this shit

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-04-02 15-29-34.png (1920x1200, 660K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why would you install vanilla ubuntu?

Most stable distro

Debian exists

>What the fuck is this shit
This shit is called Gnome and you are going to eat it like it or not.

a feature


It destroys user experience. I mean, what if there's some information underneath the modal window that I absolutely must be able to view? Well now I can't even move the window away. What a piece of shit

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

for some hardware configs (like linux-unfriendly laptops with proprietary components) ubuntu is the only distro that works without requiring hours of maintenance and fixing incompatible shit

Try Mint. That should work out as well.

personally I found that, surprisingly enough, for all my hardware issues debian and ubuntu didn't have out-of-the-box support, but out of all thing /arch/ did.


mint is literally based on ubuntu

>using gnome
what exactly did you expect?

btw there's a way to disable this?

gsettings set attach-modal-dialogs false

....unless they removed the option, of course ;^)

Alt+click then you can drag window


Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 9K)

Doesn't work


Attached: 1450721937115.jpg (379x364, 81K)

Then it's literally shit consider using a proper desktop environment or even better get i3-gaps and dmenu

That's not surprising at all, since Arch has the newest kernel it is more likely to have better hardware support.

MacOS has the same behavior moron, fuck off



linux have [problem]
bith linux and macos have [problem]
>i-i-its ok g-guise

>apple does it so it must be good

Attached: 1497988983992.png (2376x2592, 1.31M)

It's logical, because FagOS is another shit.

yes, its in gnome tweak tool or use dconf-editor


That is a setting in Gnome that you never bothered to look up on and instead, proceeded to Jow Forums to shitpost immediately.

also, fuck.
an hour of shitposts and im the first to post the trivial solution, why didnt you dinguses google it?

Maybe GNOME should try having sane defaults. Maybe GNOME should use normal config files instead of esoteric database query tools.

You're only a part of the whole userbase.
Whatever the default is, any self-respecting Linux user should be able to quickly find the problem and find a solution to solve it, specifically configuration.
That means it doesn't excuse the fact that you just went here to shitpost, when you could've easily just looked and arbitrarily change the settings, regardless of what the defaults are.

Why do people watch this retard?

Found your problem.

Welcome to GNOME.
If you don't like our presets then FUCK YOU :^)

At least includes a calculator

Attached: uncalculatedw_.png (411x336, 84K)

Caclulator is a bloat.

Only if are an unproductive NEET

>muh calculator
The state of footfags

Attached: A FUCKING FOOT.png (710x828, 11K)

solus is faster and more stable than any ubuntu I have ever used.

>what is kCalc

For that reason I always install the backported kernel package on Debian/Ubuntu, just werks and if I have any issues I can just choose the old one at boot time.

Not an argument
Tell that to KTards maintaining Neon, they don't include it by default

KDE neon is just meant for testing new KDE software, GNOMEtard

What's a modal box?


what the fuck is vanilla? is that a new desktop environment for xwindow? is it better than cinnamon?

Says who?l and where?

Just give up using desktop linux. It's a lost cause.

What does ubuntu even offer that you couldnt find on litterally any other distro? I'd legit like to know, because I haven't ever seen anything compelling.

>KDE Neon
Fuck that unstable piece of shit. Use Kubuntu

Better yet, Fuck KDE, use XFCE


This desu, I've been using Solus for 2 months now and haven't run into a single issue yet.

So did they really got rid of that thing on left for a proper taskbar? Bravo

They dumped Unity and went back to Gnome. Agreed though, unity was always trash.

Running it for almost 2 years. Neon is great.

Not for granny

No, you fucking retard.
The thing in the bottom is the exact same one as the one in the left, just OP moved it there. You could do this in Unity too.

>unity was always trash
So is your opinion.

Not an argument, fuck the grannies. No normie uses a computer nowadays anyway, and the ones that do definitely aren't using Neon, which is meant to be bloat-free and KDE oriented. It's not for granny, it's meant for those who want a clean Ubuntu install with KDE.

Neon is for unproductive NEETs, for the lowest scum using Linux

it is VERY unstable on my laptop, while Kubuntu runs great.


Attached: kaputt_durch_leben.jpg (639x719, 39K)

GNOME is the best Linux DE, the standard Linux DE

FVWM doesn't have this problem. FVWM has dozens of ways to avoid this problem, described in a 9000 line man page.


>still arguing with the gnome neet


Not an argument

You can pull off the modal dialogs in OS X, usually.

Shut up, Kevin.

remember that time when they accidentally broke unity on the LTS branch?

Just use openSUSE

gnome is the standard gnome de

Get a load of this guy

Attached: 1522603092309.jpg (250x240, 14K)

Fuck off to reddit with your memes.

> being this new

Summer started early.

Attached: download (1).jpg (178x283, 9K)

The degradation of Linux software from GNOME 2 and KDE 3.5 has been so drastic I'd suspect foulplay if they weren't all such morons.


gnome2 at least get some love still with MATE
there's also trinity for kde3, but that doesn't get a whole lot of attention

>laughs in slackware

Not stable at all, even LTS shits itself super fast
Even rolling distros are better, thats how trash it is.
Use fedora if you don't want rolling, but up to date point release stability