Password management

is it worth paying $30 / year for this? What alternatives to this are there? I don't like lastpass.

Attached: 1password-logo-large-e1463577784198[1].png (250x207, 22K)

>is it worth it

What's wrong with lastpass? Ib4 security breaches. I had everything saved on there when it happened and nothing bad came of it.

Use keepass like a person with a brain.

Lastpass is literally "Give your passwords to a third party" and is full retard.

>What alternatives to this are there? I don't like lastpass.

Oh shit. but I use lastpass??????

What these niggas said
The best solution is to keep a secured excel spreadsheet

>is it worth $30 to save my passwords in """the cloud"""?
sure user, go for it

Attached: the cloud.png (760x960, 30K)

I generate all my passwords and keep them in my journal. Can't hack paper, just steal it.

Why not just a text file named "windows_crash_log.txt"?.

Just call up the NSA

>yo what was my password again?

>hunter2 my nigga just put some more details in yo profile and we call it even



What if you had a tiny webapp that generates passwords based on a site name and master password without storing any info. Pro tip, several such apps exist.

1Password works well. You don't need to pay money for it.

Why can’t anyone here remember up to 5 random passwords? Fuck me just make them keyphases like a sentence.

just use open sores bitwarden

pass is all you need

Because I have way more passwords than that


>took this many post for someone to mention keepass
>all these lasspass shills
Jesus nu Jow Forums is beyond help.

Attached: 1505486307150.jpg (400x400, 107K)

I've never understood people who use software to store passwords
>super pro software, totally unhackable, we promise
you know what else isn't hackable? a piece of paper

>I've never understood
stopped reading, we're all very well aware of how retarded you are in regards to everything

Just use keepass + syncthings
It's free amigo

I frequently change my passwords, and use different ones for each situation. Very easy to forget which particular password scheme you used once you get beyond a handful of passwords.

>what's wrong with lastpass
You can decrypt someone's LP vault with only their username and master password -- you know, the one they type all the time and is trivial to intercept. This is awful for all sorts of reasons, especially considering they have a web interface and make you use it to do various tasks. If their servers get compromised for any nontrivial length of time, you're screwed.
1Password also has a separate key that you only have to input when first configuring a new client, and IIRC they never make you log into their website to make changes. (At least if you have one Mac client to change your master password on, anyway.) Long story short, your 1Password account is harder to break into, especially if you're being targeted.
Of course, if you're likely to be targeted, you should probably store your password in an encrypted text file on an air-gapped machine bought from another city running OpenBSD. I guess that's a bit too paranoid for most people though.