So I started using QB after the private tracker ut fearmongering and I already got 3 H&R due this fucking shit randomly...

So I started using QB after the private tracker ut fearmongering and I already got 3 H&R due this fucking shit randomly stopping seeding stuff
Also, the speeds are fucking horrid shit for some reason even when I have 1Gb internet and downloading from public trackers is the stalled torrent experience

Why fuck in the year 2018 of our lord and savior we have 0 proper torrent clients?

>inb4 rtorrent the fucking shit that was discontinued in 2015

Attached: trash.jpg (415x393, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>can't even configure a fucking torrent client properly
>y no proper clients guise?
brainlet gtfo


Deluge or Transmission.
Also why the fuck should rtorrent update? Do you throw away TCP implementations that are three years old?

Outdated shit that works like shit on windows with only 1 guy developing the v2 for years
Same shit but even worse since it have 0 features and no GUI

Qbittorrent is not great, but you''l have to learn to set it up and live with it.
If you want something more polished (but also more resource-heavy), try Biglybt and see if it fits you better.

is utorrent 2.2.1 a bad choice in 2018?

more and more each day

a lot of private trackers banned eveyr fucking version of ut

OP is dumdum

Attached: 1509328693430.png (781x623, 29K)


Attached: ffs.jpg (265x148, 14K)

>private trackers

thank you for your service

Attached: 1413578267051.jpg (230x244, 23K)

Works on my machine seal

Why does utorrent get so many shills posting bullshit and disinfo about other clients?

>0 features and no GUI
So, besides rabidly shitposting, do you have anything of value to contribute?

I'm just a public tracker casual, but i abandoned utorrent in 2009. It baffles me that people are still using that? I mean, everyone jumped ship from azure to utorrent when azure went shit, why the fuck didn't everyone jump off utorrent when the same happened to it?

Use rtorrent, works perfectly and has great performance

Attached: for your health.png (356x149, 5K)



your hdd can keep up better if you don't download fiddy torrents at once

oh wow you dont know jack shit about p2p do you nigger


>Windows only

Attached: You're niggering up my lawn.jpg (304x308, 30K)

>reading comprehension

Attached: 1521461328912.jpg (698x658, 136K)

Ok what exactly happened to uTorrent? It is still capable to do stuff it was meant for, (e.g. torrenting) so what's the matter?
I am also using only public trackers cause I got no idea what you can find on priv8 ones and I never knew it was banned somewhere. If it becomes a thing one day it'll be a big petty.

>muh gui

Vulnerability was found in the RPC server.

qBittorent works fine for me most of the time. It's the only one that doesn't turn into shit when you are seeding more than 100 torrents. Side effect is that starting from version 4 I've started to experience the IO error and random memory leaks (followed by crashes that force me to restart it)

Oh fuck. My brain automatically gave you benefit of doubt that you weren't a Windows user.

Attached: Step up your laundry game.gif (270x235, 1.36M)

t. shill for other torrent makers.

Not open source. Why pick closed source program, when you can take open source one with same functionality?

>Not open source.
Not a strong good argument. It still doesn't stop most to use it.

>Why pick closed source program, when you can take open source one with same functionality?
Because Tixati performs better at some cases, because it features more control and better configuration, and because qBittorrent went to worse.

Try checking that white box

I call bullshit. I used to seed ~100 movies at a time, and i would only see a “stalled” issue maybe once every few days? And that stopped somewhere in the v3 branch. Dont seed much anymore but I’ve never had an issue once in the v4 branch.

Works on my machine^tm