Reminder that the future belongs to BIOLOGY CHADS not c*mputer science virgins. The singularity will come, but it will be biological, not technological.
Just fucking lol at the state of computers. It's over, pajeets.
Bio > Cyber
>living forever with the help of computers
These people are fucking faggots who can't take care of their own body lmao
Technology is a higher form of life created by cruder physical processes such as biological evolution.
Bioinformatics student reporting in. Biology is fucked without CS.
So neither of you have read Eudeamon?
That's a real pretty graph. So you think computers made that graph? I sure do!
You mean biology chinks right? Because the west is cucked on gene manipulation. Get ready for 6'6" Chinese alpha chad geniuses spraying the west with gene altering hormones to turn all the white bois into traps
Cool, my brother is doing a phd in that. Looks sick
But biology is boring.
>That graph.
OK, so why did the cost double briefly in 2016? From the graph it appears there were two breakthroughs, one in 2007 and one in 2015. After settling the graph again appears to match up with Moore's Law.
I want to believe.
People change to bioinformatics or data science.
Can I get my DNA sequenced by a company not controlled by US intelligence?
If it isn't controlled their data banks will be tapped anyway.
get that inferiority complex checked user it's gonna eat you inside
Jokes on you considering biology depends heavily on computers.
Why not just sequence it yourself? The human genome in its entirety is only a few hundred MB in size IIRC, so its mostly a matter of you purchasing sequencing tools rather than needing someone else to hold your information for you
>spraying the west with gene altering hormones to turn all the white bois into traps
the future is now
because the sequencing machines are very expensive and designed for large scale usage
Hilarious thread, thank you OP
Soon enough there will likely be machines you can buy off of amazon that will sequence your information with a glob of spit or hair. Its probably better to wait for that than give away your genetic information to whoever so that they can sell it to some chain of third parties ad infinitum.