/csg/ - Chink Shit General: no botnet edution

/csg/ - Chink Shit General (no botnet edition)

In /csg/ we discuss dragon dildos and other cheap chink shit you find on AliExpress, Gearbest, Taobao, eBay, Banggood etc.

No I am not a tripfag.
>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki

>Chink Shit Infographic

The prices might still be inflated because the chinks try to make the sale look legit.

/csg/ is not dead, will be faster next "sale"
user gets chink eGPU, looks like it's a pain to get working user gets bullied twice by OP's news, you're welcome The customs will only X-ray anons order so he is safe Norwegians seize a pedo fuckdoll I wanted to do this two threads ago anyway
user should have ordered IEMs at a better store: NiceHCK, wooeasy Xiaomi screwdrivers are still a meme but not very practical user believes in top-brand "official" Ali stores
user gets tiny unbranded chink mouse, what could go wrong? cheaper on eBay Why would you ever need 100 pairs of ear cancer user falls for priority chink shipping scam, should order $2 package insurance too gooks accurately depict getting chinked
>Being polite with chinks
slavs have 100% more useful reviews Lucky user gets $60 coupon from AliExpress $100 lottery
user can't go wrong unless he orders shit-tier Eiaosi X6 128GB KingDian isn't enough memes for user >Last thread

Attached: no botnet edition.png (900x594, 479K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you can expand the storage with sd card.

>Tfw I messed up the title and bump limit.

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>Chink Shit General
Can we stop wth the racism now, please!

Go to Reddit if you have a problem. Did you read the fucking thread? Botnet is not allowed.

Can you trust chink carbon fiber?
Will I die if I buy some carbon fibre bottle cages

Are you srs?
Or are you just baiting?

Attached: zczx.png (500x500, 658K)

How much is it?
If 30 bucks or more probably yes

Attached: czglJxm.gif (500x300, 393K)

No, you fucking faggot.

Chink isn't even racist desu

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>chink carbon fibre
if its a lot cheaper than what you can get from a reputable brand then its most likely plastic

pls don't get baited.

B-but it's high quality bait that appears in every general.
Pic related. Is chink bait any good?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-02-18-52-14-569_com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.png (1080x1920, 539K)


Ffs. Kevlar, aramid fiber-reinforced composite, it's being used in cables because why not.

Hey user, do you know any worthwhile Chink single-board computers besides the ones in the infographic?

Attached: SBC.jpg (1280x720, 146K)


Need opinions on this.

The reason why I'm going with GB is because I have some store credit there.

Nope there are none
I'm srs

Attached: 1503797385258_0.jpg (640x720, 68K)

that largely depends on your needs/requirements, what do you want it for?

Yeah, surprised they do Orange, makes me want to try them. Heard Odroid and Banana are fast and nice specs, but everyone uses Raspberry because it actually has support.

If you want support any board which runs an Allwinner chip which is supported by sunxi-linux.
OPi and Banana Pi are the brands that are easier to use, armbian and generally cheaper though.

I want a new ARM computer (or MIPS, wouldn't that be great?) to tinker with. More practically, I want to test code on something other than x86_64 for portability and run a small web application for my local network.

Why don't you get a pi
It will safe you a lot of time

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Boarseman KR25D just arrived (red cable). Pretty fucking good.
I'd recommend them over the zircon memes anyday. aliexpress.com/item/boarsememe/32790619098.html
Starting from the left, the earmemes pictured are:
Muddy and muffled mids, nigbass. KR25 are better. No comfort issues
Perfect as far as I can tell. Might be slightly too bright, but I'm no fucking audiophile. Otherwise a well recommended meme. No comfort issues
>Swing IE800
Trying to find the right spot and pressure to put them in the ear is a fucking science. Get it wrong and you immediately lose most of your range on the driver. Fucking hated them and the sound was nothing special.
Pretty much perfect for a casual audionigger like me, maybe a bit too much bass. They suffer from the annoying crunchy sound when you move them while in the ear. This is however marginalized with foam tips that it came with. Unfortunately I absolutely destroyed them in about a month, I need to find new ones. Comfort is nothing too annoying but not good either.
Holy fucking sibilance batman. I use the ostry tuning buds to cut some of it off but goddamn it cuts like a knife (eg. the OSU! "3, 2, 1, Start" fucking kills me). They're not especially comfortable either (who the fuck thought angles are a good thing), but I love the balance on every other frequency so I do use them.
>vivo xe800
No bass, the copper coating on the tubes corroded off, but boy are the comfortable, 10/10 in that regard. However, due to no low-end, they're the most boring things to listen to music on. Other frequencies seem fine.

Not pictured because sold/gave away:
Not enough detail on the lows/mids to be perfect, still very much recommended for the price
Same crunchy membrane issue, otherwise fine.
>Xiaomi piston 2/3/HD
Didn't click for me, eh/10
Not pictured because they fucking broke:
>4 pairs of Rock Zircons
Despite the nigbass, they sounded great

Attached: earmemes.jpg (1920x1080, 775K)

Fuck off nigger.

then you definitely dont want the panda. the tinker board from snsv has nice performance but a quite high cost. what might be what you are looking for. for cheapest shit i would go with an orange pi one, due to pin compatible header with raspi shitz

Scaleway has hourly pay for ARM shit Its like you are pissing on our work. While Raspberry did (if not still) a hacked together video solution there is an open-source VPU for Allwinner H3 (Orange PI) also the kernel had many fixes and mainline has been put a lot of work into. Everything is not on a shitty USB 2.0 port meaning you can utilize full bandwidth and it has superior power input through a DC-IN out to USB devices where the RPI just is often undervolt and runs badly due to crap phone chargers people use. Hell th older chips has NATIVE SATA.
If I dare to say so Orange Pi is so much better for headless use than that RPI crap which even isn't using their CPU due to legacy. And yea, you can use armbian instantly and easily while RPI used to come with lots of bloat shit for years.

show us on the dolly where the raspberry pi foundation touched you

Hey don't get me wrong i do own an orange pi and a raspberry pi.
But support isn't the only factor.
And yes I think that orange pi has a pretty descent support for a SOC that is released with almost zero support
Don't forget that shipping is also a big variable for many people that are interested in buying such device

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>overpaying for shit
the pockets user, they tried to reach for my pockets

I ordered my Raspberry Pi 3 from chink Ali because I liked the darker PCBs it offered then the ones assembled om brexit nation. That autism is unbeatable.

Ow shit user
I would do the same desu
A black/white PCB are easily worth 10 bucks more

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>need earpads for senn HD 201 and HD 202
>stores have been open for years and have ZERO feedback

am I going to get memed on or is there a good store selling memory foam earpads and I just can't find it?

also need a GPS/mobile data-based tracker for my bike, has anyone found one that's decent?

Wanna know how I know you're Dutch?

JK, I won't tell.

Would you use a chink onahole?

Lines, plain hooks, cheapo rods - sure.

With bait products, like that picture, you have to pay close attention. The pictures often makes them seem larges or smaller than they are.
Look at the weight and lenght. If you find some that are the weight/lenght that you are looking for, go for it.
But the ones I found weren't any cheaper than the ones in local stores.
Lots of cheap weird lures that I guess are supposed to work on carps and asian fish though.
But I'm not looking for anything in that range, so I ended up bying lines and line accessories online, lures and bait locally.

Got my yeelight lamp today.

Sadly it's quite fat and doesn't fit the holder I wanted but setup was easy, remote control works well and it's actually reasonably bright

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I'm not dutch but strangely enough yes I do live in the kankerland

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>the game play period is from 07/10/2017-30/04/2018
do you still get to keep your coins or do they get reset on 30/04?

The velour ones are not the same material as the official pads. They "work", but not the same at all. Feels cheap. If you go for them, check ebay first.
Haven't tried the faux leather pads.

>need earpads for senn HD 201 and HD 202

I'm working out right now, keep in touch with the thread and in 2 hours I'll drop you a link with the ones I bought that work perfectly.

no the low grade chink silicone gets greasy and there's particles in it, doesn't seem healthy

>buy shit on Ali, choose USA warehouse
>two days of non action

Is this normal?

I bought the Superlux HD681B, Bosshifi B8 and the Takstar Pro 82 in this sale. What headphones should I buy in the next one?

I appreciate the review.

Yeah, I'm probably better off buying a japanese one.
I'll just save a little more.

Thanks for the input mate, I should review my shit according to how they sound with different genres of music.

Up to 7 days is normal

>redmi note 5 is still waiting shipment.
When are they going to ship the fucking phone.

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Oneodio Studio Pro

> Need SD Card
> Go to XEDAIN The official store
> Open:2 year(s)
> seems legit
> No feedback score
> just_sign_on_the_bottom_line_user.doc
> order 32gb SD Card
> € 8 all in
> receive broken tracking number
> message seller, asking them to rectify the tracking number
> no_reply_01.txt
> protection runs out
> message seller again to ask for protection extension
> no_reply_02.txt
> forgot to dispute the item
> ability to dispute runs out after 15 days
> i fucked up
> i got chinked and i helped that chink to chink me

pic related
Do it Mr. President

Attached: Tariffs.jpg (1000x600, 141K)

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How long are you waiting?
Because broken tracking numbers is a pretty common thing
If under 3 weeks it is still pretty normal

Meanwhile my 20pcs of nylon lanyars bought on Friday. All my 24 sale orders already shipped.

Attached: IMG_20180402_204931.jpg (1080x1920, 170K)

In my experience it takes 10 days to be shipped, I got like 60 phones last month and all the stores had "Real stock, fast shipping" and they took 5-15 days to ship each phone and some sellers asked me to increase the processing time, so the answer is just wait and relax.

I ordered a 128gb kingdian flashdrve friday, it has already been shipped, can't wait.

aw fuck I didn't realize how small they are
I even ordered two, oh well


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this sibilance meme is really making me start regretting buying ZS6s in the sale
i just liked the design....

Two packages on the same day and I got a big one!

Attached: 1packages.jpg (2961x1692, 838K)

Sorry man, I forgot to take the pictures today. They are small but functional, I use mine for work as I move around several offices.

how broken are we talking? i had a seller give fake tracking numbers, they got a ton of negative feedback and it took a while for aliexpress to remove them. the tracking should at least show *something* even if it stops updating in china

I'll open the small one first... cycling socks!

Attached: 2socks.jpg (1836x1836, 628K)

that's fine user, are they so small it's uncomfortable to use them? Do the clicks feel nice at least?

Chinese socks fit my massive feet?! 97% Nylon, 3% Spandex. I'm a size 48.

Attached: 3feet.jpg (1875x1836, 475K)

I was talking about the mouse not your dumb feet

Bike lights? :(

Damn I really chinked myself this time

Attached: UTB8quVCryaMiuJk43PTq6ySmXXaJ.jpg (1000x1333, 79K)

user, which model and Watt/Lumens count is this?

I just ordered one.

Aren't they wifi/App based or is this a different model?

Dimensions? Put something next to it for scale

Nigga, like 99% of the stuff has the size listed in the description.

It looks like it's about half the size of a regular mouse, whatever, it'll be decent for carrying around.
Hopefully it tracks and clicks well at least

Dude, clean your mouse wtf

fingers crossed

Attached: chinkshit.png (1920x7671, 1.6M)

And now for the big one. My very real POC Octal helmet to match my very real POC Do Blade sunglasses.

I will step on you!

I use these two.

Attached: 4helmet.jpg (3138x1836, 821K)

I only looked at the stock photos. My depression was at a peak and I was just buying shit during the sale. I also bought those KZ ZS6s and reading the reviews it looks like they give people headaches. Hopefully the anne pro is a decent meme at least.
got it from a review, probably some russian CSGO player's hand sweat kek
delet this. Seriously you left the order IDs on there

Link to the 18650 batteries?

>helmet smashed hard in shipping
>arrives useless
Why risk it


Oh boy I actually forgot about those. I still don't know if they are warm or v-shaped. Thanks user, I'll probably pick up something from ISK too.

>women's t shirt
>girly things

Attached: 1511022601846.jpg (218x218, 8K)

It came in a massive helmet shaped bubble wrap container.

Thanks, where did you read these were trustworthy? I have a T61 battery pack with dead cells I want to replace. Shipping is a bit pricey at $22..

I guess it really varies from person to person. Personally I love treble, I use my ZS5sV2 at the office all the time.

Where do you live?
If the EU, order from nkon.nl, chink 18650 are only worth it if they're incredibly cheaper or if they're with free shipping. Still, there's always a possibility of getting chinked

Careful with that helmet

It's ten centimetres long, four or five wide. I took a photo but it's too large and I can't be arsed to resize it.

>Chinese helmets

NEVER use a chinese helmet

Flowers for my mom
T-shirt is Channel fake sunglesses for my wife
Dont know nothing about them. Just hope they are ok. Need them for my flashlite

Attached: IMG_20180326_155405.jpg (2304x1728, 1.07M)

I have the ZS5 v2's as well. They're a heck of a lot better than my previous earphones, but for some songs the treble really kills my ears and I have to lower the volume.
I'm in Canada. The T61 is just a side project, so I haven't really done the research to figure out where to get reliable 18650 cells yet.

Nice lights. Thanks user

Destination : Kekistan - Cache time: 2018-04-02 19:47:30(GMT+1)

Origin : China - Cache time: 2018-04-02 19:47:29(GMT+1)
2018-03-01 21:36

Delivered by air transport
2018-03-01 21:35

Shenzhen processing Center, arrived
2018-03-01 10:41

Shenzhen processing Center, has been exported straight seal
2018-03-01 10:07

SHENZHEN, the export has been opened and dismantled
2018-01-29 10:11

> Heavily edited list

Haha shit. Hope your house doesn't burn down user.

>fake sunglesses for my wife
I hope your wife gets eye cancer

>order stuff on 11th Feb
>check tracking last couple weeks
>still hasn't left gooksville
>message seller
>tells me it has arrived at my country
>check tracking again
>still not updated
>seller extends dispute time
>don't care and just want to cancel it now

What retailer

whats broken about this?

FLOVEME Retail store

