Anyone else deleted their Facebook profile?
Anyone else deleted their Facebook profile?
Yeah, almost 10 years ago from now.
How do you delete something that never existed?
Yes, but I had to reopen one for messaging when my cellphone got rekt.
I did this in like 2012. You're late, faggot.
You mean deactivated. Deleting an account is nigh on impossible to do.
It's possible
Did it like a week ago
It's literally under the deactivation buttom or near this menu.
It takes a couple of hours and thats it. I did it last week.
Never had one.
I have a twitter account that I only use for following, might be deleting that one... but than agian, how do they want to fuck me if I never posted anything.
Never had one. Never had the need to use it, just seemed tedious at the time, and now I won't touch the service
You are clueless. They don't actually delete it, only tell you that they do.
Go ahead and reopen your account, watch what happens.
No, why would I?
I cleaned my profile, put up a nice picture, filled it only with information I'm comfortable sharing and check it maybe once a month if there is a reason.
That way when someone searches for me they get a good impression (companies etc.) and don't think I'm a weirdo for not having an account while giving away only minimal data.
Deleted my acct around 2010 due to amount of garbage posting around then. Can’t dven imagine what it’s like these days!
Yeah. The site is fucking unusable, you can't say anything without getting banned. What a shithole.
I'm considering making an account. I searched my name on Facebook, and there's a guy with the same name in the same town as me, but he's a trashy fat redneck with a million tattoos and his last job was some pointless factory job. Not the kind of impression I want to leave!
Well, if you live in europe they have to delete it. It is enforced by law.
Cold backups are another story, but it aint on the internet anymore.
>It is enforced by law.
>Thinking an American corporation gives a shit about some second-world shithole's laws
Probably ordered by the CIA/NSA to keep it, desu.
You create one, fill it with inaccurate information and then delete the profile.
Only way to truly be off the grid.
Hell no. Fuck that! Long live to based king Zukzuk.
Well, the don't have to give a shit but expect very large fines in return.
The EU giving Google a billion dollar fine is a pretty good example.
Yeah like 5 years ago
is startpage considered safe?
Facebook is quite tempting, but I never fell for such bait.
Yeah, like every few years since 2010.
How does one even get a proof of them keeping the profiles indefinetly? You are clueless, most laws are not enforced ...
Yeah many years ago when they allowed high school to join
If you're on the internet you're not safe, it's not called the "web" for shits and giggles
i did delete it, but then unfortunately i went outside and made a few friends so now i have to have one to "stay in touch" :(
Which one? Have never used a real name or real data. Why the fuck should I, you asshole.
Nigga, they can't delete it
99% of the information they have on you stems from interactions with other people.
to truly delete you they have to delete all the people that know you, and then wipe all their weights from every algo ever.
if you were to log in again they can figure out who you were in a matter of hours, even if they legitimately deleted all of your personal shit.
I like this analogy, thanks
I can't. I have lived in 4 different countries. Many people to keep in touch with.
the absolute state
Startpage is good for escaping the Google botnet but I believe it's closed source, I use Searx and I've never had any problems with it, while I can't personally vouch I've heard Ecosia and Qwant are also good alternatives.
Nah, I downloaded my facebook data and pretty much all it contained were memes that have been sent to me
I did, nearly 5 years ago on December 18th, 2013.
I can't, but I want to. I have family abroad that I like to keep up to date. And ONE person on Messenger I speak to.
Other than that, I'm not even logged in, and haven't logged in in like months.
Fuck it.
I used it when I was in school, now I just use it to post things that upset my family and follow Joan Cornellà. Pic related.
>a literal manlet is hoarding the world's private information
User agent data are visible not only with js, but without it too.
The user agent data are what your browser sends to every page you visit regardless of scripts/addons and anything else.
Your IP's location is always an estimate.
If you don't want them to know your IP use a proxy/vpn, there's nothing else about that.
If you don't want them to know your location, they don't know it.
They make an estimation which is almost never accurate. In my case, ddg doesn't even know in which county (not country) I belong to.
DDG cannot track you. Even if they can, the only way is via cookies, which are very easy to block/delete.
I have been doing several searches with google with some very famous addons on my web-browser and google haven't been capable of tracking more than 20 searches per year... and that's with my gmail/google account signed in.
finally, let's comment on one of you pic's related bullshit.
Affiliated links are links with a variable in the link that says that you came from, e.g. YT or DDG. There is nothing there tracking you.
If you search for "niggers for sale ebay", then the link leading you to ebay tells to ebay server that you came from ddg, and then ebay pays a small amount of money to ddg after a purchase.
You fucking idiots, have enough time to use mspaint, but don't spare a few mins to know what's every shit you are highlighting in mspaint.
don't get scared by idiots who upload pictures.
ddg is completely safe
papa elongated pipe daddy dank musk strutting tawl boi
You know you don't HAVE to use your real name and picture to have an fb account?
If some bot has my details, who cares?
It's a good site for local news.
exactly, and whose fault is that?
It's the idiots' fault who willingly give their personal info to google, facejew, twitter, e.t.c..
Even if you delete all your data and then come back with a different name, they are going to recognize you because you'll have the same social circle of friends/relatives, you will make similar discussion with them, you will reveal info on your pms or chat/posts.... this means that you are literally screwed.
Can you hide once you have all your info out there? NO.
You just shut the fuck up and live with it.
>If some bot has my details, who cares?
fuck off, normie
>You know you don't HAVE to use your real name
when everybody else around you use their real name and their real info(school, relationship, e.t.c.) don't you think that a simple connection with them pinpoints you on the map.
>Hey I never tell jewgle or facejew what's my location
>how about the thott or the chad that projects his life via facejew and gives an exact list of the idiots surrounding him plus the exact location where you are?
I would rather change my name.
yeah 2010 it was deleted. I'm not a fag like you other anons
>deletes Facebooks
>still gets archived on third-party people search
Deleted like 2 yrs ago from now.
Startpage is for people who plan on never getting anything done
Never had it in the first place
I haven't logged into my FB for years. Ever since my last login I have already moved homes at least 3 times, got a new phone number and changed computers countless other times as well. However I keep getting notifications sent to my main email account, they all go to the spam box and have contents like "Hey user, check out this new picture uploaded by NormieFromHighSchool" or something like that.
So basivally FB doesn't have my current IP/location or phone number, they do have my email address though.
Now my question is: is it worth deleting my profile, or should I just leave it abandoned as it is now? In order to delete my account I have to login again, and when I do that I know for a fact I will be prompted with some "verify your account with phone number" bullshit which means I will need to give them my new number or go through some alternative verification method probably involving sending them pictures of my real ID lel.
I never had one in the first place
I just let it rot back in 2011 and never went back.
Mine was already so locked down they have basically no data on me.
Audits are a thing.
I tried to log in to Facebook with my email and found that I couldn't. I've used my email address for a few years so that means that I don't have a Facebook account, or I might have an old one on there that hasn't been used for the last few years. I would be fine with saying "I don't use Facebook". When I visited the web site "" in my internet exploring browser, it was the first time I remember visiting the web site in months. I think you get the picture by now.
Oh and also I looked in Facebook's people search for my name to see if Facebook still had my account and it has a default profile picture account with my name but no accounts I use regularly. I don't use Facebook regularly and haven't for like 5 years.
America is second world, faggot. Half your children can't even fucking speak their own mother tongue, and you're governed by a literal retard.
i have 20 profiles and none of them are me so no
Are there any good guides/sites out there for general basic OPSEC? I know of didn't know if there were more.
"""""""""""Deleting"""""""""" your'e facebook accout is normalfag shit right now, so of course I have not
this. Facebook is the new Jow Forums since every facebook normie is migrating to "le edgly Jow Forums"
That's wrong. They added delete several years ago. But it still holds all your info even though they say they delete it
^ this guy right fuckin here
15 months ago. I wish I could cut Microsoft and Google out of my life, too.
This desu.
Cutting m$ is stupid easy, just uninstall Windows.
Google is very difficult desu, they have so much data about you that I don't think it's worth it to delude yourself that your degoogle'd.
A lot easier if you're not using an android phone, which you shouldn't be using anyway if you care about privacy. I was able to drop/replace most of the Google services. You can basically replicate the entire functionality of a Youtube account with subscriptions/playlists with youtube-dl scripts.
The bad thing about this bait is that some normies will actually believe it and go back to Google.
Shame in you fir keep posting this shit.
Yeah, years ago.
But I'm probably still stuck in the botnet with all the friends I have and the pictures of me on their accounts.
Delete it to revoke the permissions you granted them.
That said, even if you delete your account Facebook keeps tracking you, your browser history, ip, location, etc using the like buttons on every website. It's called shadow profiles and basically everyone is tracked; even people who never had an account to begin with.
Enable the anti-social filters in ublock origin/umatrix to be safe.
I know someone who was kicked off for saying "faggot."
>Deleting an account is nigh on impossible to do
Not in Europe.
Can a non EU fag apply the EU privacy rules to himself and completely delete an account?
Back in 2008.
yep, fpbp
another media campaign instigated by theresa mays administration, UK. They used CA, same sa trump did, to try to sway social media opinion (mainly on facebook). It couldn't save may, the supporters of Corbyn Networked on facebook, destructed the deadbeat, May, who didn't even campaign, on Facebook. Now the tory propaganda machine is trying to destruct facebook to stop it happening again. Theresa Mays administration deal now only in propaganda/lies not in policy (which she can't make anymore as she has no mandate, no manifesto). It's disgusting.
Stopping the leak of personal data is still great.
>mfw facebook disabled my account 8 years ago
If you deleted your facebook account you need to fuck off back to r*ddit
>it is good to remember birthdays anyways
>measuring the world in feet and burgers
Why are you worried about Facebook knowing your shit? If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to worry about
No, I never had one in the first place.
>tfw live in Europe where my privacy is respected
Feels good, mang.
>rms warns about facebook since years
>normies finally start to delete facebook because it's hip and trendy
Nah I have friends I like to keep up with, honestly haven't found anything better
This thread is about deleting Facebook, it is not about breaking up with friends.
what do people without facebook use to keep up with friends?
I wish I could delete my Jow Forums account